Chapter 4 - Chapter 4

Chris finds herself running in the woods in the night barefooted panting with sweat rolling down her face.


"Dad where are you?"She yelled and kept on running searching for her father when a huge beast jumped in front of her making her halt .

It's green eyes boring into her, skin as scaly as a snake and claws as sharp as knife ready to cut anything.

It kept on breathing heavily ,it's gaze not tearing away from her.

Chris slowly started moving back with fear ,but every step of hers was met with twice of it's.

With so much adrenaline rush buzzing through her veins ,Chris turned around and picked up speed running as fast as her feet could carry her

"Dad! Dad save me!!"she kept on screaming as she was running, the grunting sound of the beast getting closer to her. The faster she ran, the weaker she became till she couldn't run anymore and fell.

The beast landed so close in front of her,it's breath fanning her face. Fear was gaushing through her body so much that she couldn't breath.

The beast roared so ferociously and was about to chump on her when a man in dark robe with the stench of death all over him appeared and tore the beast apart with his bare hands.

It's blood coating her dress and face

"A day will come when your blood will flow and men will drink"

"A morning.dripping.mirror and blood shall flow ,then your time is near to see the beast of hell"

The man said in cold terrifying voice,when suddenly he started laughing and Vultures started screeching.

Chris screamed so loudly and jumped up waking up from the terrifying dream with her body soaked in sweat.

She tried calming her racing heart and checked her alarm clock ,when she saw that it was still a bit early. Feeling too scared to go back to sleep, she decided to prepare for school nonetheless.


After taking her bath, she picked out a dark hoodie and blue jeans with boots from her wardrope not really caring about her looks.

After she got dressed ,she let her hair down and stepped out of her room without sparing her mirror a glance.

Walking down the stairs, she picked her bag from the rack and proceeded to the kitchen were she made toast and eggs with milk which she was chumping down on when her mom walked into the kitchen with her bedhair.

"You are up early....."She looked at her confused

"Why are you looking at me as if it's impossible for me to wake up early mom" Chris said rolling her eyes at her mom's overexaggeration.

"Well...that's because it is weird" Laura replied shrugging her shoulders

"I thought of making you breakfast before you left but I see you have got that sought out so i will just go back to bed, I have got a huge migraine" Laura replied robbing her throbbing head.

She was about to step out of the kitchen when Chris remembered something and called her

"Mom! Umm.. have you ever read or come across anything about a place called Gorham or something called the forsaken and um....damora?" Chris asked biting her lips nervously.

Laura's back was ridged and she turned around to stare at her daughter

"It's actually for my history assignment" Chris added

" I haven't ,sorry dear" Laura quickly dismissed her and left.

Feeling dejected ,Chris quickly finished her meal and left for school.

On arriving at the school ,she realized that she was extremely early and the only one in school. She made her way to her locker and took out her psychology textbook and stuffed her bag into the locker. She proceeded to her first class deciding to wait their before the school fills up.

She rested her head on the desk and closed her eyes

"What are you doing here so early?" The voice of Mr Dave came to her from the door making her jump to her feet

Looking ahead of her,she couldn't help but notice how he leaned towards the wall in this blue tee-shirt and joggers pants with his dark hair styled back.

'why the hell am I noticing everything about him?'

She quickly tore her gaze away from him, not before noticing the smirk on his face.

"I didn't know it was a crime to come to school early?" She replied sassily crossing her arms.

"Oh!so she can talk, I thought she was dumb" Dave replied with a smirk. He slowly walked into the room with his hands stuffed in his pockets staring at her.

"Are you fine,I mean after that day?" He asked her with a bit of worry lacing his tone.

"A-am fine" Chris replied wearing a fake smile .

Dave stepped so close to her that only an inch separated their two bodies from touching. He looked into her eyes so deeply without blinking, that Chris felt her heart racing and the air in her lungs cut short.

"What do you w-want sir?" Chris asked taking in a deep breath

"Just a taste"He replied , getting closer to her face.

Feeling her face inflame with a rising blush and anxiety ,she kept her eyes shut tight ,with her two hands clutching each other.

When she suddenly felt a warm mouth on her neck which later migrated to a tongue licking her neck making her shiver and step back in confusion and fright.

On seeing how she reacted, Dave gave her space and observed her when he realized something and chuckled

"Were you expecting me to kiss you?" He asked with an amusing smile

Feeling her face about to be inflamed in a blush,she tore her gaze away from him and ran out of the class feeling more stupid than ever.

"What the heck was that all about chris??"She slapped her cheeks repeatedly as she rests her head on the wall in the hallway that is slowly being filled up with people.

"You are so stupid"She yelled at her self

"Why are you so stupid mmh?" Loveth who was leaning on the wall close by watching her spoke making her snap out of her thoughts

"Umm.. nothing"She replied , making loveth raise a brow at her.

"If you say so"she replied unconvinced

"Hey Loveth, chr..woah!"Jace exclaimed looking at chris face.

"What?what's wrong?"Chris asked

"You have got deep eyebags girl, did you sleep at all" he replied looking at her eyes closely.

Sighing Chris brushed off the question with a firm nod.

"Anyway....., girls how about we take a trip to hell?"

Jace said , making the girls halt to stare at him like a lunatic

"Oh come on stop looking at me like that. We need to find Chris father and get answers to our question and what better option than from the king of hell himself" he said

" think Satan is gonna hand him to us as a present for saying hello to him in hell" Loveth said looking at him like a crazy maniac

"And here I thought you were smart,monkey brain"She said facepalming herself

"Hey!!"Jace yelled at her

Chris couldn't help but chuckle at their antics

"I googled last night that we can draw a pentagram and perform a ritual that will actually take us to hell" he said with a firm nod of his head and a proud smile.

"You are going to hell alone"Loveth slapped his head and walked away.

"Quick advice jacey boy, don't believe everything you see on the internet" Chris said laughing, leaving Jace to go to her psychology class that's about to start.


In her psychology class,the teacher kept talking about third eye and brain psychosis but something she said intrigued and captured the attention of Chris

"Mrs Mattew"Chris called our to her

"Yes Chris?"The teacher replied

"You said something about 30%of our dream being more than a fragment of memory or made-up, how possible is that"She asked

"Well, their has been studies of people whom most of their dreams come through.You see our dream sometimes are a concuction of our brain but most are like prophesies you know, either a word or two in that dream,is not just a dream but a prophesy of something that has not yet happened but will" Mrs Mattew replied her.

"Thank you"Chris nodded with a fake smile full of dreed

'so does that mean what I dreamt of will happen or will what that man say happen?'

Chris kept on pondering till classes were over and left for lunch where she hanged out with her best friends in the school garden.

She told them her dream and they all tried to understand the words of the hooded man but couldn't and just let it be, believing it to be nothing more than a nightmare...