The list takes up the whole room; The Buddha condenses it into a book that I can flip through. The book is filled with both powerful and seemingly useless powers. However none of them catch my eye, there are many strong powers, but none of them are overpowered. I need something that can work well with saving people and with dealing damage to monsters, something strong with as little collateral damage as possible and defensive enough to protect not only myself but others.
Most powers consist of elemental magicks and body augmentation. Not many mental powers or otherworldly gifts. Fireball, lightning rod, super strength, super speed, earth shield, water shot, the list goes on and on with basic DnD like spells and abilities, where are the super OP powers like probability control, mind control, or dimensional magic. In between my cries and my sighs I continue to flip through the book, memorizing every ability to get the best one, And there it is, the holy grail, the piece de résistance.
"I want this one" I declare as I point into the book,
"Really, you don't start off with anything though. What if you die before you even meet another person?" She replies,
"That's a whole bunch of nunya," I inject,
"Nunya?" she faults,
"None of your business," I laugh,
"That's it no more explanations have fun!" She retorts,
"Wait I'm not read--------" I spout, but my cries are cut short when everything goes white and I wake up under a tree.