Mrs Whitney looked at the girl before her and couldn't help but not feel only sad but heartbroken, she had watched her fight for life so many times especially when she went into labour when she was going to have Chris,
she has been through a lot, that's exactly why she has kept this certain secret from her for the past four years and she hasn't dared to tell her yet at least not now, she continued consoling and wiping her tears till she stopped crying
"now child tell me what happened to you, what happened last night, why are you here crying?" Mrs Whitney finally asked her after what seemed like an endless emotional episode
"a customer tried to rape me" Jane replied amidst tears
"what, how did that happen? You seriously need to stop that job, I never agreed to it from the start" Mrs Whitney said very angry.
Jane stood up from the bed, wiped her tears and walked to the window
"but Mrs Whitney you know there's no any other job around it was the only job I could find at that time," she said facing Mrs Whitney. Mrs Whitney walked up to her and held her hands,
"I know Jane but it's not good for you, those jerks downtown don't have respect for women you need to stop that job" Mrs Whitney interjected
"and do what exactly?" Jane asked
"well you can always find a good job, you are a very smart and good child I believe in you" Mrs Whitney replied
"well my smartness and goodness won't produce me a certificate, Mrs Whitney without that I can't get a good paying job, I feel so frustrated, I want to give my son and me a better life, but I can't do that with this job, I need so much more," Jane said breaking down in tears again, Mrs Whitney lifted her face to face her
"well listen to me, we just have to have faith in God okay?"
"oh that reminds me" Jane said with her fingers up
"what's that?" Mrs Whitney asked looking all curious
"Zain promised that find me a job in his company" Jane replied
"he did?" Mrs Whitney said smiling at her eyes
"yes he did" Jane replied
"you see I told you, there's nothing like a coincidence, everything works for good," Mrs Whitney said very happy
"That boy is such a good man" Mrs Whitney added
"oh Mrs Whitney allow him to get me the job first before you start celebrating and praising him" Jane said shaking her head
"oh come on don't be a sucker, since he has promised then he will help you besides you can't tell me you haven't noticed that he likes you" Mrs Whitney said and his herself behind the curtain as if she was scared Jane would kill her for saying those words, she knows Jane doesn't like it when you talk about boys,
but she just has to take the risk, she really wants her to move on with her life, and she also wants Chris to have a father, he needs a father figure in his life, we like Zain a lot, and he doesn't mind putting in a good few words for him
"What did you say?" Jane asked with horror written all over her face
"Zain likes me, did he tell you that?" Jane added
"of course not, he didn't say a word to me, it's just simple logic" Mrs Whitney interjected
"Okay but why are you hiding behind the curtain?" Jane asked looking a bit surprised
"well I thought you were going to chop my head off because I talked about a boy" Mrs Whitney replied
"just come out already" Jane said, Mrs Whitney came out of the curtain, placed her hands on her chest and bowed halfway to Jane
"Thank Your royal Highness for your kindness, I shall never forget," Mrs Whitney said acting all weird
"oh please Mrs Whitney stop being dramatic" Jane said
"so like I was saying, don't you see the way he looks and stares at you, he's head over heels in love with you" Mrs Whitney continued
"Mrs Whitney will you just stop," Jane said
"oh come on don't be like that, give the guy a chance, he's such a good guy and Chris even loves him, just consider him" Mrs Whitney said with pleading eyes
"Mrs Whitney you know clearly how I feel about men, they have no good to offer" Jane said
"and I have told you countless times that not all men are the same, they are still good ones out there and Zain is one of them, trust me dear I have a good feeling about him, just think about it," Mrs Whitney said looking all serious
" but I don't like him, I don't like anyone, they are all the same" Jane interjected
"I disagree, Zain has promised to get you a job that's something good he's offering don't you think so? Besides my husband was a good man" Mrs Whitney said with her chin up
"oh Mrs Whitney I'm so sorry I wasn't talking about your husband, it's just that I can't trust any man so easily anymore, I will never be able to forgive what that monster did to me, I just can't bring myself to" Jane explained
"oh dear, there's no need to be sorry, and I clearly understand you, but you can't keep harbouring resentment and bitterness in your heart, it's not good for you, you will just keep hurting yourself, you have to let go please dear, I'm not going to pressure you into finding love, take your time, but you have to move on, open your heart okay?" Mrs Whitney asked
"okay" Jane replied
"promise me" Mrs Whitney asked "I promise" Jane replied.
"Now smile enough of being sad" Mrs Whitney said wiping the tears left on Jane's face
"sure," Jane said smiling
"that's my girl, am off to the kitchen I need to prepare something am sure you haven't eaten something" Mrs Whitney said and Jane's stomach grumbled, they both laugh
"Even my stomach can't take it anymore" Jane said laughing
"well I better get to work then" Mrs Whitney stood up and left
"you need help?" Jane shouted after her
"no I will be fine you just rest I will call you when it's ready okay?" Mrs Whitney shouted back
"okay" Jane shouted again, she heaved a sigh of relief and lay close to her son and soon she fell asleep.