It's a little after dark. me, Jack, and Lexy are training with our artifacts.
mine has a diamond shaped artifact in it. when I use my magic, it glows the same as my mana (green and blue but I mainly use my air magic instead of electricty magic, for now). from what I gathered, it powers up my spell. but only the ones that I can use with it. such as my air slash spell.
I can use arcane magic on it to increase my speed and strength with it.
Lexys spear allows her to throw it and comes back towards her when she activates her arcane magic.
Jack's allows him to spread a poison that at first decreases mana, then decreases magic power, and after that, you're out. it takes a long time for you to be knocked out, around 20 minutes. but it only takes around 8 minutes for the decrease in power to kick in.
his is insane.
after our training we all say goodnight then head to our rooms.
I walk into my room exhausted from today. so much stress and training. I walk over to my bed and lay down, not having the energy to take my clothes off.
I hear someone open the door and immediately turn my head. Lexy walks over and lays next to me.
Malex, "What are you doing?"
Lexy ,do you not want me to sleep next to you?"
Malex "I dint say that I just -"
she puts a finger on my lips
Lexy "ssshhhhhhhh."
we both lay there next to each other, cuddled up.
Lexy "I like this. I'm coming in here for now on... so comfortable."
Malex, "Will anyone care?"
Lexy "nope. they would be happy that we are even closer now."
Malex "okay. I don't mind you coming in here."
she laughs
Lexy ,of course you don't."
she then pulls me closer to her.
eventually, she falls asleep and not too long after I do to.
I wake up and see Lexy start undressing in front of me. I quickly cover my eyes.
Malex "sorry."
Lexy "wow. you're too shy. I'm getting undressed in front of you, and you close your eyes."
Malex: "Why do you not mind!?"
Lexy "maybe cause you're my boyfriend and the best I've ever even wished for. I don't mind."
Malex "I'm still not looking."
Lexy "Why?"
Malex "because you dont look at me undress, and we are not even that far into the relationship."
Lexy "I would like to and who cares if we haven't been together that long. that doesn't determine our love for one another."
Malex "fair point. wait, what did you say?"
Lexy ,don't worry about it. by the way you missed out. you can look now."
I take my hands off, and she is right in my face, giving me a kiss.
Lexy ,let's go train some more."
Malex "okay."
and that's what we did. but today was special. Today, we would learn how to make a contract with our artifacts.
mother "Okay, so for today, you will learn how to make a contract with your artifacts. now it's not as hard as you might think, actually it's pretty easy. you will focus your arcane magic into your artifacts. but do it like you do with magic when you want to create a spell that you want, not just some random one."
okay, that's all she had to say for us to immediately start trying to do it. creating a spell that we wanted was easy, and it's the same for the contract. It should be pretty easy.
and it was. the contract is simple. nobody can wield this sword, but me, and I caint, wield any other weapon with an artifact, but this one. this also allows the sword to connect with my mana and magic better.
I also noticed the sword getting a lot more sharp than it was before.
Lexys spear got sharper to
same for Jack
I noticed that Lexys grip got longer, allowing her to grip it with two hands.
the green on Jack's dagger got a lot thicker. I presume it allows the effects of the dagger to not take as long.
when we all get done practicing, father, mother, and Zelda explain how now we are gonna start a training session where we go against them. to test our abilities.
when they get done explaining what we will be doing, we all head back.
Lexy follows me to my room
Lexy "That's gonna be fun." *sarcasm
Malex "totally. caint wait to go against three of the strongest arch mages to ever live." *sarcasm
Lexy "same." *sarcasm