As the helicopter began to shoot again, he swung down, dodging all the bullets before stuck to a wall somewhat close to the helicopter to shout "So are you gonna introduce yourselves or are we just doing this without any evil monologuing?!"
"No point in talking to a dead bug." A man said with a Southern accent "Now, you can either just give up and make this easy, and we'll make this as painless as possible. Or you can bug around and take the might of the Enforcers."
'Enforcers? Right, they're the guys from the first episode one of the Spectacular Spider-Man. I completely forgot about them. And doesn't their boss become Shocker later on?'
"Enforcers? Cool name, I'll give you that." He smirked and glared tauntingly "But are you cool enough for the name?"
"Bug around it is."
Bullets went flying again, as did he. He followed the guidance of his Spider-Sense, dodging everything as he hummed 'To be honest, I don't even need to run around like this. I could take on the bullets with minimal damage and then just crash the helicopter with a single tendril. But oh well, this can be a good experience... not.'
Maneuvering around the bullets, he swung under the helicopter, getting out of their field of vision.
"Where did he go?!" Montana frowned as Spider-Man swung sharply and delivered a powerful kick to their machine gun. Kicking it right off and sending it flying. The Enforcers' eyes widened as the helicopter shook and the machine gun crashed into a building.
"You see, guys," He suddenly showed up again, sticking to the windshield as he spoke in an unusually cold voice "I really don't like to be messed with when I'm in a hurry."
Montana raised the helicopter higher and spun in the air in an effort to shake off the arachnid. But Spider-Man simply curled his fingers into the windshield, actually pushing them through it and causing their eyes to widen.
"Enough already." He pulled the windshield right off before reaching out to Montana. He tried to dodge, but his hand was lightning fast as it grabbed him by the collar "Can't you see that you're just fucking outclassed?"
He threw him out without hesitation. Montana screamed in panic, but luckily for him, Peter didn't want any kills on his files yet. That wouldn't look good on his SHIELD resume. A web to his back stopped him midair before he shot the other end of the web to the nearby building.
Spider-Man turned back to the two other Enforcers and smiled mischievously "Let's go down now, alright?" A straight into the control center of the helicopter, causing alarms to go off as the helicopter began to descend sharply.
"W-WHOAAA!! GET OUT, OX!! TAKE A PARACHUTE AND JUMP OFF!!" The shorter man yelled as they both took a parachute each and jumped off. But Spider-Man couldn't just let the helicopter hit the ground and explode.
[Superhuman Speed: 200 mph (321 km/h) -> 1,700 mph (2,736 km/h)]
He swung out, jumped on a building, and webbed the helicopter to the wall, before instantly jumping onto the opposite building and doing the same, and again, and again. With how fast he did it, it seemed like the helicopter had fallen only a few meters before it was suddenly suspended in the air by numerous spider webs.
With the helicopter taken care of, he jumped onto the ground and stood just a few meters away from the two Enforcers, Ox and Fancy Dan, who landed safely. He laughed softly at their shocked expressions "What, am I much stronger than what you expected? Did whoever the hell hired you underestimate me when I was just being careful to not just punch the criminals' heads off?"
The two nodded at each other before attacking him. However, he simply grabbed their fists and held them in place. A cruel smile made its way to his face as he tightened his hold, making them wince intensely "Boys, as fun as this was, I'll have to finish this party quickly. So, have a fun time in jail."
He gave a sharp pull, making them stumble to his height before he gave punishing hooks straight to their faces, making them spin and fly behind him. As they passed out, he webbed them to the ground before he heard the police sirens.
"That's your cue to leave." Gwen reminded. He nodded "Right. I'm out of here." He shot a web to the ball of webbed up AK-47s he had made, ripping them out of the ground before he swung away. Catching a glimpse of the machine gun that had broken into a high floor of the building, he hummed before shooting a web at it and taking that too.
'Today has been pretty rewarding. And those Russian guys... my gut feeling tells me I should keep an eye out for them. For now though, let's go meet gwen.'
"Gwen, is your dad home?"
"He rushed out a few minutes ago when he was informed of what was happening where you were. An attacker on an Oscorp van and a military helicopter attack aren't small things, after all. Why?"
"I just wanted to know if I should take the elevator or just swing to your window."
"Huh? Y-you're coming here?"
"Yeah, I'm kinda..." He mumbled "I can't just go home tonight, alright? I'm in deep trouble if Aunt May sees me. She's probably waiting in my room with all her sleepers ready to whoop my ass when I go back."
"Huh? What? Peter, what have you done? Your Aunt May doesn't get angry easily."
"Well, I might have... haaah, I'll tell you when I meet you, alright?"
"Alright, sure. I guess you're tired. It has been a long day, after all."
He landed on the emergency staircase, careful to not crash his toys. He smiled as he saw her behind her computer, finally sparing some time to study after their exciting job. He didn't want to scare her, so he spoke into his earpiece "Gwen, I'm outside your window."
She turned towards him instantly, face filled with concern. Worried that he may have gotten an injury but didn't tell her. But when she saw him pull his mask up and smile, her worries eased. Breathing a sigh of relief, she opened the window for him with a smile "Hey, you're here!"
"Yeah. That was more exciting than we expected, huh?" He chuckled, but she circled around him, checking for any damage "You're seriously not hurt, right? Promise?"
"Want me to strip down naked so you can check for yourself?"
"N-no, it's okay. I believe you." She blushed "But you're right. It got a lot more hectic than I expected. I thought it would be just a quick work of you turning invisible, then somehow breaking into the van, getting the spiders and quickly getting back.
But you even got attacked by a freaking helicopter. You really were rash there. Haaah, I'm glad you're alright."
"Hahahaha, I really gotta show you what I'm capable of so you won't worry yourself too much. But thanks for worrying though. I know it's because you care. But for now, clear a spot for the spiders. They're outside."
She smiled and nodded. He walked back to the emergency staircase as she cleared up a spot and pretended to grab the spiders. But he simply took out the containers stored in his biomass with the super spiders inside and made a makeshift bag with his webs.
He brought them in and placed them gently on the floor. Opening the web, he presented them "Ta-da~! Here's our lovely spiders!"
"Are they okay? They didn't get hurt when the helicopter attacked, right?"
"Gwen, are you serious? I would take the bullets myself rather than let them get hurt."
Gwen glared at her "And I would rather if you didn't. We're not even sure if they will give you new powers. Staying alive is more important than taking chances like that. So don't you say something like that again."
He smiled apologetically "Okay, okay. I'm sorry."
"It's alright. So, why are they sleeping? You're sure they're alright, right?"
"Yeah, don't worry. I made them fall asleep myself, since I didn't want them to panic and thrash around. I made sure nothing happened to them."
"And how did you do that?" She looked curiously.
He shrugged smugly "Takes a spider to know a spider. I've got some nifty tricks."
"Hahahaha, sure. But what now? How are you going to do this?"
"I can't just take all of them at once, that's for sure. Just one of them biting me gave me the worst fever of my life."
"Yeah, doing all the other 14 spiders at once would be disastrous. I don't even want to imagine how your body would react to something like that."
"Not in a pretty way, that's for sure. So the plan is that I'll let one bite me, then after a while, when my body has completely taken in the powers, I'll let another spider bite me."
"Yeah, that's the best option. Hmm... but what if we combined all their venoms into one serum?"
"You got the spider's powers when you were injected with its venom, right? So, what if we took all of their venoms, combined it into one single serum, then injected you with it?"
"Hmm... that's definitely a great idea. It would save us months. But I don't think it will work. I feel like the venoms would either cancel each other out and just give me the disease of the century, or it would work, but the powers I would get would be an extremely watered down version of what I could gain. So I don't think it's worth the risk."
"Yeah, you're right. Neither options are good. Alright then, let's do it the way you suggested."
"Hm." He nodded.
He couldn't help but look at her curiously. Feeling his eyes on her, she looked back and smiled "What's up? Why are you staring at me?"
"I'm just thinking, aren't you at all tempted to get superpowers too?"
"Hmm..." She thought about it "Well, it would be a lie to say I'm not. But I also know about the responsibility that comes with it. I can't just get superpowers and then sit back and relax when I could be saving lives."
"It's not like that though? It's not like you're going to sacrifice your own personal life for others. Just look at me. I help as much as I can, but I don't sacrifice my life as Peter Parker just so Spider-Man can help a few more strangers. And hey, I even get money out of it. You already know about the 1 million dollars."
"It's not just that simple, Pete. It sounds exciting, but it's too dangerous. Just think about before. You were attacked by an armed helicopter."
"Yeah, I guess you have a point. But if you were to change your mind, don't hesitate to tell me. We could always fight crime as partners. And of course, I'd always have your back."
She blushed, smiling as she tucked her hair to the back of her ear "Thanks, Peter, I know. By the way, what were you talking about earlier? Why is your Aunt May angry?"
Peter twitched, looking away as he pursed his lips "W-well, I kinda told her about me being Spider-Man."
"You did?!" Her eyes widened "What did she say?!"
"Obviously, she didn't like it. Insisting that I should stop. She was really worried that I would get hurt and said that she can't lose me like we lost Uncle Ben. But I managed to convince her in the end, saying that what I'm doing stops others from losing their loved ones. And she agreed to let me continue being Spider-Man."
"Oh, makes sense that she's sad. What you're doing really is dangerous. But luckily, you managed to convince her." She sounded sympathetic towards Aunt May "But why would she be mad then? Is it about you taking money for doing it?"
"Oooh, my fucking god." He put both hands on his head "I haven't even told her about that. I only showed her some money, then the subject changed to me being Spider-Man and we completely forgot about the money. Ooh, I'm so fucked when she finds out..."
Gwen could only smile apologetically and pat his back soothingly.
(A/N: Question. Should Gwen get powers or not? Vote +1 down below:)