When Team Miwa meets grandpa gigi to upgrade their weapon and learn how to control their2energy, They sent to a frozen stone area and rises to transfer they soul and heartbeat quickly as they body flies through the air .
Once they reach the point and get out, grandpa gigi makes their weapon stronger than before and they have to prepare for the next trip tomorrow with teachers. another side that was the Things group that secretly wore such a scary mask with a ghoul and an Oni hybrid to take the heart gem of god and transferred themselves as many creative and destroyed contact objects into their universe to control everything as their goal is nothing and darkness. there is an object between numbers 4 and 5 which is their leader this shadow opposite the light with its crocodile skin and tail like the legend of beast , the finger of pointing to the earth while the 'Team 69 of two generations looks at the dark fire in the sky and they don't know how far they go and they will risk this time.