Sylvia just couldn't come up with any way to get her back from the office, she only had her phone with her, her purse and everything was in there, she didn't seem to have any choice she was going to go in there and face whatever comes her way, she felt a bit calm and more composed than earlier, she splashed some water on her face and made it back to the office.
As expected, Zain was already sitting by his desk, he was engrossed with his work as usual, she quickly walked to her desk almost tiptoeing, she just hoped he wouldn't notice her, she just wanted to take her bag and leave right away, but unfortunately for her Tasha noticed her and called her,
"Hey Sylvia what's up please come have a look at this for me, I've been waiting for you since we came back from lunch, where did you disappear to?" Tasha accused Sylvia stopped in her tracks and almost cursed. This was the last thing she wanted and needed right now, she just hoped Zain hadn't heard her,
But luck wasn't on her side this afternoon like it was in the morning, come to think of it, it was never luck at all, it was just the devil luring her to her doom, before she could even answer Tasha, Zain had already made his way to her
"Hey Sylvia are you okay, why did you leave like that?" Zain asked he was looking at her with concern written all over his face the same way he did this morning, ' I guess that's the way he looks at every girl ' Sylvia thought to herself,
How could she have thought so much about it, she thought he liked her, and she instantly felt like crying again, she thought she would feel better after crying so much in the bathroom just now, but she was on the verge of breaking down again, tears found it's way to her eyes and before they could dare to fall, Sylvia grabbed her bag and ran out of the office.
She ran as fast as her legs could take her, luckily for her, she got on the bus almost immediately, this was the only good thing that had happened to her today, as the bus was about to move she saw Zain outside the office,
' he didn't run after her, did he? ' she thought to herself maybe he came to get something, but he didn't come for her, she wouldn't keep daydreaming at this point anymore, she got a seat for herself the back, no one would notice her here even if she cried to death, she sat down and drowned herself in her misery
Zain was utterly confused at their point he didn't know what to think or do anymore, he had run after Sylvia almost immediately she ran out, he had seen the despair on her face, she looked like she had been crying, could it be the family issue she mentioned earlier, Zain thought,
' what could be that serious, oh did she lose someone close to her? ' he would just ask her tomorrow, or better still he should just place a call to her, Zain's face quickly turned sour when he remembered he didn't even have her number
Zain walked back to the office, he still had a lot of work to do, he walked back to his desk and met Tasha at his desk tossing his pen, she appeared like she was angry,
"Did you two fight?" Tasha asked
"of course not why would we fight?"
"no you two didn't fight, then you must have broken up with her, why would you do that, it's barely a day since you got together" Tasha accused
"you are such a bad person, you deserve to be beaten up, you know," Tasha said this time she was whispering, she didn't want anyone to hear her
Zain was dumbfounded, ' what did she just say, breaking her heart, a day of being together, what was she even blabbing about ' Zain thought to himself and he just couldn't help himself but ask
"What are you talking about?" Zain asked her
"what do you mean what I'm talking about, weren't you guys dating, isn't that what you both have been all cozy with each other since morning, I'm not blind you know" Tasha interjected
"I honestly do not know what you are talking about, there's nothing like that going on between us, we are just colleagues, friends if I can put it that way that's all" Zain replied to her.
Tasha didn't know what else to say, he sounded sincere, she must have seen wrong, but she thought they were already going out together ' That means he still doesn't know of Sylvia's feelings for him ' she thought, she just hoped she hadn't given her friend away, she quietly walked back to her seat, and went back to work
Zain saw all the mixed reaction on Tasha's face she must know something about what was going on with Sylvia for her to have attacked him like that, he had to find out, he walked over to her desk and sat on her table
"What's wrong with Sylvia?" Zain asked. Tasha looked up at him surprised that he would ask such a question
"how am I supposed to know, you both went down for lunch and she didn't back up with you, I should be asking you that question, what did you do to her?"
" what me? I didn't do anything" Zain interjected, why in the world was she accusing him like this, he honestly didn't do anything to her, ' or did he? ' Zain asked himself
Zain noticed everyone's eyes were already on them, he grabbed her hand and took her outside the office
"I need you to tell me what's going on, I'm worried about her, she was looking sad, she said it's some family problem, but she wouldn't tell, you both are friends, you must know something," Zain said.