It's already been twenty minutes into the game. Almost everyone are back in the living area except for the moon goddess, the black sorcerer and the angel of death.
The three are still nowhere in sight while the others had given up from playing the game as they can't really track the scent anywhere in the house.
While they were busy worrying about the three. Except of course from those who lives in the house.
Ysabella suddenly spoke something that took Jade's attention.
"She said they have found him. What is she talking about?" Jade asked and looked at Samuel with a very intense questioning look.
The others giving him the same look afterwards.
"It's about time." Jessi said in a very serious tone as she stood up tapping her clothes clean.
Samuel nodded his head and gestured everyone to follow him. Ysabella transformed to her phoenix form and flew to Yalex shoulder.
The demon was first taken aback and got really tensed. But soon found himself relaxing by her presence and being comfortable on his shoulder.
Samuel led them to the basement door which made the three girls gasped in surprise.
The door doesn't look very visible because it was camoufludge to the wall. Samuel had also casted a magic on it as additional for the protection of the sacred cave.
And that makes them feel very stupid as immortals.
The seven of them entered the basement and was brought in front of the tunnel hole.
"Remember. The moment we go in there. None of our powers will work. You may feel very weird and insecured by it. But it's normal to feel that way."
"This tunnel is a very sacred place. It used to be a sort of a resting place and second home for the angels during the ancient times."
"So no magic other than those in the celestial hierarchy will work in this place."
Samuel explained and everyone only nodded and murmurred in understanding.
"I bet those three have no idea and are probably panicking by now!" Yalex said and cackled hilariously. The phoenix suddenly pecked his temple before it flew to flee from his any instinct defense.
Yalex yelped but only crouched trying to avoid the phoenix if ever it tries to peck his poor head again. The others laughing at the two, especially Jessi who shamelessly mocked Yalex in Blue and Trevor's place.
He stood up glaring at everyone while rubbing his now wounded temple. It healed within seconds though and he turned to the phoenix.
He would've lashed at her. But just the sight of the phoenix made Yalex a total soft fluff of ball. He couldn't even stand to imagine himself glaring at her or saying any indecent things to such a maginificent and wondrous being.
"Trevor's right! You're whipped!" Coleen gasped dramatically before laughing, along with the girls.
Samuel nudged Yalex on his waist to make him get himself together.
Yalex cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck. Nodding at Samuel so he can continue.
"In case you wonder. Blue is the only one who will have a use of his power here." He said and Rhian suddenly gasped.
"You're right! That fu**ing sensitive-whiny-warfreak is still an angel even of death!" She said and clapped her hands upon realization.
"Come on! Let's go!" Samuel said and was first to enter with his phone serving as his flashlight.
"Be careful on your way in. The tunnel had seen hundreds of earthquake and it narrowed into this." Samuel informed everyone and they only groaned saying it was too late to be informed because they're all already suffering.
Samuel was almost close to the end of the tunnel.
And then a very strong wave got through them causing everyone to gasp and almost screamed in surprise.
The ground shook and everyone thought that the tunnel will collapse and bury them all alive. But thankfully it didn't because fate and author still have many plans for them.
The wave almost left everyone unconscious. It was so strong and there was a strong light that shone towards them but it disappeared quickly as it came.
"What the hell was that!!?" Rhian exclaimed and helped to get Coleen up who almost passed out because of the wave.
"Sh*t! Sh*t sh*t sh*t!" Samuel started cussing with heavy breathes while the phoenix was quick to flew ahead him to where the strong wave came from.
Samuel and Jessi began to feel emotional. Yalex understands why because the phoenix had told him everything earlier and he magically kept his promise to kept his mouth shut about it from the other members.
The sooner that everyone's out of the tunnel, they ran and followed Samuel and Jessi to wherever they are being taken.
Soon, they arrived to a very huge and spacious cave.
"Blue!!!" Rhian yelled when she saw the male's unconscious body flopped on the ground.
Trevor was lying unconscious not very far from Blue. And it almost made everyone panic thinking of any possible accidents that could've happened to the two.
"He's alive!" Coleen said the sooner she checked Trevor's life energy and everyone sighed in relief before they carefully pulled the two away from each other.
Their almost loud and yelling voice thankfully woke the two and they both groaned in pain.
Their attention was caught away from the two when the phoenix suddenly squealed and it flew towards the nest.
They finally saw Yvel lying there. And so everyone quickly came to check. Even Trevor and Blue who was with her earlier.
But what they didn't expect to see was that one being who laid comfortable beside the moon goddess.
"Fu**ing b**ch!!!" Jessi cried with cracked voice and tears finally graced her cheeks. She couldn't help but cry as she gently gaze at the small being.
Samuel was no different. He felt too emotional but somehow find it difficult to shed tears of joy. He felt quite troubled.
And the others.
Their faces are almost identical. Wide eyes and mouth hung agape.
Their faces held a very stupefied expression.
The phoenix squealed again and it flew not far to the small beast. Slowly walking towards it and the two magnificent creatures gently nudged each other.
The years of waiting are finally over...
"I-It's a... a d-dragon..."