Chapter 9 - Chapter 9



"Chris please wait!"

Lust yelled as he ran after Chris in the hallway .

Chris refused to acknowledge the yelling voice, so she speed her walking hoping to reach the safe haven of her room before he catches up to her.

"No one walks away from me Chris!"Lust said as he appeared in front of her. His yelled became two shades darker showing how angry he was.

He doesn't even know why he is trying to explain himself to her,he doesn't even know her well but here he finds himself thinking about her since their encounter. He thought it was because it's been a while he had the touch of the flesh but despite going to the pleasure room and unleashing it all out there,he kept on thinking and wanting her.

This can't be love right?

it's stupid!

he only tasted her once and he wants more were that came from.

"H-how? know what, don't even answer that"Chris said reminding herself that he is a demon as well.

"What do you want 'lust'?"She asked crossing her arms.

Lust took in a deep breath and sighed..not believing what he is about to say

"I just want you to know that, whatever little moment we shared that day was not just a scheme but was real, I felt every beat of your heart and feel the taste of your skin deep in my soul till today"He stared at her with so much emotions on his face .

Chris stared at the man in front of her with so much emotions filling her chest. All it took was just a few minutes with him that day for her to know that she wants him. The feel of his tongue on her,it touched her places she could never imagine.

Seeing so much hidden desires and remorse in his eyes, made her unable to just walk away from him at that moment.

'i hope I don't come to regret this day I didn't just walk away from him'

"Fine! I believe you"She replied him looking everywhere but his face.

Lust face became so bright after hearing what she just said. He couldn't stop himself from hugging her,so he pulled her into his arms and inhaled her warm scent.

" don't know how much I was itching to do this"he mumbled to her.

Chris felt herself melting in his embrace. He smelled like cocoa on a warm sunny day , making her inhale more of his calming scent. She felt like his arms was a place she was meant to always be.

Feeling so drowned in his embrace she forgot their position and were she was when suddenly she recalled what just happened in the dinning room, making her push him away with a disturbing frown etched on her face.

Lust felt confused by her sudden aggression

"What's wrong?"He asked on seeing the frown on her face and how much she bite her lip in concentration.

"That's the problem"She replied remembering the thought she had of eating raw meat and how violently she acted with Elios.

"I don't understand you Chris"Lust replied cupping her cheeks making her stare into his eyes.

On looking into his eyes,she felt like she could trust him with her life, so she looked around making sure no one was around to hear them.

"Can we go somewhere we can talk freely"She whispered to him

Lust frewed his brow not understanding her but he pulled her towards another hallway which lead them to a door . When he pulled the door open,it housed millions of books on rolls and shelf hipped on top one another. It was so wide and high that Chris couldn't help but gasp at the amazing sight before her.

"Wow...this is so amazing,I never knew their was a library in hell"She said with wide eyes touching the books on the shelf which looks really old and full of dust.

"These look so old"She said

"That's cause they are,these books are priced possession of hell,they contain secrets,spells, book of the names of souls stored in hell, and other things as well"he said following the curious girl around.

"That's so cool"She said truly amazed.

"Tell me now Chris, what's bothering you?"He asked turning her around to face him.

"I-its just I have been feeling really off today"She said biting her lips nervously

"Off? How?"He asked

"I have been having dark thoughts and earlier in the dinning room,I craved the raw meat" She said to him,explaining in detail how it started when she was woken up from her sleep by Elios and all that happened till the dinning time.

After hearing all she said Lust was confused

"How is t-that possible?"He said taken aback by what she said to him.

"I also don't know,I mean I just arrived here today and so much has happened that I j..."

"Chris you didn't arrive here today"Lust said staring at her pointedly.

"Of cause I did"Chris said stepping away from him as if he was crazy

"Stop giving me that look"Lust said rolling his eyes

"You sound crazy ,so what do you expect"She said rolling her eyes.

"Chris what's today's date?"Lust asked joining his hands behind him and staring at her pointedly.

"Umm... if am right Saturday,I remember having no school today"She said trying to remember.

"Chris darling today is Monday"Lust said to her calmly.


"H-how the hell is that possible?"She asked shocked

"It takes two days for someone to fully reach hell and make it to Gorham"He said to her.

"Am sure it felt like only minutes before you reached hell but it was more than that,time runs faster in hell Chris,twice as that as the human world" He said to her seeing her disbelieving face.

"On Earth it's not Monday but over a week now you have disappeared" He said holding her hand trying to comfort her.

"B-but?? M-my mum ,she must be so worried,my best friends ,they must all have been looking for me"Chris said sobbing.

"Hey! It's okay"he said wiping her tears.

"What we have to do now is find out why you are undergoing changes only a new fledgling demon should"He said to her.

"What?"His words perking her attention making her stop crying.

"Those things you said are happening to you,are changes only a fledgling demon undergoes and it only gets worse by time chris"he said seriously.

"Fledglings are new born demons,that are transitioning into a full demon where their powers are activated"He said, further explaining to her

"B-but am not a demon,am human?"She said sounding more like a question.

" are human..I think"He said not so sure.

"What do you mean 'i think',we both know am human"She said to him feeling terrified.

"We just need to find out more about this okay, I can give you a few books here about demons,you can read them and I will try to find out more about you and all these" He said to her while picking out a few old dusty books from the shelf.

"How will you find out?"She asked curious

"The fates. If anyone can tell me anything why you are undergoing this transition it's them"He said with so much conviction.

Chris felt scared and worried about everything. She felt like as the minutes go by something in her breaks and changes.

'What will happen tomorrow?'

'Will I just wake up and boom I see the reflection of an ugly beast staring at me?'

So much thoughts flowed through her head making her afraid of going to bed.

"It's going to be fine, just stay out of trouble okay,I will be gone to the Spirit realm to see the fates, it might take me at most 5 days before I get back"He said to her handing her the books .

"Now let's go before someone sees us here ,oh and tell no one about this, not even Elios or Umaera okay?"Lust said to her with a serious face.

"Okay"She replied nodding

They both rushed out of the library, lust took her back to her room.

"Will you be fine?"he asked her about to leave.

"Y-yes "She kept her head down not knowing how she will tell him not to go and how much she yearns for him.

Lust saw how timid became, he stepped away from the door and walked towards her with a sly smile on his face.

"Are you sure you want me to go? We can do something else you know"He said holding her chin up and staring into her eyes.

Chris didn't know where to hide her face. Her neck was already turning a shade of red as well as her cheeks. She felt so shy that she started biting her lips nervously.

Lust couldn't tear his gaze away from her lips as she licked and bit it nervously.

He placed his finger on her lip and gently caressed it, removing it from her teeth.

Chris couldn't breath, each moment she tried taking in air ,all she could inhale was his cocoa sweet scent.

"Don't ever bite your lips In front of me again" he said to her in a deep husky voice,his eyes became so much darker as his face drew closer to hers with every breath of his fanning her face.

"W-why?"She asked breathlessly

he couldn't explain what he was feeling for her, whether it was just lust but he knows he won't just let it go.

lust couldn't believe how much she has influenced him in only a short while.

"Cause I don't think I will be able to control myself next time"He gave her a feathery kiss close to her lips and disappeared leaving a very disoriented Chris to catch her breath.