Chereads / The journey of a goddess / Chapter 11 - Ignore him forever

Chapter 11 - Ignore him forever

Ariellas pov

"Are you seriously going to ignore me all day?" Blake asked right as Aries class ended. I would say I was flattered to receive so much attention but I didn't plan on lying.

Soon Blake would get over it and life would be easier. Having him around when I vowed to never talk again was stressful.

Especially since this morning was boring and the first two classes were beyond pointless. I can't even use my powers so why they had me in a class that is to help strengthen ones powers is beyond me.

Power awakening my foot. How dare they put me in bed with clothes on and than put me in a class that is a waste of my time. If the powers my mother died with could somehow awaken I think I would know by now.

Everyone that looked at me was probably wondering the same thing I was the whole time, what's the point? Let's not get me started on the second class I had to take. Spell perfection. I don't have powers.

"Let's go." Blake interrupted my train of thoughts which was getting old too. I may seem like a brat but I'm not. Everything is new and than I wake up with my clothes on. They have powers, it's not like they couldn't change my clothes for me without peeking.

"Did you want to eat?" Blake asked as he dragged me through a court yard that had all kinds of stands with food. Dozens of booths to chose from.

The stalls seemed to be magically functioning and I couldn't help but marvel on how all someone had to do was go up to Any booth and say what they wanted. My father never cooked with magic. Everything was done by hand so I could learn too.

This though, this was what I needed. I scanned the booths and spotted what I always had a craving for, tacos. Nice warm tacos with corn tortillas, that put it all together.

"No you don't. Unless you talk to me I chose what you eat." Blake declared with a yank of my shoulder. His smirk was infuriating but it was fine because I didn't need to talk to get my point across. My frown said all that was needed to be said. No, no and a triple no.

I tried to turn back around but he gripped my arm with his hand that seemed to be made of steel. His raised eyebrow had me screaming in the inside. He was taunting me.

He wanted to play this game, I could do it better. Let him chose what to eat. It's not like he knew me all to well anyways.

I looked up at him in defiance before gesturing with my hand to go ahead. I didn't plan on missing lunch because he wanted to play games.

His genuine smile had me pausing. "Let's go." He ordered as he dragged me to a booth that was basically empty besides the worker.

The lady that was behind the booth got alittle to excited which had dread filling my bones to the core. If I didn't vow to never speak again, I would definitely groan because this could only go two ways. Bad or horrible.

My tacos were just across the way and he was torturing me. "I'm so happy you guys came. Nobody really comes here unless they really have to." The lady rushed out. I tried to act happy even though deep down I wanted to stomp on Blakes foot until it was swollen.

"We'll take the special of the day." Blake smirked as he leaned up against the wooden counter of the booth. The red make shift table cloth wrinkled up as Blake used it as his own personal arm rest.

The worker didn't even care, she just hummed away and moved her hands around above two bowls. Not even a minute later and she was pushing the bowls forward. Her smile was sweet and would've been contagious if I didn't have an attitude right now.

"Okay lets go find a seat." Blake's Chirpy voice sang out to me. He was trying to be funny and I wasn't having it.

This made no sense because I swear he told me yesterday that we would part ways for break. This definitely didn't seem like parting ways. If I didn't vow to be silent forever I would bring up his lying problems.

Blake's chuckle had me eyeing him as he sat down at a well crafted picnic table that was not there before.

The bowl he got for me was taunting me. I could do nothing but eye it suspiciously. If he thought I would sit and eat he had another things coming.

"I was told by your father to make sure you ate." Blake said completely disarming me. I hated him so much. Using my father was a low blow. Especially when now I wanted to ask what he said.

"Chop, chop." Blake snapped at me causing more animosity between the two of us. I would go to request a new guide. Maybe the God that was sitting next to me yesterday In Aries class won't mind.

"Ariella sit and eat before you run out of time." Blake snapped at me alittle more aggressively. There we go, it seemed like I was finally getting to him.

"If you don't sit down and eat right now this will be the only thing you eat for the next four years." Blake's threat seemed to do the trick for me.

I slowly sat down at the smooth picnic table. The table felt like someone sanded it until it was as smooth as granite.

"Eat." Blake ordered as he took a bite of his squid. No. I looked down to squid and noodles. I closed my eyes and prayed to the Gods to give me the strength before Blake took it away while I strangled him with this squid.