Chereads / Do not mess with a transmigrated and angsty otaku! / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2. Chiba Kyo > 2nd love interest.

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2. Chiba Kyo > 2nd love interest.

Chiba Kyo was the second male lead and Liz's personal favorite out of the three. He was the least harmful out of all the male leads and had thorough character development as the otome game went on.

Kyo..was different. Different from everyone he ever met because he never felt any emotions that an average person would feel. He found it hard to even crack a smile on his face but he would try...his hardest until he perfected it, which he did.

When Kyo was younger he had been in a car accident and experienced severe brain damage to his Limbic System, a part of the brain which controlled his emotions. He had a very hard time expressing himself and would lose his memory very often. His behavior changed as well; Before the accident, he was a very playful child who was so energetic it would be hard to stop him from playing for even a second, but after the accident he…stopped.

He stopped playing, he stopped crying, and he stopped responding to things that required him to feel. If he got hurt he wouldn't know how to respond. He would just sit in his room all day staring into space and always have a blank expression. The only emotion he ever felt was emptiness. That's all he felt: empty, empty, empty…empty.

When he entered elementary school, grade 2 at the age of seven he quickly realized he would not fit in. Ever. Every day the children would not come near him or talk to him because if they told him a joke, he wouldn't laugh. If the teacher presented a surprise to the children, he wouldn't be happy or surprised. He had no friends and even the teachers didn't interfere with that because how could they help? The boy didn't have ANY emotions!

One day he realized he could feel another emotion. (which didn't surprise him since- well you get the memo) He realized he could feel loneliness. He now had two emotions: emptiness and loneliness. So he decided since he couldn't fix the first emotion he'd try to be less lonely, to have friends.

Every day during the summer he'd try to smile and make it seem believable. He would copy emotions he had seen every day or he would try to use the ones he remembered. He would cry, he would be shocked, and he would be scared, happy, sad, and angry. After practicing a lot he had finally perfected it. Now he just had to put it into action.

One day, on the very last day of the summer holidays he walked out to his garden to see his mother planting some fruits. He walked up to her, bent down, and peered at her face. She, finally noticing Kyo beside her got surprised. He had never left his room before unless he had to go to his three mandatory destinations: school, the toilet, and the dinner table. Calming herself down she said to Kyo "Musuko? Are you okay?" He looked at her and grinned whilst he simply said "Okasan…I'm…happy" Okasan was shocked..she suddenly burst into tears as she tightly hugged Kyo and said "Kyo my child you can finally feel! Oh, this is so great! You're back to normal! Okasan loves you, you know that right? Right!" She burst into an explosion of emotions which made Kyo realize that it worked. He had practiced hard enough for it to seem believable. Now he just had to pretend…for the rest of his sad and pathetic life.

After that day Kyo transferred to a different school where he took on the facade of being the cute and petite boy who was kind to everyone. everyone who met him truly loved him so much that he remained popular to the days of their high school, having many friendships along the way.

Liz loved Kyo the most but also felt sorta creeped out by him. Sometimes he would lose his mask out of the blue and his expressionless face would show, that would only happen when the MC was with him. His eyes would be devoid of emotion and he would stare coldly at MC. He even had a CG of him staring darkly at MC as he said his dialogue which was "You're making me feel things…things that I don't like feeling." The CG was hella creepy which made Liz wonder why the producers of the game even include it..?

As the story progresses during his path he would slowly start to feel emotions due to the MC's love for him. ( which made Liz cringe because you can't simply cure a brain injury or malfunction by "love")

Anyway, his happy ending was that HE was finally pleased and if he confessed his love to you and you said yes; You would both start a relationship and that would be the end of his path, only showing a CG of him kissing you and that would be the end.

His bad ending…now that would be a little haywire. It would give real yandere/psychotic vibes. If you rejected him he would suddenly, out of nowhere throw his hands onto your neck and start to violently choke you all the whilst he laughed.

He would say "You made me feel! You did this to me! You can't just leave now can you?" "This is all your fault, you deserve what's coming for you!" you would try to scream for help but he would put more pressure on your neck until there was a cracking sound.

Your neck would crack, and you would die.

That would be the end of his story.

So his path was a bit twisted and she had no choice but to accept his confession. Which made Liz wonder what would happen to the MC if in the future their relationship fell apart?..but that would never be shown in an otome game because it always ends once the love interest and you, get together.

How unrealistic…right?