Marley and I haven't seen each other in about three or four months.
About four months ago she had called me up from her house stating she was leaving the city and moving to another state because she met a man she liked.
She had been apparently dating Caiden that whole time and building a future with him, but even that much time apart wasn't enough to deter Marley from her usual fun, and me of my usual best friend's snarkiness.
I wanted to defend her and snap at Caiden, but I wanted to lean into Caidens looming body warmth and forget about everything.
How does that work?
Chapter Six
While I had been contemplating in my head all the while Marley, Caiden and everyone else had piled inside the huge livingroom/lounge area and were all sitting on couches, chatting away.
I was now inside but in the kitchen, the farthest on the downstairs level I could be, without being in the same room as all the loud noise and chatter. I don't feel excluded persay, but I don't feel particularly welcomed either.
There were a lot of people, and to get a word in edge-wise now would be verbal suicide, I would get trampled by just opening my mouth and forever silenced.
I had gone inside to pull out Samson's water and food bowl and filled them both up and walked back down to the livingroom, walking swiftly passed everyone's figures and avoiding Caiden as he and Marley were locked in a heavy makeout session in the farthest corner.
'Could you two get any more highschool?' I think a little disgusted, to myself, turning ahead and focusing on my task at hand.
I say that only because that's how it was when I went to high school, cliques of all kinds bunched everywhere, and then people just brazenly making out in corners and almost dry-humping each other as everyone just talks to each other, ignoring it, like it wasn't going on just inches from them.
I reach over the counters and start preparing a mudslide for myself. One of my favorite alcoholic beverages to drink, because of the vanilla ice cream I add, along with a hint of mocha extract to give it an even sweeter taste.
When the drink was done, I heard Samson's soft pads on the wooden floor and know he was waiting for me.
"Panic, gone. Relax." I say behind my shoulder and hear a whine.
He's not anxious because of my episodes, it was something else.
I lift up my mudslide and tilt my head, welcoming the delicious sweet taste and turn around to a very sad-looking Samson. His left ear is shorter than his right. His right was a lot longer and toppled over all the time, almost like a long-eared bunny.
"Food is upstairs." I say, offering a direction by jerking my head up the ceiling, but Samson was still not budging.
At this point, now my anxiety was stirring, he was making me anxious now, and I didn't like it.
Samson just then, collapsed onto the floor, rolling onto his back, his tongue coming out and hanging on the floor, his legs and paws coming up as a kangaroo does.
Relief flooded my body instantly, he wasn't anxious.
"You just wanted loves?" I ask in my baby voice, Samson's tail immediately starts to wag and he seemed to nod his head almost, reaching his legs up to reach me.
Tears stung my eyes, Samson isn't always so affectionate, he likes to take his job as a service dog quite seriously, and almost always stands guard.
He's always on high alert whenever I tell him to lie down, so it was very surprising that Samson actually went on his back for belly rubs. He rarely does this. Actually, he has only ever done it three other times since I got him.
And I've had him since he was a tiny puppy, I rescued him one snowy night, and his mother was nowhere around so I took him in and tried to look for more puppies, but there weren't any.
"What are you doing out here Rave, why aren't you out there with everybody else?" Marley's voice breaks me of the memory of rescuing Samson and my eyes refocus on Marleys slightly irritated face.
"I-I'm sorry Marley, I just haven't been feeling the greatest, I don't really want to be around people right now."
"You came to an event that had multiple people Rave, we haven't seen more than five minutes of each other and you've been here for six hours!" Marleys starts to raise her voice with a hard edge to her voice, but then it goes up in a shrilly whine.
"Then let's talk now Marley." I say, offering to just talk one-on-one with her.
"I wanted to talk when we had our time. I want you to come out and have fun, but alright. What is there to say?" Marley's hands fling up into the air.
"How have you been, how did you two meet for starters?" I ask, going around the kitchen to make myself a third mudslide, as the second one I had just made went down my throat rather too quickly for my liking.
"I met Caiden three months ago at the store by the corner of our street, started going out, then after like a week, I moved here for him and now we're engaged. What more is there to say? Just come celebrate with me, I'm going to get hitched at the end of the summer!" Marley shouts and throws the last of her drink down her throat.
Marley without another word turns around and whoops as she reenters the livingroom, "Who wants to fill me up another! Whooooo." She yells, stumbling lightly.
She wasn't drunk yet, but she was most definitely on cloud a thousand.
Did you catch what I mean when I said I'd get no word in the long run? See how I didn't just now?
Yeah, I am starting to think coming here was a bad idea.
And by the sounds of everybody partying and getting drunk around me, I'd say this was a very bad idea indeed.