"What is keeping him now, I'm starving, urghh!!" I complained but Cyril was not moved at all, Xander has been receiving preferential treatments from my sister since he arrived,what am I even saying,since the day he was sent to the human world,all mom,dad and Cyril did was stare into Xander's gravestone. The gravestone here in Austria is same as that in the human world but that of Xander was special,it was a portal that made it easier for him to live in the midst of humans.
"Zac..Zac!" Cyril snapped me out of my thoughts,she continued "what if he didn't jump into the portal,we have to go back" Cyril was really worried.
"He jumped into the portal,he is in the cave" I replied her. How did I know that,well it's one of my powers and every male child of the royal line of vampires posses this power. We can find whatever we want by just concentrating our energy on making out the image of what we want to see but this might not work if there's a spell trying to hide the person and only the witches can perform this spell. I tried to find Xander earlier when I realized he had taken way to long to arrive,I was sensing danger but I had to keep it cool and wait to avoid scaring Cyril but Cyril was already freaking out. "The cave!!!, does that mean..."
"yes Cyril his not a full blood yet " I interrupted Cyril, "What!!!but his just like us,"Cyril answered with fear written all over her face, "well he is one of us royals but is still undergoing changes I guess,for now he is half human and half vampire,I just remembered I saw something like a scar on his neck earlier,I was trying to check it out when we were in the room upstairs but he was too sturbbon and kept on threatening to tell his parents to send me to jail",I laughed after remembering the incident earlier then continued "if he was a full vamp that scar should have dissapeared by now,he got it when playing football i guess", Cyril was technically spitting out fire with her eyes, "why didn't you tell me all these before!!!", Cyril shouted angrily, "well,you were too busy shouting at me about how I was scaring Xander and didn't let me speak and what part of I just remembered don't you understand" I shouted back with anger,why will she blame me for this,she was the one who invited him to eat with us in the first place. Cyril closed her eyes for a while to calm down then began "This is no time for us to argue but figure out how to rescue Xander", "Fine, whatever" I replied her
"Do you think there's a way we could get into the cave?,to get to Xander we have to get to the cave one way or the other" Cyril spoke while rubbing her fingers on her chin like a detective cracking a hard case, although it was a hard case,it's mission impossible for us to get into that cave. The portal was designed by the witches when the witches and Vampires had a good relationship but now witches and Vampires don't see eye to eye. The witches were like the scientist,engineers and researchers for the vampires back then. The witches and Vampires coexisted without any problems,the witches had their leaders while the vampires had theirs. The portal was created when the Dragon Clan declared war against the vampires,the witches fought along side the vampires and created that portal as a means of keeping the royal line of the vampires safe.The Dragon Clan was later defeated. The portal was a gate that was connected to the castle,during serious crises most of the vampire royalties hid there to preserve the line of royal Vampires even tho Royal Vampires can't be killed,well what can kill us has not been discovered yet but most of us still stayed back in the castle with the portal activated while the others go out to defend our people along with other normal vampires as a safety measure. The Portal is so strong that even the witches can't pass through it,only the Royal Vampires. The secret and knowledge of how the portal was made and the spell used for it died with the ancient leaders of the witches who made the portal. The portal was activated again thanks to the Dragon Clan who has come back to take revenge,our parents activated the portal leaving us behind to fight but were captured.
"I've got something" Cyril's eyes lit up like a baby that was given a candy
"What is it?" I replied her
"well remember when we were in the Royal academy in Sir Aran's class?" Cyril asked
like I will ever forget Sir Aran. He made me feel special even when I wasn't. Back then when none of my powers had activated my parents didn't miss an opportunity to compare me to Xander what was so special about him anyways. But Sir Aran made sure I trained really hard, practice my fighting skill and now I'm not sure any vampire can defeat me now,not even Xander. Unfortunately Sir Aran was killed by the Dragon Clan while he was fighting for his people,I wish I was able to help but he was not a Royal Vampire and could not survive the injury that led to his death.
"Hello..Earth to Zac" Cyril snapped her fingers at me to get my attention
"yeah..yeah I remember Sir Aran,what about him" I answered casually with my poker face on trying hard to hide the tears that was threatening to drop
"Zac you don't have to pretend around me,I know your still sad about what happened to Sir Aran,he was literally the only person you agreed to open up to when we were younger, but you should know if he was alive now he will smack you in the head and tell you to stop grieving over him and destroy those responsible for his death" Cyril face was so beautiful as she spoke,she patted me on the back making the tear I was holding to drop. She came closer and gave me a hug,I don't think I have ever been hugged,I have always hated hugs even when i was younger I pushed Cyril away whenever ever she tried to hug me but here I was enjoying this hug,it felt like the world was being lifted up my shoulder. After a while I pushed her away
"Get off me,urghh this is so embarrassing" I said putting on an irritated face
"And Zac is back....what an attitude for a fine gentleman" she scoffed and sat on one of the eight golden chairs surrounding the big dinning table,that was where the royal family had their meals
"well you should get used to the attitude" I replied her rolling my eyes
"I already am, just think it's becoming boring now" she said and smirked,she looked evil at the moment,I was about replying back angrily when she changed the topic "so as I was saying about Sir Aran's class,he once told us about a possibility of a Royal Vampire getting into the cave through meditation" Cyril added feeling smart, "well smarty pants I hope you also remembered that he said the chances of dying is 70%" I replied her with a smirk,but my sister always have a comeback
"And we don't die, we're royal Vampires remember dummy" she replied with a smirk
"you're forgetting that we can die but what can kill us hasn't been found yet, what if that is the only thing that could kill us and we try it" I answered back, she paused for a while and i gave out a victorious smile believing I had won until
"Then we will die knowing we tried and didn't back out,after all we have lived a thousand years already" she answered with a straight face . Who talks about death like that but she wasn't totally wrong.
"a thousand years or not I'm not ready to die yet,I have mom,dad,the entire Vampire kingdom and the world to save and a Dragon Clan waiting for me to kick their ass,so I will pass" I replied back with my poker face
"whatever then I will figure it out alone, goodluck saving the world alone" Cyril replied angrily and left me standing there alone. I and Cyril fight alot but still do almost everything together,I was pained when she said I should save the world alone,we practically promised each other to be in this together, she should suit herself then. I concluded on sitting and letting her do it alone but ended up seeing myself going after her to apologize
"Cyril..wait..I am sorry" I told her sincerely
"oh wow Zac is sorry, what a surprise,I don't think I've heard you apologize before" she turned to look at me
"well I am apologizing now and I'm sorry for real, about everything I said earlier,Xander is our brother and I should help,I guess I was a little bit jealous" I replied her looking everywhere but her
"You're jealous of Xander?, why??" she was looking so confused
"You know what forget I even said that" I turned to leave but Cyril grabbed my arm, she is quite strong,very strong to be honest
"What did you mean by you were jealous"she asked with a serious face
"since we were younger all you did was play with Xander, you didn't even spare me a glimpse,I hardly talked to my own sister,mom and dad compared me to him every single time, the whole kingdom talked about how he is the saviour,the day he left for the human world you didn't speak to a soul, when I tried to cheer you up you threw a cup at me and shouted at me to leave your room, how did you think I must have felt and finally he was out of the picture and you started getting along with me, and it has been just us,now his back and all you do is worry about him" I paused realizing I had said too much
"You felt like this all these while?"she asked with a concerned look
I didn't answer but turned my face away from her
"I'm really sorry Xander,I didn't know I hurt your feelings,I didn't mean to shut you out all these while it's just that most times you seem distant,you don't really want to talk about anything to anybody" Cyril said with all sincerity,I could see it in her eyes,the moment was becoming too emotional so I changed the topic
"What do we need to do to bring Xander back"I asked her
"well they're some books in the library that could help,we just have to find them,so let's go" Cyril dragged me along with her.
We have been in the library for hours now and nothing yet,I was getting tired,too many books around,how are we going to find that..
"Found it!!" Cyril shouted
"What.. finally, check what it says" I breathed and used my hand to clean up imaginary sweat
"well for starters it says...Huge energy consumption will be evident in this activity" Cyril said
"What does that mean" I was confused
Cyril rubbed her forehead and replied
"it simply means this activity or the meditation requires lots of energy that is capable of weakening the body for days",Cyril replied with a sad face
"that's better than dying, and we will do this together" I laughed dryly trying to lift the mood
"it says something else" Cyril paused and looked at me
"Cyril....what's that" I replied looking worried
"umm..well" Cyril stammered
"spit it out Cyril" I replied her
"well only one person can go in,not more than one person can attempt entering the cave with meditation..." Cyril paused like she wanted to say something but chose to leave it
"or??" I asked her worried
"or the cave might explode" she finally dropped the bomb
"well we won't die,we're royal Vampires" I said and shrugged my shoulders
"but Xander isn't" Cyril added giving me a look like she was trying to remind me that Xander was the main reason we were going in there in the first place and his safety mattered
"yeah yeah..Xander isn't,we have to be careful" I replied "but before you say anything I'm going in,it's too dangerous" I added
"and you can handle danger?" Cyril said and
laughed uncontrollably, what the fuck was funny,I am the male here and should protect her
"you're forgetting I'm the male,I am stronger" I said proudly,the next moment my two hands were held strongly at the back and I was laying face to the ground with Cyril on top
"ouch,get off me, you're hurting me" I yelped out in pain
"you were saying" she smirked,I pushed her off and reversed the position
"you were saying" I replied back with a victorious smile
"whatever get off me,my arm!!" Cyril shouted
"first you have to agree that I'm doing it and we're cool" I told her
"no way I'm letting you do this,I can't let anything happen to you,mom and dad would kill me like literally!!" Cyril said with a painful expression,I knew it that I was hurting her but that's the only way she will surrender
"and I said I will be fine, take a chill pill,you can agree or we stay like this all day", I told her with a serious expression
"fine fine sturbbon ass you will do it,now get off me before I break one of your bones" she threatened
"I don't think you're in the right position to threaten me sister" I smirked then let her go
"idiot" she screamed and picked up the book she was reading earlier
"the next step we have to get some candles I will back"she said and she was gone and back in not less than a minute thanks to her Vampire speed
"you should work on your speed" I told her balancing on the shelf but then slipped and fell
"you should work on your balance" she replied and laughed while I gave her a deadly glare
"so we will need to place the candles around a table and you will sit just in front of the table" Cyril explained,we left with the candles and book and returned to the dinning room from earlier and arranged the candles on the table as instructed.
"next step,sit up straight with your two legs further apart from each other to enable the energy flow through you properly for the meditation" Cyril read out the instruction
"Done, what's next?" I asked her after taking my position
"The last step,are you sure you want to do this?" Cyril asked me with a worried look
"yes Cyril,now read out the instructions!!" I told her becoming impatient, I wanted to do this not just to save Xander but to add my name to the book of historical Vampires who survived this,that is if I eventually survive it.
"fine, close your eyes and try to concentrate on only finding Xander, block any other sounds,it's just like using your discovery power but put more energy to transfer you to the place not just to see the place" Cyril added.
"I told you I was the right one for it,you don't have the discovery power"I smirked to annoy her. "Whatever!" Cyril replied and rolled her eyes.Immediately I started the concentration process,it was really hard to block out sounds as my ears took in even the littlest crickets sounds outside the castle but eventually i blocked out the sounds and everything was dark and quiet then I heard Xander's voice....
"Somebody help me...."sob sob, that was Xander voice alright but I was not able to see him, something was not right here,I was able to see him the first time I tried to find him but I can't now.
"Cyril I can't see anything in here,I'm only hearing Xander's voice but can't see him" I was sweating profusely already,it was obvious my energy was draining already but that was faster than I expected.
"Cyril!!! can you hear me,Xander is not the only one in here,I heard other voices,I can't see anything,Cyril!!" i tried to call out to Cyril to see if I could get more instructions but no reply
"Cyril!!!" I screamed harder, still no reply,I was sensing another presence in there with us and a dangerous one. I tried to stop the meditation but nothing was working, everywhere was dark, the first time I tried to find Xander before the actual meditation, everything was clear and now everywhere is completely dark.
"Help me!!! Help!" Xander screamed louder with his trembling voice,it was obvious he was scared,was something after him?
"I don't want to die"sob sob, the voice was slowly going farther away from me
"Xander!! Xander!it's me Zac,where are you" I screamed to see if he could hear me but I got no reply
"Xander!! it's Zac,can you hear me?" I screamed harder but got no reply,I was about giving up then
"Zac?is that really you?" Xander finally replied,I was so happy he could hear me, that was progress.
"Yes Xander, I'm here to save you,where are you?" I asked him but his response was really surprising
"Here to save me? wasn't it your fault that I ended up here in the first place,I should have known that I can't trust you and your sister Cyril" Xander replied back angrily.So much for the progress I thought I was making.
"Alright look here Xander,we told you to jump into the portal with us because we thought you were just like us..." I was interrupted almost immediately
"I am nothing like you!!" Xander shouted back
"well we know that now and Cyril is sorry" I replied back casually,
"Oh wow, just Cyril?" Xander asked
"Duh it was all her fault for inviting you to eat with us in the first place" I replied back putting all the blame on Cyril,thank goodness she wasn't present.
"and whose fault was it that I jumped through the portal forcefully?" Xander asked with sarcasm dripping from his voice
"technically that was all you,I told you about the bats and left you to make your decision,no one forced you to jump".
"No one knows if you have some kind of powers that controls bats so you used it to control the bats into chasing me so I will end up here and boom you will get rid of me easily" Xander replied angrily
"Wish it was that easy,I wouldn't be here trying to save you" I replied but then had to laugh,but something scared the fuck out of me,a different voice laughed along with me
"Was that you Xander?" I asked with all seriousness
"me what?" Xander replied with his usual attitude
"that laugh?" I replied him ignoring his annoying attitude
"What laugh?,you were the one laughing, or you're denying laughing just the way you denied forcing me into the portal" Xander poured out so much anger in that one sentence,it was obvious he hated me,I didn't like him either.
"Xander we can argue later but right now you have to tell me where you are, there's someone in here with us and I don't think he or she is here to play nice with us",I added trying as hard as I could to convince Xander that I wasn't lying
"Oh wow! one of Zac stories,I'm not getting scared this time" Xander replied boldly,is this guy some kind of psycho or something, can't he sense the danger
"Xander where the fuck are you,it's either you tell me or get ready to live here forever,I'm done trying to look out for you"I shouted at him angrily,nice going big bro I praised myself,but still there was no response
"Xander!!!I am not joking,I will..." I was interrupted immediately
"I don't know where I am okay, everything is dark" Xander screamed back
"Listen carefully, follow my voice" I told him,there's was no response for a while until
he shouted back
"Fine on one condition"
was he really giving me conditions to save him
"Xander there's no time to play around" I replied him getting frustrated
"Fine then I am not coming" Xander replied back sharply
I should have allowed Cyril come instead, this was too much
"What do you want" I replied angrily
"You will let me go home once we get out of here"Xander said
that's if you leave here alive with this attitude of yours,I mumbled to myself
"Deal?" Xander shouted
"We will talk about that after we leave here Xander" I tried to reason with him but he was just too sturbbon
"yeah..I am not doing that,we have to make the deal here and now or forget about me following you" Xander replied
I was about telling him to suit himself but I can't go back without him, Cyril will not let me live in peace
"I am not in the right position to help you go back to your home,but I could take you to someone who can help you" I replied knowing fully well I will get into trouble with the vampire council for this but I will have to worry about that later
"Really Zac?!you will help me?don't lie to me" Xander replied excitedly
"I have never lied to you dumbass" I replied angrily,I was gradually loosing it
"Lies! you told me you're a thousand years old" Xander said
"cause I am" I replied casually
"And I'm supposed to believe that?" Xander asked,I could hear the sarcasm dropping in this speech
"You're supposed to believe what you want to believe" I replied still keeping my cool
"and what about the whole my parents was captured by a clan of Dragons Charade,I should believe that?" Xander asked again
"first my parents situation is not a Charade and secondly as I said earlier you're allowed to believe what you want to believe," I replied him. Just then a large sound stopped our argument
"Idiots!! who would believe these two are Vampire Princes and future heirs,hahahaha,this is why the Dragon Clan should be in charge not this night animals" A hoarse voice echoed in the cave
"What the fuck was that" Xander screamed in fear
"That's Larsus,the head of the Dragon Clan"..
Please support this author in any way you can,I can't continue without your support,I'm a new author and need you opinions on how to improve the book. What do you think would happen to Xander and Zac in the cave, I will like to hear your comments,the next part is ready already but let's be interactive,I will like to hear what you guys are hoping to read next, please follow and vote for my book, pleasssse