Warning: Adult content
Ciara was seated on her bed,inside a small but comfortable bedroom,holding her phone as if expecting an important call. After what happened at the hospital three nights back,Ciara had been avoiding Isaac. At school she had to eat her lunch in the class when others were at the cafeteria to avoid bumping into Isaac.
3 nights back,
Ciara was pouring out her anger on Isaac when he did the unthinkable,kiss her!! this bastard she thought but why was she not pulling away or resisting. She ran her hands through his hair as he explored her mouth, his mouth tasted like apple juice, he was driving her crazy with just his kiss. She was craving his touch more than she thought. Isaac on the other hand was enjoying the taste of her lips,he had always wondered what it would be like to kiss her and when he saw how hurt she was after talking to her dad,he felt like holding her and kissing her problems away,he didn't know what he was doing until his lips was entangled with hers,he felt like heaven,they were both immersed in the moment forgetting that they were in a hospital, thankfully they were at a hidden corner. He kissed her and when he heard her moaning into his lips,it drove him crazy and he went ahead to lift her,with the wall supporting her,he lifted her skirt,making his way to her woman treasure,when she pushed him away. Ciara was so lost in the whole pleasure Isaac was giving to her,she went ahead to unbutton his shirt, running her hands through his chest. Immediately his hands went towards her panties she freaked out and pushed him away,after becoming aware of her surrounding and who she was messing around with.
"What are you doing!!" Ciara shouted at him, trying to adjust her clothes and her hair that was out of place thanks to their little make out session
"I am sorry...it was..it was a mistake" Isaac replied her wondering what her problem was. One minute she is enjoying and moaning and the next minute she is angry. Isaac thought he had done something wrong or maybe she despised his touch,but from her reactions earlier that was not the matter,or has she not been touched like that before,Isaac thought but it was impossible to him that she had not done anything like that.
"You didn't like it?" Isaac went ahead to ask with a sad face.
"Why will I like it,you just assaulted me!!" Ciara shouted back at him,Ciara knew it within herself that she was lying but she had to cover up,she was already dying with embarrassment.
"Then you should have said it earlier that you didn't like it,but you were busy moaning and leading me on" Isaac replied her with a smirk. He found it cute how she acted all embarrassed and speechless. Ciara was trying so hard to deny her feelings for Isaac. She could not defend herself because he was saying the truth,but she didn't know she was moaning all these while until he said it. She felt embarrassed and returned back to the visitors venue. Isaac followed her and they both returned to their seats. They both sat in silence. After what just happened they both didn't know what to say.
"Sorry about your mom" Isaac finally broke the silence
"Yeah thanks" Ciara replied trying hard to hide her pain. She was angry Isaac had to hear about it and that was her weak spot that she didn't like talking about. She turned to look at Isaac and saw that pity look people gave her after hearing about her mom,she hated that look since most of them were filled with pretense,but Isaac's own was different,he looked like he was really concerned about her,she stared at him for a while before looking away to avoid his gaze.
"If you need anything,I am always here" Isaac told her looking everywhere but her.
"Yeah you don't have to act all weird about it,I told you it's fine" Ciara replied him.
"Care to tell me how it happened?" Isaac asked
"She was shot on my 15th birthday,she had saved her earnings to take me out to this fancy restaurant I loved and it turned that out the restaurant had to be attacked on that day and she was shot by one of the robbers when she refused to give out the money she had on her to them,she wanted to get me a present with it". I told him tearing up in the process,this was why I didn't like talking about it,I knew it that I was going to cry.
"I am really sorry,you know you don't have to hide how you feel always" Isaac said
"yeah let's not talk about it again" Ciara replied, wiping her tears. Isaac ended the topic,he knew it was too sensitive and didn't want to push her. He lost his mom when he was just 5,but didn't like talking about it too.
"You can stay at my place" Isaac said
"Huh!" Ciara replied confused
"I mean...for the night..you can sleep over" Isaac replied scratching his head awkwardly.
"Um yeah.. thanks,but I will pass" Ciara replied sharply. Isaac was expecting that reply,after what happened earlier he knew she would never accept his offer but he tried anyways.
"You Know you don't really have a choice right?" Isaac asked her
"What do you mean by that,you want to force me to stay at your house...that's what we are doing now?,I will like to see you try" Ciara replied angrily not giving him a chance to explain. She was pissed at his statement,what did he mean by she had no choice.
"That was not what I meant Ciara..." Isaac replied rubbing his temple, dealing with Ciara was quite stressful,she was really sturbbon
"So what do you mean!!" She replied glaring at him
"You told your dad you are at a friend's place,and we both know that's a lie,so where do you plan on staying for the night?" Isaac asked her with an eyebrow raised. Ciara realized she had overreacted and started pondering on what to tell him,how will she tell him she was planning to stay at the hospital.
"Don't tell me you are planning on staying here at the hospital?" Isaac asked staring at her like she was crazy
"So what if I was planning to stay here,it won't be that bad" Ciara replied
"You Know they don't let people stay in the hospital once the visiting time is over right?" Isaac replied with an eyebrow raised. Ciara didn't know actually. She kept quiet and avoided his question,so Isaac let her be. Ciara was seriously thinking of what to do about shelter for the night,she thought of considering Isaac's offer but it was risky staying in the same house with him for the night. Just then a nurse walked towards them to announce the closing time for visitors
"Excuse me,the hospital is closing now, visitors are expected to take their leave and return tomorrow if they want, to visit the patients". The nurse announced and left. Xander's parents didn't come again after all, maybe they would be there tomorrow.
"You coming?" Isaac asked with a concerned look,but I avoided his gaze thinking of what to do,after standing for a while without getting an answer,
"Okay then suit yourself" Isaac said before leaving. Ciara watched him until his back dissapeared,after sitting for a while without coming up with anything and noticing the looks she was getting from the nurses,she ran to the hospital packing lot hopping to find Isaac but he was gone.She thought of texting Sandra but that was a waste of time,it was late already,she should be asleep already. She had no other friends to call so she made up her mind to walk home. Her house was really far from the hospital but it was close to impossible to find a taxi by that time of the night. She walked out of the hospital's compound and moved into the dark and lonely street alone.