Chereads / The journey of a goddess / Chapter 17 - Map

Chapter 17 - Map

Ariellas pov

It felt like gods were stalling on purpose. It was already 10 minutes after class and there were still God's and Goddesses sitting around. The intense conversations told me that most of them wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

I had Blake leave without me, so I couldn't just leave to my next class since it was not accessible by walking. I had two options stay and talk to the high king or leave with Blake and end up at the bottom of an ocean. I chose the former.

After waiting as long as I could I stood up. I didn't want to embarrass myself but it looked like I had no choice but to talk to him with others in the room.

He was deep into the paperwork that he was reading and he seemed annoyed about something. I knew that before class ended he had us write a detailed summary of chapter 35, so maybe I wasn't the only God having problems.

"How can I help you Ariella?" King Alexander asked before I even got to his desk. A few of the Gods that were talking stopped and focused their attention on me. I tried to ignore their stares and pay attention to the king who was still looking at his papers.

"Umm actually I wanted to ask for help." I meekly stated. He was still focused with his papers and it seemed like I was interrupting him.

Part of me didn't want to bother him but I also didn't want him to hate me. So I waited just close enough that I could talk to him but far enough that I wasn't in his space.

He set the papers down and looked up at me in regard. "What do you need help with? I guess I worded that wrong." He said with a soft smile.

It was kind of ironic that he didn't word it wrong. I just didn't speak up. Maybe I had problems comprehending others. Ill blame my dad.

"I'm having trouble understanding the lesson." I said as I looked at him. He gave a slight nod and handed me a piece of paper. I looked down at the assignment I completed.

"Read that." He ordered me. His relaxed demeanor didn't have me feeling confident. The way he sat back like he was not in a classroom but sitting on a throne was intimidating and completely disarming.

"It's a map." I whispered after I stared at him for awhile. He chuckled at my response and I smiled alittle. His eyes narrowing at me had my smile fading away.

"It seems like you want to be punished." He said as he stood up. I tried to take a step back but he had me stuck in place.

"You did the one thing I said not to do. If I recall I told you why I had the maps put in there earlier." He said as he stepped in front of me.

I could only go wide eye as he stepped into my space. All the air left out of me as he got close enough to kiss me. His eyes weren't black so he wasn't mad, it would be fine.

"Zavier what's the punishment for disobeying me?" He whispered. He was so close, to kiss me all he needed to do was dip his face down.

"Whatever you decide it to be." Zavier said from the side. How did he get here so fast?

"I think you forget that I'm the high king." He whispered before his lips touched mine. I couldn't stop myself from kissing him. The taste of him was addicting. Mint was all I tasted. Spice was all I smelled.

Suprise wasn't in his eyes. He looked determined. I just kissed the high king. Before I could take in what I had done he was slamming me against the table behind me.

I couldn't even comprehend the pain that shot through me. All I wanted was to kiss him and taste him but he had other plans. I was spun around so fast that I didn't even get time to hold myself up before he was slamming my face into the table.

"Any punishment you say." King Alexander said as he held my face to the desk. I felt hot and when he leaned against me that heat went straight to my core.

"That's right." Zavier said next to me. My face was pushed to the side and Zaviers wicked smirk greeted me as he sat on the table with an apple in his hand. As he took a bite of it he gave a slight nod.

Before I could even comprehend what was happening my skirt was lifted and cold air hit my back side right before a hand connected hard against my butt.

A surprised scream left me that did nothing but make him smack me harder. Smack after smack that's all I felt. The sting was doing nothing to ease the need that was building from the contact.

"Such a bad Goddess." King Alexander whispered right before another huge smack sounded throughout the room. My cry's filled the room that didn't come from the pain he was inflicting.

"Ariella." My name was called. It took a second but a few blinks had me blushing and backing up alittle.

"You had me worried. You were just standing there for awhile." King Alexander said as he looked up at me from his papers.

It was a daydream. I just day dreamed that the high king spanked me and I liked it. "Is something wrong? Your face is." He said while pointing at my obviously red face causing me to look away so fast. This was embarrassing.

"I'm going to head out." I rushed out before I basically ran out the class. If I came up missing so be it. I couldn't face the high king after that. Maybe tomorrow and a cold bath.