Chereads / THE VAMPIRE HEIR / Chapter 5 - The cave 5

Chapter 5 - The cave 5

Xander's POV

"What the fuck was that!" I asked with fear written all over my face

"That's Larsus, the head of the Dragon Clan" Zac answered scaring me as I bumped into him and saw two scary red circles

"Arghh" I screamed

"shushh,it's me Zac" Zac answered holding my shoulders

"How did you find me" I asked looking more confused, nothing seemed to make sense any longer.

"well you're quite a talkative and the cave is not as big as you think,so I followed your voice since you were not ready to follow mine and on my way here my vision activated" Zac replied happily.

"What do you mean by your vision activated" I asked confused

"I will tell you all about it later,right now we have a bigger issue at hand" Zac replied with a straight face as usual, just then a bright light shone in the cave and it was well illuminated,I could see Zac now and I realized the red circles I saw earlier were Zac's eyes,I'm surprised I haven't fainted yet.

Your...your.. eyes!!" I stuttered

"I am fine,it just part of the vision activation process". Zac replied with a face that was not ready to answer more questions.

"Whose voice was that earlier?" I asked still trying to understand what was happening

"I told you that is Larsus,the Head Of The Dragon Clan,the one who took our parents captive, now his after us and Cyril".I could hear the venom in Zac's voice as he spoke.

"Our parents? what do you mean?" I asked Zac,did something by chance happen to my parents on their way to their business meeting,I was freaking out but Zac was quiet all these while.

"Zac are we going to die?" I asked with tears in my eyes

"well....I'm not going to die yet" Zac replied looking everywhere but me

"What about me!!" I asked again

"Well there's a fifty percent chance you might survive since you are.... you are a half Eden Vampire,or Royal Vampire as you might want to call it" Zac answered casually.

How can he say all these with a straight face.

"What!! I..I am a vampire?" I was stuttering then burst into laugh like a crazy person.

"Vampires are not real,right?" I added hoping to get a good answer but I got none,my brain was spinning

"We have to find a way out of here, we're safe for now,well I am,since only royal Vampire powers can work in here,and since you're..." Zac paused and looked at me

"Half-breed" I answered still finding it hard to believe

"Exactly, you have a chance of surviving if you stick close to me and listen to every word I tell you" Zac replied

Immediately I felt a hand touch me on the shoulder,It was Zac

"Don't worry you will understand everything soon" Zac added, I saw something flicker in Zac's eyes,for the first time Zac showed emotions I thought he didn't have.

"Now stop acting like a wimp" Zac said again with his poker face,and the annoying Zac was back again,I smiled realizing Zac had some good in him but keeps it hidden

"wipe that stupid smile off your face" Zac spoke again he was embarrassed.

"you don't have to be so grumpy every time"I told him while pouting my lips, I was trying to annoy him more, his facial expression at that moment was everything, if looks could kill then I would have been dead by now. Just then the voice from earlier spoke again

"I will make sure you two don't leave here alive"Larsus The Head of the Dragon clan said while laughing crazily,what was so funny about killing people I wondered

"If its not the head of the snakes" Zac said smirking as usual while mocking Larsus.

"we are not snakes but dragons!!" Larsus replied with anger

"oh really, you guys do look like snakes and only snakes are sneaky like you" Zac replied back. what's was Zac doing, we shouldn't be making this Larsus guy angry, from what I have heard he's dangerous. Shit Zac is going to get us killed.

"I see you have grown more bold, from what I remember your little brother here was more powerful than you, what's makes you so bold now?" Larsus replied with a mocking voice.was I hearing wrongly,what little brother was Larsus talking about, its just I and Zac here and I'm pretty sure Zac is way more powerful than me,I have no power so where is the little brother in question.

"why don't you show your ugly face so I can show you why I am so bold" Zac replied fearlessly. Immediately I touched Zac and whispered

" You're gonna get us killed, well get me killed since you're a Royal Vampire" but Zac ignored me and shouted

"Show your stupid face Larsus" Zac was spitting out venom at the moment,his eyes had turned red again,was it still the vision activation process or something else

"The fact that you're so eager to see me warms my heart Zac" Larsus replied,he was trying to make Zac more angry

"Well why don't you show yourself,let's make a warm reunion" Zac replied calmly

"Zac Fing!" Larsus called out

"Hearing you call my name,disgust me Larsus" Zac replied him with a poker face. Zac's change of emotions surprised me,one minute his angry and ready to kill and the other minute his calm and has his poker face on.

"I have an offer for you" Larsus continued, ignoring Zac's remark

"Well let's see.." Zac stroked his chin as if thinking deeply before adding "I am not interested Larsus, keep your stupid offer to yourself,just show your face,my hands are itching and can only calm down when I beat the shit out of you" Zac replied with his poker face still on.

"You should hear the offer before rejecting it my dear Zac" Larsus replied.

"What part of not interested,don't you understand Larsus" Zac replied him

"How would you like to become the next vampire King,I know it has been your dream, you want power and as the older Prince you should be the next Vampire king but unfortunately your naive younger brother was chosen to succeed the king, that's really unfair" Larsus replied Zac,I could tell he was mocking Zac instead of sympathizing with him. If what Larsus said was true then Zac had been treated unfairly,why haven't I met this brother of his.

"You should be given a chance to prove yourself, you're a fine gentleman with so many great powers and should be given the chance to rule his people,you deserve power and I can help you" Larsus added. Zac was quiet all these while,I could tell he was really hurt

"What do you mean" Zac finally asked

I had this feeling it was a bad idea to listen to Larsus,he was trying to get into Zac's head.

Just then a portal opened,the same portal that brought me here in the first place. A dark figure was appearing, slowly approaching us until it became visible. It was a young handsome man, he had red hair and looked so much like

"Isaac!!!" I shouted,I was surprise to see Isaac here, finally someone I know,but how did he get here

"Larsus" Zac called the youngman, dashing towards the man meant to be Isaac with a sword, before I could understand what was happening Zac had already cut the youngman's arm.

"What the fuck, Zac!!" I shouted running towards the youngman that was covered with blood

"Stay away from him Xander, that is not your friend Isaac!"Zac shouted but it was too late,I was already kneeling beside the bleeding youngman.

"Isaac are you okay? please talk to me" I was tearing up

"Xander,I don't want to die",sob sob, "help me!!" the youngman groaned in pain,I turned to Zac and shouted at him angrily

"See what you have done!!" sob sob "you should learn to control your anger Zac!!" I was still screaming like a mad person when the youngman that was meant to be Isaac grabbed my hand

"Get away from him,listen to me for once" Zac shouted at me but all I was concerned about,was Isaac,that is my bestfriend for crying out loud. I turned to Isaac who grabbed my hand strongly

"I am here Isaac,but you have to let go of my hand, you're hurting me" I groaned in pain but his hold on me became tighter

"Isaac let go!!let go bro" his hold on me became stronger and he started smiling strangely

"Xander listen to me for once and get away from him,that is not Isaac" Zac shouted again. I turned to look at Isaac and struggled to free my hands but I froze when I saw the arm of Isaac that was cut earlier crawling back to him,this ain't Isaac,the hand went back to it's normal position.

"I....I...Isaac are you alright" I tried to ask

"Shut up,you are so dumb"the young man that was meant to be Isaac barked at me, turning to Zac,the youngman added "Zac you are not going to let him become the king,right" Larsus spoke while laughing evily. Zac looked at me for a while then face palmed.

"Why do you look so much like Isaac" I managed to ask despite the fear surrounding me

"He can change forms and take any form he wants" Zac replied me,I could not see any emotions in his face but I could tell he was angry and dissapointed

"Zac I came here personally to make an offer,I know this is the only way I can get to you since you and your sister have been hiding in the castle. I want to help you,we will get rid of this fool" Larsus paused and pointed to me. What was my business in all these,why can't they let me go home. Larsus grip on me was still strong

"What do you want from me Larsus!"Zac asked

"I want your loyalty Zac Fing,you work with me and we will take over the world, you will rule the whole world not just the vampires alongside with me. All you have to do is to pledge your loyalty to me and kill Xander,his existence is the only thing stopping you from getting the power you deserve" Larsus spoke. After hearing everything I started putting two and two together and realized I was Zac's younger brother,I was the horrible little brother,how is that even possible, Zac can't kill me,right!!,his response to Larsus made me cold

"Are you sure about what you are saying Larsus" Zac asked still showing no emotions,I was scared to death,it was obvious I was going to die.

"Yes Zac,why would I lie to you?" Larsus replied putting on a smile,I can't believe I am saying this, but seeing Isaac's face made me want to puke,I was starting to hate the face thanks to Larsus.

"Why can't you do it yourself" Zac replied with a smirk

"You know it's impossible" Larsus replied with a straight face

"Wow Larsus can't kill a half breed" Zac said and laughed

"He is still a half breed?" Larsus asked confused. It was obvious Larsus had no idea about it and thanks to Zac he knows now. I turned to look at Zac and for the first time I saw fear in his eyes

"What.... half breed? who talked about half breed,Xander is a full royal Vampire" Zac tried to take back his words but Larsus was not buying it at all.

"Well there is only one way to find out" Larsus said with a smirk, just then I felt something sharp Pierce my chest

"Xander!!!!" Zac screamed. I fell to the ground,I was stabbed by Larsus with a dagger. I was in so much pain and was bleeding profusely,this was more painful than how I felt when I was shot. Zac ran over to where I was and started tearing up, everything was becoming blurry. I was surprised to see Zac cry because of me. Did he really like me after everything?,

"Xander Please stay with me, you can fight this, please" Zac spoke while crying profusely.

"Yes, finally the saviour is gone,the Dragon Clan can take over now,at last,hahahahaha" Larsus laughed like a maniac that he was.

"Join me Zac,join me,this would not have been possible without your help" Larsus continued. Zac held me in his hands,I could hardly say a thing and I was slowly loosing sight of everything,it was painful to see your loved ones cry for you like this,first it was Isaac when I was shot,now Zac. I was drifting to another world,where there would be peace finally.

"Zac,I am really sorry if I have hurt you in any way, I never wanted to take anything that belonged to you,I am going now and I expect you to live a happy life,thank you for everything and tell Cyril thank you on my behalf,for making me feel welcomed in this strange place". I said with the little energy I had left.

"You are not going anywhere please,Xander!! Xander!!please, don't you dare leave me!" Zac cried profusely, immediately Zac's eyes turned red again and he dashed towards Larsus,I saw him fling his sword before everything went blank.