Chapter 12 - 69 N’2 Goul鬼

Anime Japan

Episode 11

( So far away )

Author Morn kunthea

When Ren's team reaches the middle point, they meet a new team that is good at martial arts and good at unlocking codes that can run into the secret path. And that new group includes Junfeng, Justin, davicy, Chris, Minho and Poker, who are members from new areas like them. Because the towers tilt the pillars from one side to the other, their teams stand in equal balance from the left and right pillars so that when the corners rotate, they can fly to the next floor. This is the height at which they stand 87. Everyone was able to jump into the next space, but Poker finally slipped on the wrong foot, almost falling down, but was helped by Alex and continued to move forward together, the road ahead is very far. The group of girls, now Toka wandering out of the circle from Miwa, encounters Ninna, Ayumi, Henna, who escape from an arrow pump that shoots from the wall with the hunt of a monster monkey in front of her that make Toka felt so scare. But then Ninna ran to grab Toka's hand to escape to the other gate with them. As Miwa tries to find Toka, she encounters a group of monkeys who want to jump and bite her.

69 N'2Goul鬼

Anime Japan


( So far away)

著者モン クンテイア

レンのチームが中間点に達すると,彼らは武道が得意で,秘密の道にぶつかる可能性のあるコードのロックを解除するのが得意な新しいチームに出会います. そして,その新しいグループには,Junfeng,Justin,davicy,Chris,Minho,Pokerが含まれます.これらは彼らのような新しい分野のメンバーです. 塔は柱を片側から反対側に傾けるため,チームは左右の柱から均等にバランスを取り,角が回転したときに次の階に飛ぶことができます. これは彼らが立っている高さ87です.誰もが次のスペースに飛び込むことができましたが,ポーカーは最終的に間違った足で滑って転倒しそうになりましたが,アレックスに助けられて一緒に前進し続けました. 遠い. 美和から円を彷徨うトカの少女たちが,壁から飛び出す矢のポンプから逃げるニンナ,アユミ,ヘナに出会う. しかし,その後,ニンナはトカの手をつかんで他の門に逃げるために走りました. 美和がトカを見つけようとすると,ジャンプして噛みつきたいサルの群れに出会いました.

នៅពេលដែលក្រុមរបស់Renតោងឡើងដល់ចំនុចពាក់កណ្តាលក៏បានជួបនិងក្រុមថ្មីដែលពូកែក្បាច់គុននិងពូកែដោះសោរលេខកូដអាចរត់ចូលផ្លូវសំងាត់បាន។ ហើយក្រុមថ្មីនោះមានដូចជា Junfeng , Justin , davicy , Chris, Minho និង Poker ដែលជាសមាជិតមកពីតំបន់ថ្មីដូចជាពួកគេ។ ដោយសារតែស្ថានហក់តោងរំយោលសសរពីចន្លោះម្ខាងទៅចន្លោះម្ខាងទៀតនោះក្រុមរបស់ពួករួមឈរពីសសរខាងឆ្វេងនិងខាងស្តាំអោយមានលំនឹងស្មើរគ្នាដើម្បីដល់ពេលជ្រុងបង្វិលនោះពួកគេអាចហោះចូលទៅជាន់បន្ទាប់ទៀតបានដែលពេលនេះកំពស់ដែលពួកគេឈរ៨៧។ គ្រប់គ្នាអាចហក់តោងចូលចន្លោះបន្ទាប់បានសំរេចស្រាប់តែPokerនៅចុងក្រោយគេរអិលជើងជាន់ខុសជិតធ្លាក់ចុះក្រោមតែត្រូវបានAlexជួយទាន់ហើយក៏បន្តដំនើររួមគ្នាទៅមុខដោយនៅផ្លូវខាងមុខពិតជាឆ្ងាយខ្លាំងណាស់។ ក្រុមស្រីៗដែលពេលនេះTokaវង្វេងចេញពីរង្វង់ជាមួយ Miwaបានជួបនឹង Ninna, Ayumi, Henna ដែលរត់គេចពីស្នប់ព្រួញដែលបាញ់ចេញពីជញ្ចាំងជាមួយនិងការប្រមាញ់របស់សត្វស្វាកំណាចដែលច្រកផ្លូវខាងមុខធ្វើអោយនាងភ័យជាខ្លាំង។ ប៉ុន្តែពេលនោះNinnaក៏រត់មកចាប់ដៃរបស់ Tokaអោយរត់គេចចូលច្រកផ្សេងទៀតជាមួយពួកគេ។ ចំនែកMiwaព្យាយាមដើមស្វែករកTokaក៏ជួបជាមួយក្រុមស្វាកំណាចដែលមានបំនងចង់ហក់មកខាំវាយប្រហារនាង។