Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

Chris felt excited and scared at the same time. Her emotions were something she couldn't place a finger on at that moment.

Having the devil In front of her is suppose to make her scared but she finds her self getting more intrigued by him and how different he was instead of scared. She kept on questioning her mental state.

"What deal?"She asked him skeptically

"For my assistance,you will have to give me something in return"Demora said with a relaxed look on his face

"Fine !What do you want?"Chris asked rolling her eyes,not in the least surprised by his cunningness, he is the devil after all.

The devil smiled mischievously and circled her.

"What I want,is actually simple though. All I want is your blood"He replied

"M-my b-blood! Why?"She asked scared that a second person also wants her blood.

'am I gonna be drained dry before i leave here' she asked herself

"Curiosity"He said grinning

"You need to go Cupcake,you shouldn't be caught in this part of the castle"He said to her

"I do have a name you know"She said to him raising her eyebrow slightly.

"I know...just don't care"he said smiling when suddenly he flicked his wrist and Chris found her self in the room she woke up earlier in

Feeling drained mentally, she threw herself on the bed and stared at the ceiling with her mind reliving moments she spent with her parents.

"I hope this is a nightmare,cause I really wanna wake up"She mumbled closing her eyes hoping to take a quick nap.


"Wakey wakey....time for dinner"

Chris heard a song sing voice whisper in her ear.

"5 more minutes mom"she mumbled out sleepily.

"You will be fed to the gore's if you don't wake up!"

The same annoying voice said and that alone was enough to get Chris jumping out of bed clumsily.

"Am up. Am up!"She said with wide eyes

"That ought to get you up"The same voice chuckled

Chris turned around to look at who disturbed her sleep ,when she saw the annoying face of Elios with a grin plastered on his face.

She couldn't explain how she felt but she felt a killing instinct in her as she stared at him. She felt like putting her fangs deep into his throat and tearing it out.

'Woah!!where did that come from?'she mentally asked herself

"What the heck are you doing here?"She gritted out angrily.

"Hmm... waking you up?"Elios shrugged,not understanding her angry tone.

She was about to attack him when he raised both of his hands up , moving back away from the angry catwoman.

"But honestly you are expected to be at the Royal dining table before the king or else you will be fed to the gore's ,it's been a while they fed!"He said to her a bit scared by the dark look she was giving him

"Fine!!Let's go!"Chris angrily stumped her way towards the door when she looked back and saw him still standing at the exact spot he was staring at her with confusion.

"Well! What are you waiting for,? Move!!"She frantically waved her hands in the air

" do know I can teleport us their right!"He said to her scratching his ears looking at her like she was a fool.

Chris felt her blood boil inside of her with rage but she took a deep breath calming herself.

'why in the Lord's name didn't he do that from the beginning!!' she screamed in her mind still angry at being disturbed.

"Ok"She replied calmly and walked towards him.

Elios held her shoulder and together they teleported to the front of the dinning room door.

Chris moved forward about to open the door,when a hand landed on her shoulder making her look back.

"Are you sure you are okay?"Elios asked her with a look of worry on his face.

"Eh...why wouldn't I be?"She asked not understanding his worrying tone.

"Nothing...just wanted to know if you are fine"he replied still staring at her with a frown etched on his brow.

"Ok...."Chris replied pushing the door open and walked in.

Immediately she stepped in,all face turned towards her.

It's seems everyone already arrived before her

Sitting at the head of the table was Demora with Lilith sitting beside him and two other men with a lady. They sat across each other on the table.

Chris felt scared and nervous with how much she felt their gazes on her. The entire room was silent ,so chris moved slowly trying not to make a sound, she kept her head down despite feeling their gaze burn into her skin.

Slowly she moved towards a sit beside one of the men and sat down with her head down.

"You don't need to feel scared,raise your head"The warm voice of Demora reached her ears.but their was a difference with this one,it lacked seduction or mischief and just warmth...

Something she never expected the devil of feeling.

Chris raised her head and slowly looked at everyone on the table.

Across her, she saw the deadly hungry look one of the men was throwing her way. The lady beside him, scarcely dressed,with almost her entire body exposed didn't even spare her a glance and just latched onto the arm of the man.

Chris turned her face and looked beside her when she felt her breath knocked away. She stared wide-eyed at the person sitting beside her and couldn't utter a word. It felt like her voice was stolen, cause sitting beside her in a robe like dress was the new chemistry teacher Mr Dave who looked at her with a flat look on his face.

"Y-you!!!"She pointed a finger at his face, shocked to her bones.

'what is he doing here?'

"It's nice to meet you again Chris"he said shining his pearly white teeth at her.

"This is Lust ,my second son and the second prince of hell and the entire demon world and that's his brother Rage ,the first prince of hell and the entire demon world and am sure you have met Lilith,my queen,the first woman created and the mother of all demons and that's Rosa,a succumbus "The devil introduced everyone on the table to her

"And everyone,this is Chris, a human your mother stole from the human world with the help of your brother"The devil said glaring daggers at Lilith who kept her head down in shame and Lust who wasn't sparing him a glance.

Chris felt like her ears are gonna blow up soon. She felt shocked and just kept on staring at the imposter of a teacher.

"S-ssso you are Lust...'the' lust?"She asked him with shock and a hit of hurt in her voice.

"You were the one who told them about me and my blood,you have been watching me haven't you!?"She said to him recalling the day he licked her neck and came to the school.

'it can't be a mere concidence'

"I didn't go that school specifically because of you. News reached us that a mundane was getting involved in the forbidden tales of the underworld and I was sent to find out who it was and stop them. That was when I found out it was you and about your blood. I told my mum and she ordered you be brought back here,so she sent Elios and Umaera after you" Lust explained.

Chris looked at the man in front of her with anger and a feel of hurt.

'so..he used me.....t-the moment we had was planned?...tch to think I was actually falling in....'

'no,it doesn't matter'

She was snapped out of her thoughts by a voice

"You are a danger to the humans!"Rage who has been quite all this while watching his stupid brother explain himself to a human spoke.

"Your blood is p..."

"Enough!let's eat. Chris don't hold it against him,he had a duty to fulfill" Demora said cutting Rage off from what he was about to say.

Clearing her head from everything,she looked at the table in front of her for the first time.

Placed on the table was a long tray of raw meat with blood smeared on it and dripping on the tray. And Cups full of what looks like red wine.

'am definitely sure that's not red wine'

She stared at the table, feeling sick to her stomach.

"Here,you can have this!"Lust said pushing freshly grilled meat in front of her with a cup of orange juice and salad.

Chris couldn't help feeling warm at the thoughtful gesture.

' can't feel that way,it's his way of deceiving you again' she said to herself.

"When I heard you will be joining us,I ordered a few guards to go into the human world and acquire a few human foods for you"He said smiling slightly at her.

Chris just nodded not sparing him a look. Immediately she started eating just like everyone.

Halfway through her meal,she couldn't help look at everyone as they chumped ,chewed and swallow the raw meat with blood smeared on their lips. She felt disgusted but....

....'why does a part of me..feel so hungry at the thought of eating that' she said to herself gulping down her saliva while staring at the raw meat on the table.

'what's happening to me!!!!?' she asked herself terrified.

'no all that matters is finding dad and getting the hell out of here. my friends, mom they must be so worried'