Isaiah was slammed into the ground. He let out an "Oof," as the wind was knocked out of him. Evan had his hand on Isaiah's chest, holding him down.
"Gotcha," Evan said, panting. The gym was covered in craters and tiny fires from the intense battle that Evan and Isaiah had fought. "I guess you win," Isaiah groaned, letting his head fall back. "Yeah I guess so," Evan replied.
Evan stood up straight and wiped the sweat from his brow. He extended a hand that Isaiah took gratefully. Isaiah and Evan walked over to their friends who were conversing about the fight they had just witnessed. "Why do you never release more antimatter than that?" Corey asked. "If I did, I might blow up the entire school," Isaiah answered. Isaiah lit a fire in his hand.
He immediately threw the fire into the air, where it exploded moments later. "When I create my antimatter, it has the same spin as normal matter," Isaiah explained. "The second I throw it or fire it, the spin reverses causing it to explode if it's in contact with any matter." Corey nodded at this and turned to Benjamin.
"Do you think Evan can win now?" he whispered. "I don't know, maybe," Benjamin replied, his voice equally as low.
The bell sounded overhead, alerting them that it was time for lunch. "Nice," Isaiah said. He pulled out his wallet and looked through it. "I've got enough to get us a feast worth of food," Isaiah said proudly. "I will need some help carrying it though." "Don't worry I'll help," Xavier said. "Yeah, I got you," Charles chimed in. "I'm sure Miles will help as well," Corey said shrugging.
"C'mon, we gotta go so we can get good seats," Benjamin said, turning towards the gym doors that led to the bus port. The group met up with Miles at the football field and he, Isaiah, Charles, and Xavier got in line for the concession stand.
Benjamin walked along the bleachers searching for a good spot. Velena tugged on the hood of his hoodie and pointed up to the top row of seats. "Those are good," Velena said. "It'll give us plenty of space to spread out and eat." Benjamin began to climb the stairs looking around at all the people gathered there. Noticing Evan was missing he said, "I guess Evan went off to get ready." "Yeah no, he left us when we got to the gate," Velena said. They finally reached their spots and sat down.
Benjamin sat down first with Velena and Corey being on either side of him. Jackie sat down next to Velena while Lennox sat down next to Corey and pointed down onto the field.
Evan was doing his stretches when he saw this and waved up at them. "I hope you're happy," Isaiah said, carefully walking up the bleachers towards them with Miles, Xavier, and Charles following close behind. Charles was holding 5 pizza boxes.
He struggled to balance the pizza boxes and stay upright. Corey immediately rose and tried to take some of the boxes out of his hands to help but Charles pulled back saying "I don't need help all these pizzas are for me anyway". "so greedy" Corey said in response.
"Evan already got his food," Isaiah said. "great one less mouth to feed" said Charles. " with you around we might as well be feeding a whole army" said Isaiah who was holding bottles of root beer, sprite, coke, and mellow yellow in a bag. " how do you eat so much and still stay so skinny" asked Isaiah. Charles just shrugged.
Miles started handing out napkins and plates to everyone while Corey started to pass out the food. " you're really not gonna share the pizza" Corey asked. "Nope" Charles replied. It took about 5 minutes for everyone to get their food.
Benjamin had just taken his first bite when a loud cheer erupted around him. Coach Haynes had walked onto the field and was waving at the crowd.
"Coach Haynes sure is popular," Isaiah said, taking a sip of Sprite. "You think? He's won teacher of the year 3 years in a row," Lennox said.
"Welcome students to our last match of the semester," Mrs. Goldsmith said into a megaphone. She was seated on the opposite side of the stadium from them in the announcer's booth. "In the red corner, give it up for Coach Michael Haynes." The crowd roared with cheers for Coach Haynes. Coach Haynes waved at everyone before turning to face Evan. "In the blue corner, give it up for Evan Burgess." This time, Evan got much more applause than he had in the cafeteria. "Seems Evan's public approval rating went up after he defeated you, Benjamin," Miles said, smirking at Benjamin.
"As if, at least I lasted longer than you," Benjamin retorted. "Nah you both just suck, I beat him," Lennox said, shaking his head sarcastically. Both Miles and Benjamin laughed at this.
"Opponents shake hands," Mrs. Goldsmith said. Evan and Coach Haynes walked up to each other and shook hands. There's no way I'm losing to you, Evan thought to himself.
They let go of each other's hands. "Starting positions," Mrs. Goldsmith said. Evan and Coach Haynes went to opposite sides of the field. "Go!" Mrs. Goldsmith yelled.
Evan immediately rushed towards Coach Haynes. Coach Haynes copied this movement and met Evan at the center of the field. Evan swung his sword at Coach Haynes.
Coach Haynes easily dodged the swing and kicked Evan in the jaw.
Evan was sent flying upwards where he stopped time. He then summoned a row of swords, which he sent flying towards Coach Haynes. The swords all stopped before they hit Coach Haynes. Evan unfroze time, allowing the swords to continue moving.
With a powerful burst of speed Coach Haynes knocked all of the swords out of the air. Evan recoiled, not expecting this.
Coach Haynes dashed behind Evan and punched him in the spine. Evan was sent spiraling out of control. Coach Haynes didn't ignore this opportunity. He ran up to Evan and kicked him.
Evan was sent back once again. However, he regained his footing much faster. Coach Haynes ran up for another attack, but Evan was ready. Evan thrust his sword forward, forcing Coach Haynes to avoid the attack. Evan pressed his advantage, repeatedly thrusting his sword forward.
Coach Haynes, however, was able to dodge every attack without even moving his feet. Coach Haynes grabbed Evan's arm mid-thrust. He spun Evan, knocking Excalibur out of his hands. He then punched Evan in the gut. When Evan doubled over, Coach Haynes grabbed his face and slammed his face into the ground. "Give up Evan," Coach Haynes said. "It's only going to get worse." Evan stopped time.
He jumped away from Coach Haynes and grabbed Excalibur. When time unfroze Evan responded, "I'm not the one who's going to lose here." Evan raised his left hand, summoning hundreds of swords above Coach Haynes.
The swords all lunged for him at once. Coach Haynes expertly dodged them all, grabbing one out of midair. He took this sword and lunged at Evan slashing him across the chest.
Evan spat out blood as Coach Haynes landed behind him. I've got to end this now, Evan thought. "Chronobreak!" he yelled as the chains sprang from his hands once again and enveloped Coach Haynes. The chains quickly tied up Coach Haynes and disappeared, freezing him in time. Evan knocked Coach Haynes high into the air. He then summoned 7 swords. Benjamin watched as Evan performed the same move that Evan had used on him. Evan finally slammed Coach Haynes into the ground with Excalibur, creating a massive explosion. Chunks of rock and dirt fell to the ground as Evan stood, panting.
Coach Haynes stood up. He was covered in cuts and his jacket was torn to shreds. "So that's your new move that everyone was rambling on about," Coach Haynes said, nodding his head. "Impressive." Coach Haynes threw off the tattered remains of his jacket. "But now it's time to show you a truly special attack," he said.
Coach Haynes grabbed Evans's head and flung him upwards. Evan was so surprised by this that he didn't even think to stop time. Coach Haynes jumped upwards and punched him further upwards. Coach Haynes then landed and jumped upwards again, this time even higher. He stopped just above where Evan reached the peak of his knockup.
Coach Haynes grabbed Evan and began to propel himself and Evan towards the ground. "Sorye ge gon!!!" Coach Haynes yelled as they went towards the ground. The two of them slammed into the ground at tremendous speed. The impact kicked up more debris, creating a giant cloud of dust.
Coach Haynes emerged from the dust carrying Evan's unconscious form on his shoulder. Coach Haynes walked up to the emergency medical staff and laid Evan down on a cot. "Evan is unable to continue the battle. The winner of this match is Coach Michael Haynes!" Mrs. Goldsmith said through her megaphone.
The crowd erupted into cheers for Coach Hynes. "I hope Evan is good," Xavier said in a worried tone. "After that beating, are you kidding me? He's lucky to be alive right now," Lennox said. He jumped up from his seat and began to run down towards the medical team. "C'mon, we need to go see if he's okay," Benjamin said, getting up and following Lennox.