we all slowly but surely walk to the tower, we all are very tired.
once we reach the training grounds, we see father, mother, and Zelda. they all run to us asking questions.
father "Who is that?"
mother ,where have you all been?"
Zelda: "Why are you all so hurt and tired?"
Lexy "STOP!"
everyone stops what they are doing and looks at Lexy, with Katelyn standing right next to her.
Lexy "This is Katelyn. she was attacked by the mcc. she went wondering for some more spells, she has beast magic and to turn into magic animals she needs their mana. she went into a den with a giant magic gorilla, whom she could not defeat by herself. Jack saw this beast pass by here, and we tracked it down and found it and Katelyn. we killed the gorilla and saved Katelyn. now you all caught up."
father "Okay..."
Zelda "Good job, all of you. come inside Katelyn, you look thirsty and hungry."
Katelyn ,thank you."
one week later
Katelyn's view
everyone here has been really nice to, especially Jack, though he is a little weird. I find this place so beautiful. they found an incredible spot.
I count myself as incredibly lucky. they found me when I was 100% going to die. They even defeated that thing. we even have similar goals, absolutely hating the mcc
we've trained together. there very good at, well everything. Lexy seems to be the best at physical fighting, while Malex is the best at magic. which I find strange. Malex seems incredibly nerdy while Lexy is really strong. they don't really match up. not to mention Malex ain't as good looking as Lexy, I'm not calling him ugly or even decent. just not the same level with Lexy. Lexy is absolutely incredibly beautiful.
I walk outside and to the side of the mountain, which just dips down to a city below. I sit down, my legs dangling on the end of the mountain.
Jack "Hello."
I turn my head around.
Katelyn "hey."
Jack, "What are you doing."
Katelyn "just taking in the view."
Jack ,can I join.'
Katelyn: "Sure you can."
Jack jogs over beside me and sits down, both our legs dangling down.
Jack "I never even noticed this amazing view."
Katelyn "SERIOUSLY?" *surprised
Jack "yeah. I just was always focused on training by myself, constantly."
Katelyn "Why?"
Jack, "my parents, I found out they passed on because of the mcc."
Katelyn "oh I'm so sorry."
Jack "no your fine, seriously. being by myself makes me stronger anyway."
Katelyn "no it doesn't."
Jack "yeah it does. it helps me focus more on my own abilities."
Katelyn "that's what I thought, then I got captured by a gorilla and almost died. I didn't stand a chance by myself, I mean, the gorilla would have killed me. if you three wouldn't have showed up, then I would be a goner, same if we didn't fight together. none of us could have defeated that thing alone."
Jack "maybe your right."
Katelyn "I am right. I trust everyone here because I know if we work together, we can defeat anyone."
me and Jack spend hours just standing there looking at the depleting sun.
Lexy's point of view
I walk into our room and walk over to Malex. I lay my arms on his shoulders, looking over his head.
he is drawing the gorilla that we fought.
Lexy "how are you doing."
Malex "fine."
Lexy "you're really focused, aren't you?"
Malex "yep."
Lexy: "Why do you like to draw anyways?"
Malex "it helps me to escape reality for just a couple of seconds."
Lexy :Why do you like to escape such a nice place?"
Malex "Nice. a nice world is a world where there is no fighting, but such a thing will never exist."
Lexy "Why?"
Malex "because it's human nature to fight."
Borriks point of view
Borriks "get up, all of you!"
person 1 "This ain't fair, you've had more experience."
Borriks ,so you going to give up!"
person 3 "Yes, please just give us a break!"
Borriks: "If you are going to scream like that, back it up!"
person 2 shoots a huge snowball at me, but snowballs are nothing to me. I slowly lift my arm up and out my hand fires, Moon beam, a beam of white. it destroys the snowball and hits person 2.
Borriks ,you're all weak!"
person 1 "What do you expect we just started!"
Borriks, "What did I say about yelling!!"
after an extremely long day of training, i walk into Sutherina's room.
Borriks ,do I seriously have to train them?"
Sutherina "Are you the boss?"
Borriks "no."
Sutherina ,then why are you questioning me?"
I walk out of the room. I can't stand it when someone expects me to apologize for something stupid.
I walk into my room and look at the pages that give a detailed explanation of the people I train.
person 1
name: Mathew Hendricks
age: 15
Gender: male
race: white
magic: wind and sleep ( the other two are unknown as of right now)
person 2
name: Chris wreck
age: 17
Gender: male
race: Black
magic: Ice and water ( the other two are unknown as of right now)
person 3
name: mix quix
age: 16
Gender: female
race: Black
magic: fire and magic circles ( the other two are unknown as of right now)
Borriks, "What am I going to do?"
Nathens' point of view
I hit the tree even harder. man, this is one durable tree, I haven't been able to crack the thing.
Kerksmith "more control."
Nathen: "What do you mean by that?"
Kerksmitch "FOCUS!"
Nathen "I'm trying my hardest."
Kerksmitch "well if this is you trying your hardest, you'll definitely get beaten again by a girl."
my hands start to explode. I punch the tree as hard as possible. explosions blow everywhere. I pull my hands back to see the tree now has a crack.
Kersmitch: "Maybe you don't need focuse. maybe you just need some... convincing... a reason."
I fall to the ground, passed out.