we all walk back into the tower so we can get some rest. When I say walk, I mean very fast walk. at least for the three of us. of course, Lexy follows me up to my room. She lives in there now.
Lexy: "Are you sure you don't need any healing?"
Malex "Lexy, if you are going to heal anyone, heal yourself, please."
Lexy, "but you look hurt."
Malex " I look hurt, not that I am hurt."
Lexy: "There ain't no way you're not hurt after that."
Malex "lisson Lexy, I know you care, but I can take attacks. I may be weak physically. but definitely not mentally."
Lexy "fine."
she seems bummed that she couldn't help but as long as she doesn't use up any mana that she has left, which has to be such a little amount. I'll be fine.
we walk into my room, and the first thought that enters my mind is shower. we both walk into the bathroom
Malex "Oh, sorry. I'll go."
Lexy "no. stay with me, save more water."
Malex "it'll be fine."
she grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me close.
Lexy "please" * in a very cute and gentle voice
Malex "fine."
we both take a shower together, then head to bed.
Lexy "See, you're perfectly fine. you just need to not be so soft."
Malex "I'm not soft."
Lexy "well nervous. there's nothing in this relationship that you should be nervous about."
Malex "I'll do better."
Lexy "well I'm not asking you to do better, I'm just saying if I take shots with you, you should fire back. If you know what I mean."
Malex "Goodnight." *in a laughing voice
Lexy "Goodnight."
we wake up at around 8:00 and by the time we have got dressed, ready, and ate breakfast it's now around 12:00.
me, Lexy, and Jack are training with our weapons, trying to create a new technique. I witnessed the power behind this thing when I cut through fathers light triangle.
mid training Jack suddenly yells
Jack, "I just saw something huge!"
Lexy immediately put her hand to the ground and started scoping it out with her earth map spell.
Lexy "this way."
we start blindly following whatever this huge thing was. until we came across a cave. this thing went inside.
Malex "should we follow?"
Lexy "maybe. if it's a problem."
Jack "it might be, considering how huge it was."
Malex "Okay, let's go. but be careful."
Lexy and Jack "okay."
the three of us are following close beside each other. making sure none of us is secretly going to get attacked.
we reach the end. at the end is this huge open space with a cage at the far side, something is moving in it.
then I saw the creature. it was a huge magical beast with huge muscles. it looked like a huge gorilla. with veins that glow yellow. the fur was also yellow. it had to tower around 30 feet high in the air.
the beast throws a giant rock at us. I quickly use my air shield, protecting all of us. I fly towards the beast, performing a slash attack on it. I cut him good, but he counters with a punch. a boulder hits the beasties arm. it roars in pain. I take this as a sign to back off for a little.
strange women. "HELP, PLEASE!!"
Jack quickly runs towards where the cage is. I also quickly realized that's where the screaming was coming from.
the beast throws another rock at Jack, but I use air push to throw the rock away from him.
I map out what's happening and what needs to happen. so me and Lexy have to protect Jack while he rescues the girl. in this big of a place we could collapse it but that's after we save this girl. so me and Lexy will have to rely on our skills to at the very least hold off the big gorilla.
the gorilla seems to put all its focus on Jack, who is trying to get to the girl.
Malex: "Can you use that boulder spell. aim for the face."
Lexy "yes I can."
Lexy uses the boulder spell, hitting him dead on In the jaw. it gets furious at this attack and comes barreling towards us.
Lexy: "Get me up in the air."
Malex "okay."
I don't know what she was planning, but she has my trust. I fly both of us straight up.
Lexy "balance me. make sure I don't move an inch."
I put forth all of my focus into making sure she stayed completely still. while slightly making sure I don't fall either.
she pulls back her arm and throws the spear. hitting the gorilla right in his left eye. the gorilla roars and seems to get even angrier. I can tell by the amount of yellow glowing on him that his veins are popping out.
Lexy quickly flicks her wrist, and the spear comes right back. I quickly let us down and fall to my hands and knees. my head is thumping badly. Lexy quickly covers us in a dome. she runs to me and bends down.
Lexy ,are you okay?"
Malex "yeah. just focused too hard."
out of nowhere, a huge hand comes down on top of us, grabbing me and Lexy. the gorilla brings its hand level to hits eyes. it looks at us with huge eyes.
it then starts to squeeze its hand, crushing us. out of nowhere, a giant fist hits the magical animal. for half a second, it's arm. Let's us go. I quickly use my flying spell. getting us to safety. I look over and see another magical gorilla. the same size and the same looks, but one thing is different. It's pink. the fur and the veins.
I realize that this creature is the one that punched the magical gorilla, but why. the pink gorilla quickly runs to the other, then grabs its neck. squeezing at an incredible strength. somehow, the yellow gorilla manages to escape by biting the others' hands. Jack comes running at us.
Jack, "we have to help. the pink ape is the woman that was in the cage"
Malex "magic?"
Jack "Yes."
I activated my flying spell and fly all of us at the two gorillas who are currently fist fighting. the yellow one seems to be winning by a little. Jack throws his dagger at the beast, hitting it in the neck.
Jack "Malex, can you use that spell to push me to my dagger."
Malex "Yes."
I push him at his dagger. he lands on the shoulder and starts the climb.
Lexy ,can you push me at the pink gorilla. I can heal her."
I push her over there quickly. my mana is getting incredibly low, but I have to keep pushing. I fly quickly at the monster, slashing its neck. I was hoping to get it's eye but we were flying from the left side of the beast, so there was nothing much I could do. but a neck stab should be very hurtful
the beast holds the cut with its right hand. the pink beast takes this moment to punch him with a mana covered fist. whoever this woman is, she is skilled with her mana.
the beasts start to fall down. this is when I notice Jack falling down. I try to use my flying spell, but I'm out of mana. then I remember. I tap the bracelet that Lexy gave me. feeling my mana up, right now I'd say I'm at about 50%, that's a good increase. I quickly fly Jack down, and he uses a spell he calls ice berg. it's a 40-foot giant ice shard. it looks like a very thick needle, as sharp as one to.
the beast falls directly on it. piercing its heart. me and Jack walk up to the women who is being comforted by Lexy.
Malex ,what's your name, Mrs?"
women "Katelyn."
Malex "okay Katelyn do you mind me asking what you were doing in here?"
Katelyn "well I was just trying to get the mana from that beast. you see, I have beast magic. It allows me to turn into any beast as long as I have absorbed some of their mana, using one of my beast spells."
Lexy, "So you was trying to get the mana from that gorilla?"
Katelyn "yeah."
Jack, "Do you not have a home?""
Katelyn "no. the mcc took everything."
Jack "YES! you can stay with us then."
Lexy *smiles "yes you can come with us."
Katelyn ,thank you."
I take this moment to study her. she is very beautiful. not even being biased, I do prefer Lexy, but that's my opinion, defiantly not Jack's opinion. she has pink air and pink eyes. she's a little tanned but not by much. she also looks pretty fit, about the same as Jack. she also looks the same age as us too.
Malex "well we better get going then."
Katelyn "yeah."