Two days after the incident at the city.
Weekends and their suspension at school is finally over.
Trevor was strictly forbidden by Rhian to leave without no one to protect him. So he was more like imprisoned no matter how free he is to wander in the old and dusk mansion.
"Good morning!" Trevor was suddenly greeted by a very cheerful Samuel who just appeared out of nowhere. With a bread on his hand of course.
"Good morning." Trevor mumbled and continued walking in the garden for the nth time.
"So I was curious!" Samuel said and gestured the bread to Trevor but the younger politely refused.
"You already know that Coleen is the girl who were sending the letters. How did you find out?" Samuel asked and Trevor chuckled as he looked up the taller.
"Shouldn't you know that by now?" He said and gently shook his head.
"Duh. I don't read people's minds. I haven't seen you knowing about her because I was unconscious for a while. I woke up and you surprised me the most."
"Besides. I'm trying to lessen my use for this power. I didn't wanna end up unconscious again." Samuel explained as he pouted.
"I'm a telepath. I ransack minds. And I happen to be listening to her mind when I noticed her glaring at me once. She turned out to be thinking about her first love who works at a carnival outside the city." Trevor explained. A small smile crawling to his lips.
Samuel simply nodded his head. It's not like there's much more to say. He already knows half of what he needed to know about what the two have. And now he also knows how Trevor found out about her.
"I'm glad you two are starting to get along. Eventually. You'll need to tell her the truth someday." Samuel said with a sigh before taking a huge bite from his endless bread and Trevor gently nodded in response.
"By the way. How long will this pain last?" Trevor suddenly asked causing Samuel and him to halt on their tracks.
"Oh! Does it still hurt?" Samuel asked. Referring about Trevor's mark from Vladimir. "Hold on..." he said and suddenly zoned out.
Trevor waited patiently. Crossing his arms as he bluntly stare at the older male and his glowing blue eyes.
A minute later and Samuel flickered his eyes.
"You might need to bear it for three more days. Vladimir is already dead. So the mark will naturally hurt. But since you're one tough black sorcerer. It doesn't hurt you as bad as it does to others. Although ut makes you feel very sick and would lessen your appetite." Samuel explained as he chuckled playfully. Eating the remains of his bread. A frown decorated his face when he realized that he had eaten all the bread he brought to even plan to share with Trevor.
That quick!? Geez. I haven't eaten enough yet.
"I should probably leave you now. Yalex will be here in a few minutes." He said and was about to leave but the younger stopped him.
"C-can't you stay? I-I don't think I can face him alone." He said looking quite furious and trying to convince Samuel to stay.
"Don't be scared. He's worried about you and this might be the first time he'll be seeing your pretty face again ever since he suddenly disappeared." Samuel chuckled and ruffled the younger's hair.
"You two need to talk. But don't worry. I won't be far." He assured the boy before finally leaving his sight.
Trevor sighed and walked to the nearest tree. Sitting down on its huge roots comfortably and leaned his back.
A few minutes later...
"You know the last time you sat on tree root, you were kidnapped."
Trevor flinched when he heard his mate's unforgettable annoying voice. He quickly whipped his head to his left and saw the demon sitting comfortably beside him.
Trevor immediately noticed the armour he was wearing.
It was covered with dirt and mostly burnt. He had a few cuts on his face but that didn't lessen his incomparable beauty, in any sense it made him look more badass.
The demon's hair is now completely red compare to when Trevor last saw him. His eyes glowing with blood red indicating that he had just came from a murderous fight.
"Does it still hurt?" Yalex asked and looked at the mark where it was still hurting the boy.
A slight burn curling in his stomach as he remembers how he suck off the immortal life from that traitor vampire. Satisfied at how his body withered and decayed like his every other victims. He doesn't make himself any special even if he's a vampire.
He should be thankful that I was who took away his meaningless life...
Trevor looked down the green ground. Gently nodding his head at his question.
To think that this man is his uncle and also his mate at the same time. It feels pretty awkward with him, now that the truth is exposed.
"I'm sorry we kept the truth from you... It was for your own safety. But Samuel said you'll learn the truth otherwise. My regret... is that I hoped I was there." He said as he watch the boy fiddling with his fingers.
"You were. And t-thank you... for p-protecting me." He said and briefly looked at the demon before focusing back on his fingers like it's the most interesting thing in the world.
"It's nothing much that I do for a family." Yalex chuckled and pulled out an arrow on his left side that he hadn't noticed earlier.
"But... My father is your brother... He's your family too. And you're trying to kill him..." Trevor mumbled as he looked at Yalex. He quickly looked away when the demon suddenly glared at him.
"We don't kill each other and we don't die because we're practically dead. I'm only teaching your father a lesson he deserves!" The demon growled rather aggressively.
"You're brothers... Do I get to call you uncle now?" Trevor asked and slowly lifted his head to look at the frowning demon.
"Don't you dare! I swear I'll take you to hell with me again if you say that one word to me!" He snapped and Trevor laughed at how the demon is very sensitive to his age.
"You're a lot like Gammon. Such filthy assho**s and pain in the ass!" Yalex grinned as he watch Trevor slowly calming from his laugh.
"Your mark will hurt for a while. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from that traitor..." Yalex said in a much calmer tone.
"Can you stop saying sorry? You're really weird and it doesn't suit someone like you at all." Trevor chuckled and waited for Yalex to do the same but the demon simply deadpanned at him.
"I guess your father was right. I really changed so much when I got myself in this group." He muttered with a low voice and a smile slowly crept to his lips.
"Do you regret it?"
Yalex turned to Trevor at his sudden question. He smiled and gently shook his head.
"This could put exile to me but to hell with that. I have seen so much but none of my adventures ever made me feel like this." Yalex stated with a rather excited tone.
"I never once protected anyone because I'm usually the one who hunts. I've never been inside a group with other people I hardly know about. Because I'm usually the one who leads and everyone would die just to be under my favor."
"I'm always in charge and the most powerful. Feared by everything..... So I never really had real friends."
"But when Rhian and Samuel came to me. Samuel offered me what I have been looking for in my meaningless life."
"And what is that?" Trevor asked.
"Challenge. He said that I will find my reason in this group. At first, I thought it was you. But Samuel said that Yvel and I have been awaited for a while. It's just not time yet to meet." Yalex explained and Trevor nodded his head.
"You said this could put you to exile. What do you mean by that?" Trevor asked with a very confused expression.
He's been trying to read from the demon's mind but he wasn't actually thinking anything else other than the harshness of hell and the fight he had before he came.
"I'm basically going against my father's will. Our cause is literally for the good and yet Iam a demon!" Yalex said and laughed lightly as he stood up. Offering his hand to the younger and helped him to stand up.
"So he will disown you?" Trevor asked. Both walking back to the house.
"He can't disown me. I'm his most powerful child and none from my brothers achieved what I did. So he can't really lose me. Although he's definitely gonna give me tons of hardships for this. To compensate for my 'wrong doings.'" Yalex explained. Now laughing at his own statement.
"I see you two are getting quite along." Samuel suddenly appeared. A basket of freshly warmed bread on his left arm while already eating one of them.
He can't really live without bread.
The sorcerer thought.
"I think I'll be staying for now. My father will send pawns to come after him. And the only thing that can keep him safe is that if I stay close." Yalex said and Samuel nodded his head. Attempting to speak but eventually choked because he was still chewing on his bread.
Yalex laughed hilariously while Trevor helped their poor leader to swallow.
"Fu** you!" Samuel growled at him and Yalex simply cackled and gave a middle finger to the leader before snatching a bread from his basket effortlessly.
"So! What's next ice prince?" The demon asked as he took a bite from the bread.
Samuel pouted as he stare at the stolen bread. Thinking about the question that he had talked about with Jessi earlier this morning.
"So what's next? You said the demon will be back here for his mate. That completes the eight of you again. Is there still any events that one of you must go through?" Jessi asked while helping the phoenix to bath on a small basin.
"Hmm. Nothing much. I think it's now time to introduce Ysabella and Kitsch to them. Although I haven't have any idea how." Samuel replied while playing with a rubiks cube on the couch. The dragon egg sitting comfortably on his lap.
"This will help Blue and Trevor so much with their personal struggles. And I think there is no reason left for them to not meet." He added.
"Yeah. And the two had been waiting for thousand of years. That's long enough and now the two is right within their reach. Let the moon goddess see the egg so I can finally see the beast!" Jessi said with excitement and accidentally squeezed the phoenix on her neck. Causing it to squeal and harshly pecked on her hand.
Jessi yelped while Samuel only laughed at the two.
"We should let them meet now. I want to hear their voices...."