"Stay here. Boys aren't allowed here." Jade said nonchalantly before walking out of the car. Not waiting for a response from Samuel.
Samuel sighed and pouted. Watching the girl walk to the building. He felt like he already ruined the mood. So he had to do something.
After waiting atleast half a minute. Which Samuel already expected because they're 'girls'. The princess finally came back with the other two.
"You could've just called us! You didn't have to fetch us you know!" Yvel chuckled but got in the backseat of the car with Coleen anyway.
Samuel finally drove to their final destination. Where the rest is currently staying.
After a two hours ride....
The four entered the mansion after being greeted by the butler. They found the rest in Rhian's huge and old library.
Blue is busy reading a book about people like him. Trevor is busy checking each and grazing his fingers on every book on every shelves, making sure he doesn't miss even one book.
While Rhian and Yalex are quietly talking about Vladimir. Yalex being a mixture of too exagerrated and annoyed while stating how he enjoyed murdering the traitor vampire.
"You seem pretty excited." Blue said as he closed the thick and old book on his hands. Noticing the giddy expression of their leader.
Rhian noticed that Jade seemed to be too overdressed just for visiting her house. Which technically now, is like a headquarters of sort to them.
Then she noticed the weird excited aura from Samuel.
Something's with these two...
She thought while looking cheekily at the leader.
"Everyone get ready. I'm taking you all to my place." Samuel said with the most widest smile.
Trevor and Coleen find it very very weird. He looked like a dummy.
"Your place?" Jade perked upon hearing his words. She's been curious for a while about his address because none in the school knows where he lives even his stalkers.
"Yeah. So hurry! Let's not waste time!" Samuel giggled and barely hopped on his spot.
Yalex and Rhian looked at each other with their brows furrowed.
"I'll get ready real quick." Blue said and disappeared to his room. Soon followed by Trevor and Yalex who automatically tailed after him.
"What are the odds that you suddenly wants to bring us to your place?" Rhian asked, obviously suspecting something.
"It's a secret but don't worry! It'll all be worth the wait!" Samuel said to her before gently pushing her out of the library to get ready.
Rhian snickered and eventually left to prepare. While Samuel and the other three waited patiently at the gate. The girls talking random things to each other while Samuel sat on his car and waited.
Soon the four are finally finished. Yalex and Rhian have their own cars. So the two just followed to where Samuel goes to.
The ride to his place took atleast two more hours and it's almost past lunch. Samuel is starting to crave for bread now.
Eventually. The cars entered in a very exclusive and expensive village. Every houses they passed by are almost as big as the buildings at school.
Soon, the cars parked in front of one of the many big houses. However, Samuel's house matched exactly his taste.
A warm forest tone. His house being filled with bright green vines that crawls on the brown wooden walls. Some walls are made of glasses too. Almost every colors there are the colors of the forest.
"Hah!!! Finally!!!" The seven visitors immediately turned to the pool area hearing a very familiar voice.
"Professor Jessi!!?" Yvel and Coleen exclaimed in unison.
Even Rhian and Yalex who were the closest to Samuel, didn't know that Jessi lives with him.
Jessi was sunbathing in front of the pool. Wearing just a two piece that freely exposes her perfect figure. But once she had felt the presences of their long awaited guests, she stood up and quickly put on a bathrobe to greet them.
"Y-you live here!!?" Jade asked, totally shocked while the fire deity just nodded her head gleefully.
"Don't be too jealous baby! If it makes you feel better! I'm so sick of seeing his face! I need fresh ones!" She said and quickly made her way to Trevor. Samuel just rolled his eyes at her statement.
"This boy is really handsome! I think I need to adopt him!" She cooed and played with the younger's cheeks.
Yalex being overly sensitive for no reason. Harshly scoffed and furrowed his brows at Jessi, signalling her to step back.
"Pfft. You better let me adopt him after later." She scoffed but didn't budge from showing her affections to the handsome sorcerer anyway.
"My friends are hungry. Have you prepared lunch?" Samuel asked.
"Yup! Come on babies! We shouldn't let the food wait!" She said and walked ahead first while gesturing everyone to follow her inside.
Samuel entered the house last. Carefully looking around to search for Ysabella. But she's nowhere on sight. Although he could feel her strong presence all over the house.
Even the others.
The moment they entered Samuel's house. They felt a very strange and strong presence welcoming them. It felt all too familiar and Samuel is the first person to come in their minds.
Remembering that their leader smelt somehow like this although mixed with something more.
They tried to disregard the presence. Thinking they're probably just starving.
After blessing the food with Yalex naturally rolling his eyes and grimacing as they pray. They eventually started eating with the huge feast that Jessi prepared for their special event.
"I'll be back in a sec." Samuel said and stood up. Halting everyone from eating and watched him with suspicion.
"What!? Can't I go to the bathroom in my own house?" Samuel chuckled trying to act cool.
Once his guests had returned to eating. Samuel immediately went to Ysabella's room.
He found the phoenix there right away. Playing on her small tree while small girls made of fire dances on the wind with her.
"Come on. Let's go check on Kitsch before we start the big moment." He chuckled and offered his left arm.
The phoenix flew to his arm and the time keeper sneaked to their basement door. Heading to the small and almost narrow tunnel. Making sure that his thoughts are empty in case Trevor gets very sneaky.
Samuel eventually arrived in the main cave. Where no powers work except to those in the celestial hierarchy.
Samuel abruptly stopped from his stroll. Even the phoenix stopped whipping her head left to right.
As they both stare at the egg.
Because for the first time in all millenias, ever since it came into the surface of the earth.
The egg is making movements. Titling gently left and right.
Samuel felt a strong and emotional rush on his chest as he slowly walked towards the egg.
And there it is. He could hear faint whispers coming from inside it.
"He's awake." Samuel mumbled as his eyes grow teary due to heavy emotions.
Samuel lifted his hand and gently stroked the rough scale of the egg. Smiling as a single tear escape his eyes that are filled with so much adoration and love for the little beast that he had been taking care of ever since can remember.
"I bet you could feel that you're rider is here..." he said and turned to look at the phoenix.
"Come on. I know you two had been waiting for thousands of years! Longer than everybody else. It's time to finally meet them!" He said and the phoenix chirped as if agreeing with him.
Samuel stood up and stepped back a little from the egg.
"Just hold on little beast... Yvel will be here soon to show you the greatness of the world of humans..." he said and finally exited the cave
"You know what to do." He whispered to the phoenix as it flew away from him.
Samuel decided to return to her friends who are now being entertained by Jessi at the living area while he was gone 'to his bathroom'.
"What's wrong?" Jessi asked when she noticed that Samuel looked like he cried. The male only nodded his head along with a knowing smile and Jessi knew right away.
She gasped and immediately covered her mouth in sheer shock.
"Holy fu**!!!" She cursed while the others only watched them with sheer confusion.
"Okay! I'm so done being clueless! Somebody explain what the fu** is going on!" Yalex growled impatiently and Trevor could feel his temperature increasing.
"Okay! Okay! You can talk now!" Jessi said to Samuel with so much excitement as she started wandering her eyes to look for the winged creature.
"You all know that we still have other two members right? One of them is here with us now." Samuel started before directing his gaze at Yalex who just raised a brow at him.
"She's the one I've told you about Yalex. The reason that you needed!" Samuel said with a very calm and soothing voice.
Yalex frowned. This was a very serious topic to him and he had only spoken about it to Trevor recently.
Which is why he's getting a little bit riled up when Samuel suddenly brings it up.
"You better not be fibbing because Iam not in a goddamn mood for jokes." The demon lowly grumbled as he glares towards the time keeper.
Samuel chuckled and flicked his finger. Somewhat serving as a signal.
"Everyone... Especially you Yalex! I'd like you all too meet Ysabella!" He said and both him and Jessi looked to the chimney.
Jessi grinned and covered her hands with flames. Then she threw a fireball to the chimney and it caused quite a surprising small explosion that startled the white creatures.
But what took everyone by an overwhelming surprise...
Was when the fire had gone down a bit, a magnificent creature flew out of the fire with the most heartmelting soft squeal. It showered them with warm golden dusts as it flew above them.
Gracing them with her beauty as she flew directly in front of the demon.
Everyone stood up with such a flabbergasted expression. Leaving all of them stupefied on their feet
Soon. A bright and strong fire freely engulfed the entire being of the beautiful phoenix.
It left even Samuel and Jessi confused.
Everyone had to step back and thankfully, the living area is very spacious for all ten of them.
And yet before the two knew it, the fire had soon morphed into a figure of a beautiful woman.
She had a black flowing hair with a strong shade of pink on the front-left part of her hair. Her eyes were like cats, sharp and detailed and it was glowing bright orange.
And her beautiful featherish dress glows in the same of her own feathers when she is in her phoenix form.
A small smile painting her lips as she gracefully smiled at the demon in front of her.
"You can fucking transform into human!!?" Jessi almost screamed as she looked a thousand times dumbfounded. While Samuel could only watch speecheless with a baffled expression.
The phoenix spoke. However not everyone was able to understand it. She spoke in an old ancient language. Not many from the early centuries even knows that such language exists.
Yalex surprisingly replied. He didn't realized that he was smiling like an idiot.
"'Tis be my greatest pleasure... To come across thy graceful presence..." Yalex said with the gentlest voice as he carefully held the phoenix by her hand and place a gentle kiss on it.
Thank God! I didn't know a phoenix is the solution to make this assho** behave!
Trevor said in his kind with sheer relief.
Because this literally means that he no longer have to stand him and be with him all the time.
Or so he thought.
The others. For them it felt like watching a drama and none of them can help but be immersed. Especially with their leading man looking so whipped to the beautiful lady.
The phoenix spoke in the same language again. Her smile growing wider by seconds.
Only Samuel, Jessi and Jade are the only ones who can understand it for they have heard and once used the language before.
Although Blue is really clueless to the bones. He can magically understands them and was the one translating for the others. He doesn't even know how he can understand it.
Practically. Blue is somewhat a part of the celestial hierarchy. People like them understands all language either it is new or not.
"S-she's a phoenix!" Yvel finally decided to speak. Capturing everyone's attention.
Ysabella slowly turned around to face her. However, it was her first time to be in her human form so she still doesn't have enough full control to her body. Her legs shook like earthquake and her body collapsed.
Yalex was quick to catch her and gently sat her on the couch. While Ysabella just smiled and thanked him afterwards.
"Yes. She's a phoenix. So I hope that finally answers your questions why I smell like a bird!" Samuel chuckled and crossed his arms. Shifting his gaze to the phoenix.
"I didn't know you can take form of a human." He said to her and briefly looked at Jessi only to see her whining and poutjng.
"Exactly! I could've gone shopping with you! Like girl! I literally took care of you for fu**ing decades! How could you do this to me!!?" Jessi exclaimed dramatically and Ysabella couldn't help but giggle. Her eyes almost disappearing.
Yalex felt totally weird. He could feel something from the pits of his stomach but has no idea what it is. And the sound of her giggles just sounded so pleasant to his ears.
"This is her first time in this form!" Trevor said as he can't help but read her mind.
Although he can not understand her ancient language. He could easily tell from her flow of thoughts.
Coleen walked towards her. Hoping to check if her body is in good condition.
"I hope you don't mind. I'm just going to check your body so we'll know on what you should adjust with for you to be able to use it well." Coleen said very calmly and the phoenix nodded her head with a smile.
Coleen carefully examined her while the others watched. Like kids watching cartoons on tv.
Coleen got briefly distracted when Ysabella touched her hair. Her ehes filled with curiousity as she held her own pink shaded hair. As if comparing them. The others can't help but coo at how cute it looked.
Soon enough, Coleen finished checking her and she turned to look at Jade.
"You can teach her to use her human form better Jade. Her flight is not so much different as your swim. She'll learn so much from you and I think you two won't even need to worry for communication!" Coleen said to her and Jade immediately nodded her head before saying a few things to Ysabella using her language.
"Yalex! You're so whipped!" Trevor said to Yalex and laughed. Usually, the demon would've snapped at him but maybe he was really whipped to even react to his tease.
And is Trevor surprise?
Well no, he's not.
"Okay! Your mate is malfunctioning!" Blue mocked and pointed at Yalex as he laughed hilariously. Rhian smacking his head afterwards causing him to yelp.
"Okay! So she's the reason why you smelt like a bird of sort. But I don't think it's just her." Rhian interrupted them as she spoke with her 'still thinking' demeanor. She was rubbing her chin while staring at almost nothing.
"Now that you mention it..." Samuel said as he grinned.
"Why don't we play treasure hunting?"