"I'm so happy you're alive!!! What could've happened if they didn't saved you in time!!!" Samuel cried dramatically while hugging the sorcerer on his waist. While his other hand is too busy piling various breads on his plate.
"I'm perfectly fine. So will you let go of me now." Trevor said bluntly and tried to pry off Samuel's hand using a bread.
"You're so stubborn! You should've called for Yalex when you got in trouble!!! I mean what kind of idi** would sleep anywhere in the forest!" Samuel exclaimed and started munching on the first bread.
"This kind of idi**!" Blue scoffed and pointed a finger on Trevor who just glared at him.
"But seriously speaking. You and I need to talk privately later. Yalex had gone missing for days. I don't think he's just fibbing about it." Samuel's tone suddenly went serious as he looked briefly at Jessi and Rhian.
Soon, right after their breakfast. Samuel and Trevor went to the forest to talk privately. The forest is only a walking distance from the house so they can go there as much as they want.
Once Samuel is sure that nobody's gonna eavesdrop them...
"Why didn't you tell Rhian?" Samuel asked as they both stopped walking.
He turned around and saw Trevor quietly lowering his gaze from the taller.
"You know why. Besides. I didn't expect I'll survive... I only lasted that long because I want Blue to take care of the souls..." Trevor explained and Samuel let out a sigh.
"I never thought they'll help me..." he whispered.
"Vladimir planned to return here in two weeks. You don't think he won't try to kill you knowing you lived?"
"He drank your blood meaning he is as twice more of an evil now. And with you surviving his bite, that bite will turn into a mark leaving you with a new mate."
"Do you have any idea how crazy will it drive Yalex if he finds out!!? He definitely felt your pain when you were hurt and I could only imagine his rage when you didn't call for him!"
Samuel rambled with sheer annoyance and disappointment. While Trevor remained quiet as he sat on an old fountain.
"If he knew I was in pain, he should've come for me even if I didn't call for him!" Trevor mumbled in a pained voice. His eyes growing quite teary.
"This will only hurt you more with two mates Trevor. Or worse. Vladimir might use your mark to straight up kill you." Samuel said with a dejected sigh as he facepalmed himself.
"Am I going to die?" Trevor asked as he looked up to Samuel with his glistening doe eyes.
"If I hadn't woken up any sooner. You would've. When Vladimir came last night. He attempted to murder me if it wasn't for Jessi guarding the door." Samuel huffed and crossed his arm.
He hadn't told Jessi about that yet and she'll probably worry if she knew.
"I need to get this soul out of me. My life is always in danger. Which means I can't protect this souls anymore..." Trevor mumbled and Samuel quickly glowered at him.
"What are you talking about!? You keep hinting everyone you want to die! Do you have any idea how bad it will affect Blue!? If he suddenly gets to send your soul to the afterlife!?" Samuel exclaimed in a rather frsutrated manner.
"Are you forcing me to stay in this group too?" Trevor suddenly asked leaving Samuel quite speechless and surprised.
"W-what? I-I'm not forcing you! Nobody is forcing you here! What are you talking about!?" Samuel asked with a very baffled expression.
"Everyone here force me to do everything I don't want to do..." Trevor mumbled and his voice began to shake. Tears finally brimming down to his cheeks.
This might be the first time for Samuel to actually see Trevor with his own eyes crying in front of him.
"I didn't want to join this group in the first place... But Yalex forced me..."
"I never want anything to do with a demon... But Yalex forced himself on me..."
"I didn't want him to touch me or whatever he wants with me... but he still forced me to agree to him... And that fu**ing vampire f-forced himself in me! And wanted the souls from me!"
"I-I never wanted this soul in the first place. But it's here. And I hated how they force me to hurt others even though I told them I can't do it."
"I never wanted to kill my mother... But my father forced me to..."
"Everybody around me forced me to do everything I've done..."
"And now I have to force myself to accept that Coleen is the same girl that made me come here in the first place!"
Trevor cried as he finally let out everything that had been bringing him so much of pain and depression.
All his concerns and painful experiences. Everything that had been hurting him.
Samuel felt really clueless. And that made him feel really bad. That he wasn't able to give a fair attention to the boy after he was dragged to join the group.
"I'm sorry..." was all Samuel could tell the boy before gently pulling him for a warm hug. Listening to his suppressed cries and sniffles.
Something in Samuel felt like he already failed this boy. Hearing his confession and how badly it destroyed him.
"I'm sorry I didn't know..." Samuel said to him while stroking circles on his back.
"I-I really like her.... B-But she hates me so much... I could hear her thoughts loud and clear whenever she sees me. And she d-despise me." Trevor cried and gripped on Samuel's shirt.
For the record. Only three people had seen Trevor in this state as he was the most composed and reserved one among the group.
First one is Yalex. Then Blue and now Samuel.
"It's going to be alright Trevor... I may not be able to tell you what happens between you two, I'd say that good things will eventually find its way to you." Samuel said in a hushed tone but Trevor suddenly pulled away from him.
He wiped off his tears as he stared back at Samuel. His eyes looked so empty just like when Samuel first met him.
"I don't want them. I've had enough and I'm tired. I've already given up. So once Yalex comes back, I'll give him his souls before Vladimir could make a move to kill me." Trevor stated in a firm tone as he stood up and started walking back to the house.
Samuel was left there with a bewildered expression. He quickly checked to see Trevor's future. And yet he didn't actually expect that Trevor doesn't have much long and that totally made Samuel so furious.
It made him scared.
And he knows he can't just sit there knowing Trevor had now given up on life.
He needed to do something.
Anything just to shone back even the littlest hope in him.
"Yalex where are you..."