Narrator's POV
A sloth's ancestor: the Megalonyx.
Known as the Large Clawed Ground Sloth, this abomination is a monstrous creation.
3 meters long and 998 kilograms heavy (10 feet long and 2,200 pounds), the Megalonyx was built like a tank. Globs of muscle piled upon sturdy bones. A shaggy fur draped on the shoulder like a fluffy, brown rug. Dagger-like claws on its large paws and peg-like incisors on the upper and lower jaw make a deadly combination for a fatal blow.
A single sweep or a single bite could smash a skull like smashing an egg, scattering the skull fragments with an explosion of blood.
With a large rectangularly shaped head and a pair of small beady eyes, the head and body don't match at all, like a face of a cute girl paired with a body of a champion weightlifter.
One look at the current three-toed sloth and one look at the Megalonyx, it's like seeing a before and after picture for a gym advertisement, yet ironically enough, the Megalonyx, a muscular beast capable of killing other animals became a small, unproportional meat ball with shaggy fur called a three-toed sloth.
Despite a sloth now, having a constant wide smile with crinkling eyes, moving so slowly and languidly, with absolutely no muscular gains is still a descendant of the mighty Megalonyx.
Even though a sloth seems weak, beneath that shaggy fur and goofy smile is a sleeping giant.
There is a wild beast inside, a survival instinct inside.
A pair of claws ready to strike.
Ready for blood if ever need be.
Even ready to kill.