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Mythos: Advent

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Follow Seth an friends as they uncover secrets of the world they thought they once knew. With peril around every corner cultists possibility of magic and much more

Chapter 1 - Harvest 

As the crimson blood of her friends fill the room ,Natasja knew she was not long for this world.

A knifed man hooded in black robes stormed her as she was trying to get away from a scene which can only be Described as a blood bath.

"Please no I have not done anything ,we have not done anything wrong , please just let me live!!" she shouted as she started running down the hall throwing back anything she could find. Trying to stall for time but the knifed man jumped over every obstacle as if it was nothing. Shocked, she turned with thoughts of putting all her effort into running away. She was afterall a college track and field star.

She heard someone not from where she had come but the front of her say, "Live!". A soothing voice muttered as a tall cloaked man suddenly appeared before her.

Startled by the man ,Natasja jumped back instinctively but before she could find her bearings she saw a flash of silver coming from the pitch black darkness of his cloak.

"What was that?" She thought as she frantically looked around her for a means of escape!

"Sorry my dear, but your fate was decided not by me or pure bad luck ,it was decided by a being much much greater than us or something so trivial as luck!. Oh and I would keep that head still if you want to live for a moment longer" The tall man said a soothing almost serene voice as he started walking towards her.

"My head ? Luck?, what does either have to do with me surviving this nightmare" She thought as she looked down to her feet immediately regretting her decision as she heard a eary gooyey wet snapping noise like that of warm taffy being chewed on a hot summers day. She immediately tried to move her head back up to see what these crazy people were doing to her friends.

To her dismay her body did not listen to her,her head did not listen to her as the floor all of a sudden came closer and closer as panic washed over her.

"Who is he? how is he making me fall? Is this some sort of trick did they drug me? NO thats imposible , I have been awake this whole time. What is it? what is it? what is it? " She thought over and over as she kept falling to the floor.

Time slowed to a crawl as she fell. A whirlwind of sensations battered her from the bloody copper smell in the air to the wet slicing noises of knives "What is this?" a thought popped in her head as the floor kept moving closer inch by inch by inch.

With a sudden tug at her blonde hair, she found the floor was not barreling towards her anymore and time was back to normal. Trying to make heads or tails of the new situation she tried throwing her head towards the thing that caught her hair, hopeful someone else was able to make a run for it. Her neck was still not following her commands but she could use her eyes as she looked up to the point it felt like they would pop but all her hopes crumbled away as she locked eyes with the Tall man ,and the smooth voice followed.

"I warned you to not move your head you stupid girl if you just kept still for a little while longer you could have seen the beauty of the harvest " A maniacal laugh burst out from the man as she bobbed and weaved as he through his arms up and down in absolute knowing pleasure.

Natasja could not understand how her body was thrown around in the air like that, she tried to speak but nothing more than viscous blood poured out her mouth, muffling the sound "pweess shtop". Shocked she frantically tried to get her body to move but it would not listen. Her arms would not listen is this, her fate! To die by the hands of a crazed lunatic.

As though reading her thoughts, the tall man stopped laughing and pulled Natasja close. She could smell him, not putrid or foul, but rather like flowers, sweet and pure. he said, "Look there, my dear. Can you see it? Can you see his Magnificence?" as he pushed his arm out pointing to the bloody mess she tried to escape from. Her eyes widened in horror as she saw her friends sliced opened and disemboweled, all their innards piled in a old grey dish in front of a statue.

"Now its time for you to Join them in his embrace, Oh how I envy you…." The tall man continued as he lifted his arm in a throwing motion. Natasja's view started tumbling around and around and around through the air until it finally came to a stop just for a moment. She hit something and the tumbling continued as she landed in something wet and sticky.

The all encompassing fear overcame her as it was not her body that the tall man was throwing around but rather it was her head snatched from her body without her realizing.

As her consciousness started to fade she had a stray thought creep in "I wonder what Seth is doing right now?" she closed her eyes forever.

"Was this a good idea sir?" One of the robed men asked the tall man as he started walking closer to the statue and dish full of blood and viscera. He through his hood back as a grin stretched from ear to ear looking at the man "Of course he said all is for the Great one"

"but sir they are from that University that wom-" the robed man tried to finish but the tall man cut him off "we fear no one not even the Order of Soteria!" he scowled. Apprehensively the hooded man nodded "yes sir as you say all for the great one"