"Who was that?" Chirps in a curious and hyper Marley.
"Yes, who was that?" Caiden also jumps in and that's when my eyes flew open, my head comes down to meet first Marleys open stare.
Then my eyes slide over to Caidens bright blue curious and also furious eyes.
I gulp hard, oh boy.
Chapter Fourteen
"U-uh, nobody. Just somebody I met." I stutter, no longer so confident and avert my eyes making sure to avoid tilting my head to look at Caidens expression.
"Well damn, he sure knew how to make you blush, for somebody you just met. He's freaking hot as hell! Ask him out." Marleys exclaims forgetting about making out and cuddling up to Caiden and instead jumps up and down wading through the hot water towards me.
"Marley!" Both Caiden and I shout at Marley with pointed looks but then we glance at each other at the same time upon hearing both of us yell her name at the same time.
Caiden's bright blue eyes seem to zap me at that moment, our eyes were locked in an intense stare. Goosebumps flew over my arms, I felt hot and cold spring over me at the same time all resonating from within my chest.
I let out an involuntary shiver and see Caiden breaks our stare to rack over my body as he sees the shiver.
"What, listen. Caiden I love you, but my sister-" She breaks off her words to whirl around and face me as she closes the gap between us and throws her arms around me.
"Basically, you know what I mean, has been single for a long time now. She needs a man to swoop her off her feet, and by the looks of it Holten looks like he can do just that." Marley smirks pulling away, still keeping her arm slung around me and faces a bewildered and even more furious Caiden.
"M-maybe yes, but really announcing he's hot-"
"Whose hot?" Just the person I needed so desperately.
Holten appears right behind me, almost knees deep on the steps to the hot tub when I whirl around to see a margarita and a couple bottles of alcohol in his hands.
The water splashes about as I move but when my eyes settle on Holten's green eyes, I completely lose track of what the conversation was about before he got here and smiled in response.
"My margarita?" I ask, holding out my arm.
Holten's eyes flicker over my head, to either Marley's, Caiden's, or both and his lips twitch up into a smirk.
He was now completely shirtless with a darkly toned six pack and equally dark arms thick with muscle. My eyes fly around his attractive body, instantly becoming aware of just how badly I was sexually frustrated.
'How good would it feel to be pressed up against his chest, to feel his hands exploring my body, grabbing and rubbing at my sweaty ski-No no. Pure thoughts, holy thoughts. None of those dark thoughts here!' I yell inside my head, closing my eyes briefly trying to collect myself.
"Since you still haven't denied falling for me earlier, I want to see that for myself. See, I have your margarita, you get it for the right price Trainwreck." Holten's lips spread into a wide smirk and dimples meet my eyes.
My eyes widen a couple of fractions, my heart picking up speed as it thuds in my chest and I become hyper-aware of my surroundings and the severity of Holten's tone.
It was dark, dripping with honey covered in dominance and I feared I would drop to the ground and beg for him to have me.
But I did not, and that was a really good thing.
First off, I am having a really hard time controlling myself, two Caiden and I are sort of in a relationship if you can even count being on the side a relationship.
And most important, I was standing in waist-deep hot water, If I did drop down to my knees, I would have sucked in all that water expecting air and drowned.
Holten steps down into the water, walks over to the side of the hot tub, and sets my margarita and the other alcohol bottles down on the stone ground.
"What is the price?" I ask, my heart thuds faster with each step he takes towards me.
"A kiss." Holten says stopping just mere inches from me.
Holten bends his head down, leaning his whole body towards me all the while I go into panic mode. Not a panic attack, just full-out panic mode.
I did not know what to do, my body and mind were both screaming yes, just to lose myself in the moment and go with it. But my heart was consistently yelling no. Not to fuck up this chance with Caiden.
'Well, what if it doesn't work out? You'll have no one, but if you had Holten, it would lessen the blow.' My inner demon was back, whispering seductive nasty suggestions in my ears.
'And what if it does? I would have strung along Holten, making me become a heartless bitch to do that to someone.' My more heartfelt side opposed to the evil side trying to take over.
'So then tell him the truth when you drag him back to your attic room like I know you want to. If you fall for each other, so be it but there is no harm in you indulging yourself, just like Caiden is.' My demon responds, and quite frankly she has a point.
I tilt my head to the side and try to ignore Marley's little whoops of cheer and Caidens occasional grunt of distaste, "On the cheek, you mean?" I ask, but my heart drops already knowing that answer.
Holten shakes his head, his smirk getting wider, "No. Little Trainwreck, I do not." Holtens eyes glaze over with complete desire and burn me inside and out.
Holten leans forward, an arm extended around my body, his hand firmly presses against my back and his face swoops in towards mine.
My head automatically tilts up my breath catches in my throat, my eyes close, my lips tingling anticipating the meet of Holtens lips, but it never comes.
My eyes flutter open to see a very up close and personal Holten, the green in his eyes almost completely swallowing me, his really hot arm held me in place by holding me up against him and the other hand comes up to gently cup my jaw.
My head tilts back even more, and Holten finishes the gap between us connecting our lips together.
My body jerks with an unhindered heat that exploded inside my core, and my insides twist in my gut. This felt really wrong and so right on many different levels.
I meant to pull away, but Holten's arm around my back kept me held in place. Our lips stay firmly connected until he starts to move them against mine and somehow I responded. I didn't tell myself to move, but I did anyway.
I move on my tiptoes getting as close as I could and coil my hands around Holtens neck, pulling him even closer to me. While the added height with me on my tiptoes was a bonus, it made me brush up against him and our centers briefly connect.
I let out a gasp and try to jerk myself out of Holten's grasp, but he switches his other hand from gripping my jaw to gripping the other side of my body tightly.
Holten breaks away from my face and pulls me in to drag his breath across my left ear, he leans in to swiftly bite my earlobe creating another gasp to tumble from my lips.
"I know you felt that, but don't feel rushed. If you ever want to, I am really attracted to you, so no complaints, I would be down, if not. Thank you for letting me taste something so sweet." Holten's dark honey-dripping voice never lessened the dampness I knew was pooling between my legs, even in the water.
Holten leans away to place a chaste kiss that ended way too quickly for my liking, walking a couple of feet away to grab one of the alcohol bottles and sit on the bench under the water, popping the cork and tipping it back immediately.
I needed to do something, I could not handle this back and forth with Caiden, especially leaving me high and dry full well knowing he was doing all the dirties with Marley.
What am I even saying? How could I even think about doing something so meaningful with somebody I just met, but haven't slept with Caiden yet since meeting him on this getaway trip?
But, how could I not? I was technically single, just because we were testing the waters, doesn't mean I can't relieve myself. I didn't bring anything to help me alleviate all this pent-up sexual frustration, so what else could I do?
It's not like I am doing anything wrong, I can't just hang onto Caiden all summer long like a lost puppy searching for its attention.
But wasn't this supposed to be-
"Are you going to drink your margarita Rave or stand there blushing?" Marley is the one to break me out of my trance-like state with my beginning to be deep depressing thoughts.
I ignore Marley, but wade to the side of the hot tub and grab my drink, but when I turn around to take a sip I look up and lock eyes with Caiden.
His bright blue eyes were a stormy dark blue almost black, his nostrils were flaring and his face broke out in red blotches.
Oh no.