Chereads / The Forgotten lands of Eladore / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13

As the sky's split open revealing a enormous dragon flying in the sky with what seems like wings of magma being thrown every direction as one could see the spear pearsed the dragons eye with it's hatred directed towards Theo as he looks towards him

{Dragon~You, it was you who dirapted the flow and dare attack the dragon race and now you want to destroy us just like the previous ones before}

(As Theo heard he's respond a bit shocked learning that this is not the first encounter he's had before)

{Theo~So tell me then why are you after my kingdome when we have not done anything towards you}

Pointing he's spear he's created again towards the Dragon as it looks towards him that he can speak the same language as him

{Dragon~It would seem your different then the ones before but I am a dragon of honor and my race only acknowledge those that are strong beat me in a duel one on one if you wish to know more about this world and what has happened before all this}

System has detected The Great Red Dragon Orial has challenged you if the player accept the player will be on a one on one match the winner takes all do you accept

{Theo~If that's what you want but if I win I want you to join my Kingdome}

Shocking everyone close enough to hear as the army on the wall can only see Theo pointing he's spear to the Dragon thinking he's gonna take him on

{Orial~Hah if you can that is then I'll accept your proposal but are you willing to stake your life on it}

As Theo pressed the accept button as the sounds of a challenge has commenced when Theo activated he's skill that he's received when he summoned Lilly named Dragons Break as Theo body begins to bulge up as sounds of bones braking and a smoke blasted out from where he stood as I growl could be heard but nothing this world has heard before as Orial is struck by fear as he's sense start to go mad telling him to run as Theos eyes could be seen through the smoke a golden glow

As Orial sees he's eyes jumping up to get out of the way as a spear comes hurdelng towards him as he stumbles back down charging towards Theo with a roar clashing against Theos fist as the impact blows away the smoke revealing Thoes new form

As everyone looks upon Theos body size as he's grown taller with wings and a tail with a body like a dragon but not fully complete as a halo is behind he's wings one golden yellow and another blood red spinning behind he's back with hes body covered with scales of white, gray and gold watching as Theo takes Orials arm with the sure force and pulling him toward Theo as Theo slams he's fist against he's face sending he's body flying to the side

As Orial crashes into the ground blasting a fire beam towards Theo as he jumps to the side as the beam hits the Shield of the Kingdome sending a crack through the wall

(Theo~Dammit I can't keep up this form for long I have to end this faster or were screwed)

Turning to Lilly and Lea as Theo shouts to them

{Theo~Lilly, Lea take care of the crack on the wall don't let them get in gather the troops back towards there and hold out I'm ending this now}

As Theo slammed he's legs into the ground as he brings the wings up above him as the circles merge with a distractive ramble as if somthing not from this world is being awakened when Orial watched a portal rips open with a Godlike being of somthing powers up a blast towards Orial as Theo is starting to loose blood with the sacrifices he has made to bring out he's powers forcefully blasting Orial with a powerful blast

As the strike lands rocking the 10x system as the thunderous effect takes place as Orial roars as the energy is being sent to the wound on he's eye burning he's body from the outside ripping apart he's wings and scales as he roars slamming to the ground as Theo sees a system notification

Congratulations to the player you have defeated Orial and Orial has recognized you as he's master please give a name to Orial to complete the contract

As Theo falls back as smoke comes from he's body turning back to he's human form but with a set of horns and wings on he's back

As Orials army sees there defeat backing off and surrendering as they have lost the war as Lilly and Lea dash towards Theo grabbing he's arm feeling for a puls checking trying to wake him up

Theo smiles but trys not to talk to much sending a message through he's thoughts

{Theo~Lady's I'm still awake just in pain so please don't move me to much just let me rest here for now}

As he turns he's head towards Orial sending him a message

{Theo~Hey how long are you gonna lay down there I know your still alive and kicking you know}

As Orial hears he's thoughts as he moves standing up as Lilly and Lea see this thinking they are doomed when Orial approached Theos body when Lilly blocked him and Lea supporting her

{Theo~Let him pass Lilly just watch}

As Lilly obays letting Orial pass and comes closer to Theo bending down to him as Orial blows a fire towards Theo shocking the army's but Theos body is not burning but recovering as time passes when Theo could stand up as Orial slammed down looking towards Theo

{Orial~You have given me one of the things no one was able to do a good fight but I'm afraid that attack has drained my force and I used my last to save you if I may try not to force the form in the future because it will damage your soul form and if it brakes you will never be able to become a God}

As Theo reaches out placing he's hand on Orial smiling as the system hits against with the 10x skill

{Theo~Not today my dear Orial we have a world to rule and I'll need your help}

As he uses the wind recovery skill and the forest skill of recover casting it into Orials soul forming a new form as Orials body begins to change into a more human form of a dragon as he's red scales are mixed with a light blue and green scales as he's not a dragon with three different attributes forming a powerful God like dragon

{System congratulate to player Theo for forming a life bound contract with a Godlike being and thas player Theo has been rewarded with the skill God's Grace}

System 10x trigger has activated and player has received the Sss Class God's Chosen

Skill~Player is blessed by the God Dragon Orial and have full authority over he's army's and have control over all and every attribute of fire

{Theo~Welcome back Orial good to have you on the team}

As Orial kneels placing he's hand on he's hearth

{Orial~Thank you my lord because of you I have broken through to a higher being and I will follow you into battle by your side and risk my my life for you my lord}

System~Player has met the recruitments to summon the Goddess to your Kingdome but be warned that the player mast build a church for her followers to come to and player mast know that the Goddess can't leave the kingdome till the next task is completed

New mission~Wings of Freedom

Help the Goddess gather her followers in your Kingdome and build homes, and a church of worship

Note~The more followers the player has under he's kingdome control the more the Goddess can use her powers freely

As Theo looks up smiling as he knows he will see her soon

{Goddess~Well it would seem you have quit come far but your not the only one for the time being my dear but I look forward to see for myself as well}

As the Goddess walks back to her throne looking down at her followers that are helping the citizens of the Kingdom healing and supporting where they can

{Goddess~But you might have a bit of a struggle finding them all}