Chereads / The Forgotten lands of Eladore / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

As Theo and Lea fly over the lands taking down any heavy machinery of war and locate the mages to lessen the pressure on the barrier while Theo fends off incoming fire balls and projectile's coming there way when Theo gets a mental message from Lilly that she is almost there but the army is halfway only the shadows and some of the higher level archers are with her

As Theo thinks sending Lilly a message back

(Alright take the troops to the city assign the archers to the wall and the shadows to scan the kingdome for any intruders and take care of them meet me and Lea on the battle field the big red is almost here anyway so don't be late)

As he sends this message to her getting a pouting face sense back as a response as he continues to fly over the battle field as most the machines numbers are starting to slow down and the army's advances to the kingdome as Theo looks off into the distance as the clouds are red with what seems clouds of raining magma come falling down heading he's direction as he thinks about somthing telling Lea to continue and he will be back jumping down from her back into the kingdome barrier shocking the bystanders as Theo gets up and daces forward to the blacksmiths shop swinging open the door

{Thoe~Smith I need your help with somthing do you have anything that's string enough to brake the scales off from that dragon if not how long will it take for you to make the weapon to kill him if I got a scale in another way}

As Theo asked without noticing that the blacksmith is still busy working not caring on what's happening outside

{Blacksmith~Well I have a way to pin him down but as for crafting the weapon it will take a few days but I do have this weapon that is able to brake off some of he's shells but the problem is I can't do it while I pin him down}

{Theo~Don't worrie about that part I've got it you pin him down I'll let Lea and Lilly keep him busy so you can get a good grip on him and I'll get the scale}

Taking the weapon as Theo almost dropped it by the sure weight of the weapon but using some of the magic he has lifting it up just enough to wield it some what

{Theo~This will have to do for now}

Taking the weapon in hand as he heads out with the blacksmith close by making there way to the center market that's now turned into a emergency base of operations

As the King and he's commanders approaches Theo and the blacksmith

{King~Lord Theo what are you doing here did somthing happen outside}

{Thoe~Everything is going as planned but I'm just waiting for my troops some of them are faster then the others but they will arrive shortly my shadows will scan the kingdome for any that have gotten in and my archers will help on the walls as well but}

As he spoke a shadow of a dragon coming over the center as the look up to see a giant dragon transforming mid air darting down to Theo

As Lilly darts down to Theo as he looks like he's about to die from the impact slamming into him cracking the ground there were he was standing on as the crowd of people jumped out of the way looking back as the dust settles down as the saw The Lord Theo and the girl hugging him

{Lilly~My lord I missed you so much and can't help it and who are these idiot trying to hurt you I'd like to give there boss a beat down}

Stroking her hair as she felt shock and joy sitting ontop of him enjoying the attention

{Theo~Hehe my poor Lilly your such a attention seeker hmmm but you might get your wish sooner then you think}

As he gose over the plan with Lilly and Lea sending the information between them all as the army's arrived at the gates as the march in greeting the lord as he's commanders kneel infront of him

{Commanders~My lord we have arrived at your request and we are ready to serve}

{Theo~Alright Wyvern Riders you take up to the sky and clear out any flyers from our battle area we don't want the big red getting any support, Royal Guards I want you to sweep up the battle field and push out the enemy's making a big enough open field for us to fight, Shadows I want you to get to the back lines and take out there commanders and communication means and keep them in a panic and find any Intel you can about them, Commander I'll send some archers with you to provide support and that is all go out and give them hell bring them to there knees and show them our Kingdome might}

As they stand all shouting and chanting for there Lord sounding like the drums of war thundering over the Kingdome as the troops head out as Lilly transforms to her Dragon form again as he was about to leave when the Forest Guardian and The Heavens Guardian approached

{Jane~My lord pleas let me help I wish to be of service as well}

As she asked this placing her hand on her left side as Arobars nods in agreements that they wish for the same

{Theo~Alright Jane I want you to take your troops and heal who you can I don't want to send you out into battle when your not strong enough and you need to rebuild so heal who you can and if you can use long range spells help on up on the walls, Arobars I want you to see if you can move your roots underground and use it as a location tracking keeping track on the troops movements as much as you can and relay the information to the camp Commanders here they will use there mages to focuse fire in the direction we need to keep any support coming to help the big red away from him}

As the salute and head out to do there duty's Theo lifts up into the air with Lilly and the blacksmith on her back heading towards Lea as the bothe fly to the opening on the field the troops have been making facing down the big red as Theo takes this chance to get he's attention as he condenses a spear in he's hand with the winds force and the base made of Leas elements aiming it toward the clouds of a living volcano using all he's strengths placing some magic to the spear triggering the 10x amplifier as the spear takes on a new form almost golden like as he throws the spear hurdling toward the big red

As the world went silent for a second almost feeling eternal as the sound of a thanderouse collision could be heard and a roar braking through the heavens and hells of the world all over the world