Lexy wakes me up from a really good sleep.
Lexy "hurry up, our parents are doing something big today."
Malex "What?" *in a groggy voice.
Lexy "I don't know what they want. but it's something big. Come on."
Malex "okay." * in a groggy voice
I quickly get dressed and eat.
I walk outside.
father "okay everyone so today is the day."
Jack "the day for what?"
Zelda, "we start training."
mother "but not just any training."
father "This is much harder than your normal training."
Zelda, "but it will give you the power you'll need."
mother "now your not going to like what's the downside."
Katelyn, "What's the downside?"
father, "You'll all be split up. since there's three of us and four of you, two of you will have the same instructor. now we have chosen you based on what you need to learn and what we can teach you."
Zelda "also Lexy, you won't be coming with me since I have trained you all throughout your life."
Malex, "So who's going with who?"
father "Malex, you'll be coming with me."
mother "lexy your coming with me."
Zelda "Jack and Katelyn, you're coming with me."
Lexy "Seriously!!!"
mother "I knew you wouldn't like it, but you have t-"
Lexy "How long?"
mother "we planned around two years."
Lexy "TWO YEARS!!!!!!!"
mother, "Calm down. it'll be worth it, trust us."
Lexy turns around and walks into the tower.
Zelda "she'll go. Malex, you might want to hurry and talk to her."
Malex "okay."
I follow after her. she walks into my room, slamming the door. I open the door and walk in.
Lexy, why didn't you complain about it?"
Malex "well I wanted to, but I think you said what needed to be said."
Lexy "two years."
Malex "it'll be fine. I promise to my life that I won't be disloyal."
Lexy "I trust you, that's not what I'm upset about. two years without seeing each other, that's too long."
Malex, "I know, but it needs to happen."
Lexy "Yes, it does, I guess."
Malex, "Do you promise you'll be loyal?"
Lexy, "Do you even have to ask?"
she quickly jumps on me and starts kissing me. I set her down on the bed and sit next to her.
Malex, "It'll be fine, I promise."
Lexy: "It better be."
after two hours of packing up and getting ready. we all head outside to leave.
father "so Zelda, Jack, and Katelyn will be leaving first, then me and Malex. Lexis and Lexy will be staying here. understood.
Malex, Jack, Katelyn, and Lexy "Yes, sir!"
of course, Zelda and her group go first, then me and my father.
Malex "by. love you!"
Lexy "by. love you too!"
I get teleported. now I'm in front of some strange cabin. surrounding the cabin are woods. but I can see a dirt path leading somewhere.
father "okay. so this is where we will be staying. This cabin and this path lead to where we will be training. how about we start immediately?"
Malex sounds good."
we walk down the path until we meet an area in the shape of a circle. inside the circle is no grass, just dirt, assuming from being walked on repeatedly, like the path.
father "Okay, so there are two things we will be focusing on. now everyone knows that out of all the newbies, you're the best with magic and arcane magic. but you're lacking physically, so that's one thing we will be working on. another thing is time magic. time magic is only passed down in our family and has been for generations. you have it. You just need to learn it. so that's what we will be working on. You got it.
Malex "Yes, sir!"
father, "Okay, let's begin."
Jack's view
on our right is the sea, and on the left is wood. our place, to stay, is a nice beach house.
Zelda "okay you two follow me."
we follow Zelda pretty far in the forest until we reach an open area. I don't know what the measurements could be, but it looks like a rectangle.
Zelda "Okay. this is where we will be training, and try to remember the layout. Katelyn, you're really good with arcane magic, so we will not be focusing on that. Try to focus on getting another magic. but also try to gain more spells. Jack focuses on your poison magic. The stronger you get with it, the stronger your dagger gets, and that's a huge plus. try to gain more spells to, if you can gain another magic. but you don't have to focus on that. okay."
Jack and Katelyn "Yes ma'am!"
Lexy's point of view
Lexis walks me to the square.
Lexis: "Okay, I'm going to be completely honest with you. I believe you have the potential to be the strongest women arch mage ever, comparable to Max and when Malex reaches his potential, him too. I truly believe this. that's the reason I chose you. not just because your mother has trained you for a long time. but because you have the potential to be extremely powerful. I promise you I will help you get there, do you trust me?"
Lexy "Yes, of course."
Lexis "okay. so, as you know physically, you're the best fighter out of all the newbies. let's try to work on that magic. another thing we will be focusing on heavily is arcane magic. I'm going to teach you how to protect yourself and strengthen yourself with your mana alone. we also definitely need to get you another magic, so you will be able to reach the potential I see in you. do you agree?"
Lexy "Yes. I'll do everything it takes."
Lexis "okay then. get ready to touch that potential, then."
Borriks view
I walk into the training room. it's this huge warehouse. fulled with state of the art things. so we can reach our full potential, which I think is bullcrap. none of these brats have potential.
luckily, though, since I do this, I get to have special training from Sutherina, so I'll bear it.
Borriks "Okay, everyone. work on your magic. try to focus the best you can and keep going until you're about ready to die, then take a little break and start again."
I leave before I have to start hearing them screaming about how hard it's gonna be. it makes me so mad that they complain about the simplest of things. Using your magic like that is incredibly easy to do, at least easier than what I have to do.
I met up with Sutherina in our arena. a huge personal training ground, also state of the art.
Sutherina "Okay, so we will be working with arcane magic and your magic. potentially a new magic. we will have to wait to do anything against the rebellions, Kerksmitch's orders. so we will have time to learn."
Borikks: "Why do we lisson to him?"
Sutherina "because if he gets involved in this, it's all over."
Borriks, "ain't he already?"
Sutherina "Kerksmitch doesn't work with anyone. because he prefers for everyone to die."
Borriks, "then why work with him?"
Sutherina "so we can use him, then kill him. killing two birds with one stone."
Nathens view
I punch it as hard as possible with every bit of mana I have left. it finally blows up.
Nathen "YES!!"
Kerksmitch "impressive."
Nathen: "Will you finally train me now?"
Kerksmitch "Yes. but you will have to listen to everything I say."
Nathen "Yes, sir."
Kersmitch "when you get done replenishing your mana. sit down here and mediate. try to learn to focus. Once you do this, you can learn a new magic and get stronger."
Nathen "bu-"
Kerksmitch: "What did I just say about lissoning to me?"
Nathen "fine."
in a room somewhere deep in a cave. sits five people on a round table.
person 1 "things are finally getting interesting."
person 1 smiles very menacingly