Chereads / My new Journey through the realms / Chapter 129 - Chapter 129 The First Spider

Chapter 129 - Chapter 129 The First Spider

I entered the cave with the spiders. Instantly, thousands of spiders came rushing towards me. I equipped one of the Twin Scale Blessed Mera swords.

I did a singular swing, and when I did. I took several spiders' lives. It was not a determent, but I wanted to equip both of them.

I gradually kept killing about ten to fifteen per swing with the sword. Finally, I got a notification.

"You have achieved 9% Sword Mastery. Once you reach 10% Sword Mastery, you can dual equip for five minutes."

I got excited about this notification. I was not going to let it down anytime soon.

I covered the sword in Sword Aura. I took another slice. I killed about 100 spiders.


I checked the notification.

"Sword Aura active. You can use it for ten more minutes before you run out."

I used the Sword Aura for about seven minutes before stopping. I got another notification.

"You have achieved 10% Sword Mastery."

"Congratulations, you can equip both Twin Blade Blessed Mera Swords for five minutes."

"Do you want to start the five minutes?"

I chose not to. I wanted to increase my damage on the ten bigger threats. I can just casually slice my way through these.

I sliced and diced my way through almost a thousand spiders. I came to an opening that looked surprisingly normal.

The Spider Queen is on top of my head. She kept looking behind me. I knew that was where the threat was.

I decided to enter the opening. When I did, I felt the ground shake due to the massive threat moving.

"Can you handle this one by yourself?" I asked the Spider Queen.

"Probably not. It is the strongest one out of the ten. I can hold it while you cultivate your Sword Aura." She replied.

Through the ceiling came a massive green eyed, black and red stripped abdomen, purplish legs spider.


The voice did not echo through the cave system. It was just localized inside the cavern they were in.

"We can dance if you desire." The Spider Queen replied.

The giant spider roared. Like two great immortals staring off. The tension was filled with just their staring.

The giant spider released a massive ball of acid and poison. The poison would affect creatures and people, but the acid would not. The acid would affect where the creature or person was.

While being eaten by the poison, the acid was driving the creature or person to their grave.

The Spider Queen released her gaze upon the massive ball of acid and poison. The ball stopped in midair. With a blink of her eyes, the ball was sent to the massive spider's front right leg.

No damage was dealt to the spider. The spider could not move her leg. That was due to the training she had done to her body.


"Equip." Rex shouted.

Rex was holding both the Twin Blade Blessed Mera Swords, and the entire Demon Realm felt their presence.

In the middle of nowhere

"Such power cannot be hidden." A shadow moved.

"Why did a Goddess come here, or did an heir get forced here?" Another shadow moved.

"We have to find where the Demonic Lich is trying to come from. If the rumors are true and it is a necromancer. Even the three of us together can not stop him or her." A female gracefully stepped out into the moonlight.

Back inside the cave

Feeling dread, the massive spider tried to cut off its own leg. Due to the training, it endured. It could not remove the damaged leg.

"Time to dance." Rex said.

A swordmaster dances to perfect his own technique. This is what the Spider Queen saw. The swinging movement of Rex to the swift footwork he could use.

The Spider Queen honestly wanted to dance alongside Rex. She felt that her body would gain improvement.

"Hopefully, we can do it later." She thought.

Rex went and cut off the back two legs first. When he did, the spider screamed. Since Mera had blessed the swords. The swords had both Heavenly and Godly Qi on them. Since Rex was also using Sword Qi, the damage dealt to the giant spider was tripled.

Next, he went and sliced the abdomen and the next to the last right leg. Green ooze came out, and the spider could not stand. Falling on its right side, it crushed the good leg it had, and the bad front leg was ripped off.

"DAMN YOU CULTIVATOR!" The giant spider screamed.

Rex went and sliced the other legs off. Rex rolled the spider on the bottom of its abdomen, where he had cut it. Some debris got inside and scratched the inside of the spider.

It watched as Rex was on top and sliced her head off. When she saw her head got detached. Tears rolled down her black face.

Within a couple of minutes, Rex killed the giant spider. The spider had a bigger advantage against the Spider Queen. The large body was not suited against cultivators.

"Man, that was easy. Why did you say she was going to be hard?" Rex asked.

"She was supposed to be harder than the rest due to her cultivation in the Demon Realm. I know you have not felt Demonic Cultivation. A larger cultivation means nothing when creatures have decent Demonic Cultivation."

Rex did not understand what the Spider Queen was talking about. He decided to wait and find out about what she said later. Right now, he has less than three minutes left of his Dual Equip. He wanted to get all the time he had with it.

Rex pov

I still had a couple of minutes left for my dual equip. So I rushed out of the cavern and quickly killed a few thousand spiders before it came time to fight the second spider.