three weeks of training
I wake up early that day and get prepared. today is the day we get our artifacts. it's really important that we get them, if not we will be at a huge disadvantage.
a few hours later (9:00)
we all step around father, and he teleports us to where we need to go, a mcc center.
father "okay everyone as I told you, stick together. get the artifacts by any means necessary."
my mother activates her "track artifact" spell. allowing her to track artifacts using mana from past users of the artifact.
we eventually stumble against a room in this huge warehouse that we are in. the room is guarded by two guards. but mother says the artifacts are in there, so we have no choice.
father quickly uses his time magic, sending a ball going at an incredible speed, hitting one dead on. he Flys back, hitting the wall behind him.
mother quickly sends a lighting bolt at the other, hitting him dead on. sending him flying back and hitting the wall.
Zelda "they are recruiting people."
father "it seems that way. they didn't even know arcane magic."
mother, "Then why were they guarding this?"
Lexy, "Maybe the others went to train?"
Malex "or they ain't the only guards?"
we walk in. we find the artifacts we are looking for. I quickly take a sword. the handle of it has a diamond shape stone in bedded inside of it. I quickly sheath the sword into my scabbard.
Jack grabs a small dagger. it has a strange, strange green glow to it.
Lexy gets a spear. it's a basic spear, but in the middle of it is a grip. the size of a normal hand, it glows a brownish color.
our parents don't grab one for some reason
Jack, "You should just grab a random one then."
mother "we caint. we have to have ours."
Malex "Why?"
father, "we made a contract with our arcane magic."
Malex: "What do you mean?"
father, "I caint explain right now. we have to move fast."
we quickly get out. on the way out, I'm just trying to comprehend what they were saying before, not really focusing on what in front of me. I bump into father who stops all a sudden.
Borriks "well look who the cat brung in."
Nathen "a bunch of pussy's."
Borriks "bad joke."
Nathen "it wasn't that bad."
dad quickly lifts his hand and we all teleport out.
Malex "close."
Lexy "very."