Michael was also terrified. However, he had put his trust in God therefore, he stood bravely, ready to take down the creature.
The now transformed reaper left at him, landing directly on the shield and slashing it furiously before retreating back to his spot. The slashed shield started glowing and repaired itself, all the slash marks disappearing instantly till it was as good as new.
This made the reaper even more enraged as it lunged at Michael once more. Michael was ready for the attack this time, his shield was raised to block any attack. However, at the last minute, the reaper suddenly disappeared and a cloud of bats took his place. The cloud of bats flew towards Michael, blocking his view and making it hard for him to see properly.
When the cloud of bats were almost gone, the reaper appeared behind Michael making him lose balance by pushing him to the ground. This caused Michael to let go of both the sword and the shield.
The reaper skeleton was proud of itself for executing such a clever trick making it grin horrifyingly.
Michael quickly got up, sword in hand. However, his shield was nowhere to be found. He looked at the reaper skeleton and saw the shield he was looking for, held in between the reaper's bony piranha teeth.
The reaper shook it's head violently and tossed the shield away from them. Michael gritted his teeth and decided to forget the shield for now. Sword in hand, he circled the reaper skeleton, studying its every move. He couldn't afford to be careless since his shield was now gone.
Michael noticed that there was a core embedded in its spine, right on top of the pelvic girdle. There was also another core embedded in it's leg or knee to be precise.
Based on the current situation, he (Michael) deduced that the core located in the pelvic girdle would be the most fatal place to hit.