They finally arrived at the medical tent and saw Lennox waiting outside. "Did they tell you if he's okay or not," Benjamin asked upon reaching him,
"No, they won't even let me inside to see him," Lennox replied, angrily. "Well after a fight like that Evan must be in critical condition. The only thing we can do is wait out here as none of you are trained healing professionals," Isaiah said. "I told him he wouldn't beat Coach Haynes and look who was right," Lennox said, ignoring Isaiah.
"Hey!" Coach Haynes was waving at them from across the field. He was being examined by a healer and the majority of the cuts on his body had been healed already.
Lennox walked up to him and said, "You didn't have to do Evan like that Coach Haynes." "I wasn't expecting Evan to crumple like that, I thought Coach Chrisante had given you all your resistance training," Coach Haynes replied, scratching the back of his head. "No, we're still doing speed training right now," Benjamin said. "That's unfortunate timing," Coach Haynes said. Coach Haynes's attention was pulled away from Benjamin when several students arrived, congratulating him on his victory.
"Let's go check back on Evan," Benjamin said, turning back to Evan's tent. The attendant was just leaving the tent as they approached.
"You may go inside, he is back in perfect health," the attendant told them. The group went inside with Lennox taking the lead. "You good Evan," Lennox asked. "I'm fine," Evan replied. He looked frustrated. "Yeah, you lost, but it's Coach Haynes we're talking about here, what were you expecting," "To win, you idiot," Evan replied, angrily.
Evan slumped over in his bed and looked at his feet. Lennox walked over to Evan and sat down beside him. "I think that Coach Haynes didn't think that he could keep up with you for much longer, that's why he ended it so fast," Lennox explained.
"Yeah, it would take an exhaustive amount of energy to not get KO'd by your special move," Isaiah chimed in, massaging his chin. "Come to think of it, Coach Haynes is getting old," Isaiah continued.
"Had the fight continued, you probably would have beat him," Lennox said. "Yeah, you guys are probably right," Evan said, losing his frustration and anger entirely. Evan jumped out of bed and stood up straight, smiling. "I'm starting to think he's bipolar or something," Corey whispered to Benjamin.
The group walked out of the tent and strode back towards the school. They said goodbye to Miles when the bell rang and went to their next class, only to find that school would end early that day. "Yes," Charles said, punching the air. Charles immediately departed, leaving everyone else at the carport.
Benjamin didn't say it, but he was happy to go home. He waved goodbye as he got into Velena's car and sat down in the back row of seats.
He was already drifting off as the car pulled out of the school parking lot. "Benjamin!" The collective yell of everyone in the car immediately woke him. "We're at your house," Velena said, shaking him. Benjamin grabbed his stuff and got out. "Hey Benjamin," Corey called from behind him.
Benjamin turned around to face him. "How about a practice match between you and me tomorrow?" Corey said, grinning. "Only if you want to lose," Benjamin replied, returning Corey's grin. Corey laughed as the car pulled away and disappeared.
Benjamin got inside and threw his stuff to the side. He jumped into bed and rested his head against the pillow. He dozed off almost immediately, not even worrying about the impending night terrors he would have to deal with from doing so.
Benjamin once again found himself in the void. The light that was there last time was already before him. However, it didn't say anything. The light was just there like he was. It was almost as though the light was staring at him. Benjamin could only stare back.
He was staring so intently that he failed to notice he could see at all. This staring contest went on for what felt like hours, no days.
Benjamin could only see the unending light in the unending darkness behind him. The light suddenly went out leaving him in darker than pitch-black darkness.
Benjamin once again only remained here for a brief time before waking up. He sat up straight in bed thinking about how the light didn't say a single word. Benjamin shivered. How many more dreams like that would he have to endure? Benjamin picked up his phone and looked at the time. It read 3:15. Benjamin got up and pulled off his school clothes from yesterday.
He put on a tracksuit and went into the kitchen. Benjamin made himself some buttered toast and spread jam on it. He finished his toast and turned on the porch light. He finally stepped outside into the cool fall air. Benjamin began to run around the backyard.
He kept his pace until he had run 10 miles. He then did 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats. Benjamin stood up straight and wiped the sweat from his brow. He was finally ready to start training.
"Arise," he said into the darkness. Around him, multiple shadows stood up and kneeled before him. Benjamin then drew his sword, Broken War. Benjamin directed the shadows to attack the target dummy he had outside.
The shadows did as he ordered, rushing up to it and slashing it repeatedly. It'll take at least two of my shadows to take out one Corey clone, he thought. Benjamin recalled his shadow and lunged at the dummy.
He slashed it upwards, knocking it into the air. He then sent his shadows after it which slashed through the dummy. One shadow then knocked it back down towards him.
Benjamin then impaled the dummy on his sword. But he wasn't done yet. Benjamin once again threw the dummy upwards and allowed his shadows to assault it. "Onslaught of shadows!" Benjamin yelled.
The shadows jumped at the dummy one by one and slashed at it. Finally, Benjamin jumped over the line of shadows and slashed it, cutting it in half. Alright, Corey, I hope you're ready, Benjamin thought to himself, staring down at the two pieces of the dummy. Corey just you wait I'm gonna absolutely destroy you Benjamin thought to himself.