Chereads / THE VAMPIRE HEIR / Chapter 2 - Isaac and Ciara- 2

Chapter 2 - Isaac and Ciara- 2

"Xanderrrrrrrrr"- Isaac (Isaac Lee Max another eye catching individual, same height as Xander,red spiky hair,brown eyes,well built body, another beauty to behold but Xander still surpasses him. Isaac has a pretty boy face that can sweep any girl off their feet,he got his own share of attention like his bestfriend Xander. Isaac gives off this pretty bad boy vibe. His is also a member of the football team Xander plays for. He also attends the prestigious Philomath High school. He is the second child and only son in the midst of 3 other girls of the Max family and the heir to Max cooperation. Max's father Mr Max Miller owns a huge winery to be precise the second largest winery in the country,so yh that should pass for a super rich family. In the case of Xander his father owns the biggest cooperation,Chan Corp which deals on fashion,Acting, owns so many five star hotels in the country and 1st largest winery in the country. funny huh the sons of the two biggest wineries in the country are bestfriends. The rich only associates with the rich after all. Xander and Isaac became friends a week after Xander was transferred to the school. Turns out Isaac was transferred the same time with Xander. During their football trials for the popular Philomath High school football team,they both were kept in the waiting room to await the arrival of the coach of the team. Isaac started small talks with Xander, at first Xander was not ready for conversations but decided to follow up to reduce the feeling of nervousness he was experiencing. While getting to know each other,Xander introduced himself as Xander Chan and Isaac introduces himself as Isaac Lee Max. Flashback

- Chan as in the Chan Cooperation?- Isaac

yup and Max as the Max Corp?- Xander yup- Isaac(both bursts into laugh)so let's see the two best wineries in the country heirs are seating here worrying about nothing more but how to get into a football team huh(they both laugh again). This world is really a small place- Isaac,

I know right(laughs too) but you really don't look like what I imagined, trust me my dad does not fail to use you as an example every single day,he will be like (mimicking a hoarse voice)"Max's son should be putting on a responsible outfit and tasting wines, learning about them for future purpose to take his father's winery up and you idiot all you do is worry about football"- Xander (Xander and Isaac laughs till their tummy hurts),

You think your dad is annoying,dads are just assholes,mine says the exact thing but he says it this way (mimicking a light funny voice from all those professors in movies) "you idiot,what'd I do with you, Chan's son should be reading books right now on wine making, examining the market strategy and all you do is examine my money" (to nobody in particular he talks angrily),examine your money alright wait till I move out of your house.-Isaac

Go tell him that to his face and become homeless in the twinkle of an eye - Xander(both starts another round of laughter)

After that day this two became inseparable playing games together, throwing parties, training together,etc. They were practically the brothers they both didn't have to each other.

Back to present

Xanderrrrrr - Isaac runs as fast as he could to Xander who was already lying lifelessly on the stage in a pool of his own blood,he was shot!! everybody scrambles and runs for their lives after seeing this, the whole place became Chaotic as everybody rushed to leave the club.

Somebody call the ambulance (Isaac shouted to no one in particular as his hands were covered in his bestfriend blood)Xander please stay with me,you can't do this bro(Isaac was gradually loosing it as Xander laid there without any response) someone call the fucking ambulance!!

Alysia was still standing still as the whole scene in front of her was too much to process until her friends came and dragged her out.

Ciara one of the scholarship students at Philomath High school, pretty with black eyes,same height with Alysia,slim,brown skin with long brown hair but standing in the same area with Alysia, she will not be noticed. Ciara's Dad Mr Robert owned a small grocery store across town and she was privileged to gain a scholarship so she helped her single dad In paying the bills, rent,etc by doing part time jobs. She was the only child Mr Robert had,her mom was shot 2 years back when she was just 15. Of course schooling in the school for the rich as a grocery store owner daughter wasn't easy, Ciara was not left out on the numerous girls who wished to date Xander but she realized Cinderella stories just ain't real as she was bullied daily by Xander, Alysia and her friends,etc. She was called names like dirty,nerdy slut. Ciara had recently gotten herself a part time job at the CB&Q club(the biggest club,where rich people come to spend their weekends most times) as a cleaner


. She had a shift on the night of Xander's party and had to hide in the kitchen to avoid being seen by any of the bullies until her boss Mr Samuel a short bald man with a potruding tummy ruined everything

Ciara someone broke a bottle,go clean that up before someone gets hurt -Mr Sam

Um Mr Sam can Andy(a fellow worker)do it please I'm quite busy in here -Ciara

No excuses,go out there and clean that now- Mr Sam

(Ciara sighs and goes over to spot where the bottle was broken, she planned to clean up and leave as fast as possible before any one sees her but too late)

If it isn't the dirty nerdy slut (Xander kicks her broom farther and wen she bends to pick it he held her hand and drags her up holding her in a way it was hurting) why must you be everywhere I go,are you stalking me now (smirks evily)- Xander work here now, please Xander just let me be.. and I will be out of your sight in no time -Ciara, but Xander still had to make a scene

Hey everyone look over here the dirty slut had to use the excuse of working as a cleaner just to get into my party since she was not invited- Xander(everyone burst into laugh)

That's enough Xander(Isaac pushed Xander away from Ciara) now you get out(to Ciara,who quickly picks her broom and dustpan and hurries away)- Isaac

Xander who looked pretty wasted pouts his mouth which made him very adorable, Fun killer,common Isaac you're always defending that girl, don't tell me you like that nerd -Xander

I don't okay(trying to avoid Xander's heated gaze) and you're drunk you don't know what your talking about

Whateverrr I'm going to make my birthday toast( walks to the stage)

Back to the present>

Ciara who returned back to the kitchen earlier slowly walks out after hearing screams,only to be greeted by an empty club with Frozen Alysia being dragged out of the club by her friends, Xander lying in a pool of his own blood and Isaac screaming for someone to call an ambulance,Ciara rushes towards Isaac and Xander on the stage and quickly dials the emergency number, few minutes later the club securities, Mr Sam,the police and an ambulance had arrived at the scene,the ambulance carried Xander away.Isaac rushes towards his car to head for the hospital when a detective approached him

Sir you can't leave the crime scene right now,it is important we question all witnesses before they leave the scene,I know this will be difficult but we need your cooperation please,you see your Friend here was shot with a silencer,it seems he has people out to get him and today was the best time they knew they could attack - Detective

(Isaac who spaced out after the detective mentioned people were out to get his friend finally spoke, Who will want to hurt Xander - Isaac

We don't know but we're doing our best to find out,so please come with us for....(was interrupted)- Detective detective my bestfriend was just shot and has been hospitalized,I saw my bestfriend in a fucking pool of blood (tears threatening to spill) and I'm supposed to be at the hospital right now with him (laughing in a crazy manner) and you are telling me you need me to follow you for questions- Isaac

The detective who has been calm all these while waited for him to cool down before speaking, Sir please I need you to calm do.....(interrupted again)- waiittt- Ciara (runs like she's being pursued)

Isaac I want to join you as you're going to the hospital- Ciara

You really have a knack for appearing when you're not needed huh(putting on a very serious face)- Isaac

I just want to know how his doing (looking very innocent)- Ciara

I thought you hated him or don't think we're all friends now because you helped call the ambulance,look here I don't like you but I will let you come along for reasons known to me,but don't try to blackmail us in the nearest future with this little help of yours because that's what sluts like you do- Isaac( with no trace of emotions) Ciara was already red with anger while the detective could not help but express his surprise at how rude this young man could be to this lady,Ciara who was already boiling could not control her anger again as she lands a slap on his face, eliciting a look of surprise on both the detective and Isaac's face.At this point the detective had to leave them to settle their scores

okayyy.....I guess I'm not needed right now so I will just...- Detective(was interrupted again)

SHUTUP!!!!- Ciara & Isaac

Do this two have a thing for interrupting people, common I'm only trying to do my job - Detective (he didn't say this out loud as the atmosphere was already suffocating)

Isaac's quiet reaction all these while made Ciara who had been trying to act bold to start getting scared, she wished she could just run but her legs were too shaky to move,but she was pretty sure she was pulling of the bold look until

It's high time you stopped slapping people because you look like a drenched puppy already- Detective (grins as he whispers into Ciara's ears then moves back to give them space but still stood by because it might be bloody soon) Ciara was already about to pee on herself,way to go Ciara she whispered to herself. Isaac who has been quietly holding where he was slapped all these while smirked and moved closer to cover the space between him and Ciara, obviously trying to intimidate her with his height.

Did you just slap me?- Isaac asked still with his evil grin I did- Ciara( that didn't come out as she expected exposing the fear she was trying to hide all these while,her actions elicited a laughter from Isaac which didn't reach his eye.

This should be the last time you will lay your filthy hands on me,I am going to let this slide because I don't want to create a scene, there's a enough drama going on already,next time I won't be a gentleman- Isaac whispers into her ear coldly, Ciara wanted to talk back but she does not want to incure the wrath of Isaac Lee Max.

And you( turning to the detective who looked undisturbed by the whole scene)I have no answers to give you right now for the whole investigation process but I can give you the contact of another witness you can talk to,her name is Alysia Williams of the Williams Corp, she was present at the party before running off with her friends.- Isaac

(detective nods after jotting down the information)Thanks for your time Mr Isaac,we will get back to you if we need anything and you lady(turning to Ciara) goodluck dealing with your sturbbon boyfriend.

Walks away leaving them confused then whispers to himself,rich kids humph!! - Detective

Did he just call.....did he just.... me your girlfriend....not even in my dreams -Ciara

You think I'm interested in you either pfft.. vampires,dragons and witches would have to exist first, you can stand there all day or hop into the car before I leave you behind- Isaac (with a straight face,only Isaac can pull off that face properly),starts walking to his car,in as much as he tried to act like he hated Ciara, deep down he felt hurt hearing her say how much she didn't want to be his girlfriend, why does it hurt soo much,Isaac focus,she's not your type he muttered to himself.

Wow! what a gentleman- Ciara said with all the sarcasm she could muster,then runs to catch up with Isaac because she was pretty sure he was not joking about leaving her behind.

Isaac and Ciara are seen sitting on the waiting chairs in the hospital, Ciara sat atleast two seats away from Isaac. They have been sitting there quietly for 2hrs,the doctors has refused to give out any information about Xander's health until Xander's parents who went out of town for business and has been contacted arrives. Isaac can safely be described as a disheveled looking young man with his three top buttons unbuttoned as a result of heat which he complained was too much even with the big air conditioners stationed in the hospital. His hair was out of place already thanks to his hands continuously grabbing and pulling his hair but not too tight to pull it out of his scalp,his pacing around the hospital did not help matters at all. Ciara who had been sitting quietly could not help but stare at his exposed chest through the few buttons that was left opened and he looked super hot even with his scattered hair.

I know I'm hot and all but I will appreciate it if you stop being a pervert right now,I've caught you staring times without number- Isaac said smiling for the first time that night which made him really handsome,deep down he was happy she was staring,it somehow made him feel important, Issac had always liked Ciara but he never got the attention he got from other girls from her instead he caught her staring at Xander often,he only wanted her to like him and give him attention but no his bestfriend got her whole attention even when Xander bullies her,he felt really angry that she even wanted to make sure the guy who made her a laughing stock was alright and came to visit him at the hospital,

Ciara who had been quiet finally spoke

Well why won't I stare when you have been pacing around like a mad zombie, everybody is staring your highness -Ciara(with sarcasm)

Ciara realizing she was caught staring tried to defend herself,

and by the way has the doctors said anything about Xander yet- Ciara

The smile on Isaac's face dissapeared almost immediately.

Ciara had said this to Change the topic,Ciara once liked Isaac but anybody that set their eyes on him for a first impression would regard him as a player,flirt technical bad boy things. Ciara felt Xander brought a different Prince Charming vibe but unfortunately he was worst than Isaac. Atleast Isaac don't have rumours of engaging in one night stands. Anyways not like any of them would be interested in her. Looking at Isaac pacing around the hospital like a mad man because of his friend she realized Isaac had a good heart. she was jotted out of her thoughts when he replied her

Well go and ask the doctors if you really want to know how Xander is feeling.... Isaac angrily replied as he is imagining why she still cared soo much about Xander

Must you always be rude, Ciara could not help but point out the fact that he was becoming unbearable

must you always be a pain in the ass, asking stupid questions and putting others before yourself always,that's why you get pushed around and you can't do anything about it..... Isaac realized he had said too much when Ciara turned away to hide the tear that was threatening to spill, I'm sor..... "ring ring"

Excuse me Ciara stands and leave Isaac dejected to answer her call

Hello dad -Ciara

Hey hun,where are you, I've been worried,I know your shift ends by 9pm and this is 11pm already,are you okay? just tell me where you are I'm coming to get you - Mr Robert, Ciara starts trying to think of something,she can't tell her dad she's at a hospital and her friend was shot,it will stress him out

Dad I'm fine,I would have called earlier but I left my phone in Sandra's mom's car, I've been at Sandra's place,she called to tell me she was not feeling too well,but I'm coming back now no need to worry dad,Ciara lied through her teeth. Sandra has been Ciara's bestfriend right from elementary School,they also attended the same junior school before Ciara got a scholarship into Philomath High school,but they still remained friends.

Okay Princess,but please don't come back now,you can stay over,it's late already I can't let you come back by this time- Mr Robert

Ciara's eyes widened after hearing that,she lied about the Sandra's house thing,where would she stay,the hospital will be sending out visitors soon .

Um dad don't worry about me,I can come home,it's not that late, Ciara tried to reason with her dad

you know what,I'm coming there to pick you myself - Mr Robert

What!! no dad,you know you're not feeling too well, don't worry about me I will be fine, Sandra's mom just said I could stay over,Ciara lied more

Fine but please be safe for me, you're all I've got,after what happened to your mom....he pauses a little before proceeding after what happened to you mom you became my only priority so please be safe, Ciara could sense the pain in her dad's voice. Ciara's mother was shot on Ciara's birthday,her parents had saved their little earnings from running the grocery store to take her out on that day,they visited a small restaurant and was attacked by a gang of thieves, unfortunately her mom was shot. seeing Xander earlier only brought back those memories, and that was why she insisted on helping to make sure Xander was fine, she still lives with the guilt that her mom had died because she had insisted on going to that restaurant for her birthday.

Ciara was tearing up already

Dad I'm fine and will come home tomorrow okay, don't worry too much, remember what the doctor said about stress, have you taken your medicines??

Ciara's dad developed heart attack after the death of her mother.

it's finished but when I gather money from the sales I will make tomorrow I will get them -Mr Robert

Okay dad,I think I have some money with me,I got as tips at the club,I will get the medicines tomorrow, goodnight Dad - Ciara

you worry too much, Goodnight Princess- Mr Robert.

After the call ended Ciara cried her heart out thanking God no one was around to see that until she turned only to bump into Isaac, feeling embarrassed she barks at him with anger, Isaac had followed her to know why she was taking long only to overhear her conversation with her dad about her mom being late.

Don't you know a thing about privacy,I thought you wanted me to leave you alone,what do you wa.... Isaac leaned in and gave her a kiss which lasted for a while,her soft lips made it difficult for him to pull out,he was thinking of shutting her with a peck but that didn't go as planned and there was no resistance from her side.

Ciara was pouring out her anger on Isaac when he did the unthinkable,kiss her!! this bastard she thought but why was she not pulling away or resisting....

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