Caiden has said he wanted more than a one-night stand. Meaning he wants this to become something serious, possibly life serious. And as much as I told myself I didn't the prospect of thinking ahead to being on little movie dates and little moments to look back on laugh and cry and know we made it through life together, I did want that.
But at the cost of what, my lifelong friendship I've had with Marley.
I've kept out of her way, let her have all the men in our life, I never wanted to overstep our boundaries, never had an interest in anyone to push and shove.
So why does the thought of Marley being in the arms of Caiden turn my stomach to knots? Why does my heart crumble in my chest whenever I see them locked in each other's arms?
Which is very frequent.
What is it about this man that makes him different than any other that I've come across?
{Authors Note}
Short Chapter!
Chapter Ten
I stayed in the attic room, with the door firmly closed and locked, locking my problems away for the time being as I collect my thoughts, drinking the wine bottle to the very last drop.
I slump down in my stance and huff. No more.
The music of what seemed to be dark clubbing was playing downstairs rattling the floors and filling the empty room I occupied with a thrumming bass.
I flop onto my stomach, going through the books I could possibly read that I had amazingly downloaded to my phone when I stop momentarily to see what time it was in the top middle of my phone. 6:00 p.m.
Just then, I got a text from an unknown number.
From: 1+234-25-5674
Did the painkillers and wine help so far?
My eyebrows knit together and I click on it, typing back my reply instantly.
To: 1+234-25-5674
Who is this?
From: 1+234-25-5674
And you didn't answer my question.
My eyes widened and a gasp flies through my mouth, how the fucking hell did he get my number?
I program his name in my phone and reply back before he could blow up my phone completely.
To: Caiden
Yes, it helped
From: Caiden
Are you coming down soon?
I sigh heavily and feel reluctant to answer him but therefore do anyway.
My vision really hazy and my mind sways not one hundred percent there, I hum and rock my body back and forth as I type in my answer.
To: Caiden
From: Caiden
Come down or I'll come up there and get you myself
I stare at the message like it was an alien message.
Unsure how to respond, my breath hitches and I let out a berated breath. I gulp and answer back after a split second of staring at the message.
To: Caiden
I giggle and chuck my phone to the side and roll around on the bed, waking Samson up instantly by rolling on his tail and he yelps to the floor.
"Oh, sorry Sams." I say letting out more giggles and staring down at my bedroom floor.
I feel gloomy that I don't have any more alcohol when I suddenly remember the wine bottles my parents had given me, some red wine that they said was very old and really good.
I fly to one of the bags I brought with all my summer clothes, essentials and food and open the closest one to the door, unzipping it and wrapping my hand around the smooth cold glass, pulling it out of my bag.
I instantly reach for the cork and pull finding it easy to pop and realize my parents had already dipped into it.
I lift my shoulders shrugging it off, it was theirs before they gave it to me after all, and bring the bottle to my lips, tipping it back and welcoming its sweet taste.
I only take a small sip as my parents had left this bottle of wine only a little over halfway full and walk casually to my bed.
When I reach my bed, I swirl around and collapse sitting up, before putting my wine bottle down beside my phone, but before I could do anything else, the door to my attic bedroom flies open.