Anime Japan
Episode 15
( Boys )
Author Morn kunthea
A group of 11 men, the same as a group of women, reached the 99th floor, which was miserable and sighing because the floor was white, empty, high, and the floor was closed. As they find themselves under stress, the room begins to shrink and shake, making them dizzy. And as the wall stuck to their limbs and the rest of the students on the ground clung to help their party members, then Ren, kendo, Finn, and Minho, whose special IQ was known as the rotating surface that bounced between the walls. Therefore, if they cling to the figure according to the syllables, there may be a hint and an opening. As expected, the key to the roof was opened by Ren and Minho, pulling the lid open for their group along with another the other students who have little survival on the ground as many of them were each turning left to slip pulls a student who falls into an ice tray and freezes inside. When there was only one floor left, they heard gunshots, grenades of all kinds aimed at them on the floor where they were. Daiki's team meets new smart members like Daiki, Reku, Akira, Noah, Ezra, John, Sam, Bob, Henry, Ji ho and Taro who cling to the ropes and tie them together into a single rope, their strengths special, together overlapping 11-direction rhythms, jump in the center with the locks as many students slip and fall in the hell fire.
69 N'2Goul鬼
Anime Japan
(Boys )
著者モン クンテイア
女性と同じ11人の男性が99階に到着しましたが,床が白く,空っぽで,高く,床が閉まっていたため,悲惨でため息をつきました. 彼らがストレスにさらされていることに気付くと,部屋は縮み,揺れ始め,めまいを起こします. そして,壁が手足にくっついて,地面にいる残りの生徒たちがパーティーのメンバーを助けるために固執したとき,壁の間で跳ね返る回転面として知られている特別なIQであるレン,剣道,フィン,ミンホです. したがって,音節ごとに図にしがみつくと,ヒントや開口部があるかもしれません. 予想通り,レンとミンホが屋根の鍵を開け,グループのふたを開けて,地面に生き残っていない他の生徒たちと一緒に,彼らの多くが左に曲がって滑り落ちた生徒を引っ張ったです. アイストレイに入れて,中を凍らせます. 床が1つしか残っていないとき,彼らは銃声,彼らがいた階で彼らに向けられたあらゆる種類の手榴弾を聞いたです. ダイキのチームは,ダイキ,レク,アキラ,ノア,エズラ,ジョン,サム,ボブ,ヘンリー,ジホ,タロウのような新しい賢いメンバーと出会い,ロープにしがみついて,それらを1本のロープに結び付けます. -方向のリズム,多くの学生が滑って地獄の火に落ちるので,ロックで中央にジャンプします.
ក្រុមប្រុសដែលមានគ្នា១១នាក់ដូចជាក្រុមស្រីៗបានឡើងដល់ជាន់ទី៩៩ដែលជាន់មហាសែនវេទនានិងដកដង្ហើមធំពីព្រោះជាន់នោះពណ៏សទទេរស្អាតខ្ពស់គ្មានកំពស់ហើយជាន់តោងឡើងទៅលើផ្នែកខាងក្រៅក៏បិទជិត។ នៅពេលដែលពួកគេរកពិធីចេញនិងStressដោយទាល់គំនិតនិងភាពទទេរស្អាតំពេចនោះបន្ទប់ក៏ចាប់ផ្តើមបង្រួមជិតនិងក្រឡុកចុះឡើងធ្វើអោយពួកគេវិលមុខជាខ្លាំង។ ហើយជាស្អិតតាមជញ្ចាំងបានជាប់សមាជិតរបស់ពួកគេនិងក្រុមសិស្សដទៃទៀតនៅសល់អ្នកដែលជាន់ផ្ទៃរាបក៏តោងឡើងទៅជួយសមាជិតក្រុមរបស់ពួកគេពេលនោះRen, kendo , Finn និង Minho ដែលជាអ្នកពូកែជាគេដឹងថាផ្ទៃដែលបង្វិលនោះគឺលោតជាភ្លើងតាមចន្លោះជញ្ចាំង។ ដូច្នេះហើយប្រសិនបើពួកគេអោយតោងជាតួរលេខតាមសញ្ចានោះប្រហែលជាមានគន្លិះអ្វីម្យ៉ាងនិងបើក។ អោយដូចជាពួកគេរំពឹងទុកគឺគន្លឹះដំបូលបានបើកដោយ Renនិង Minhoទាញមាត់គំរបអោយក្រុមរបស់ពួកគេចេញមកក្រៅនិងក្រុមសិស្សដទៃទៀតដែលមានចំនួនតិចដែលនៅក្នុងជាន់នេះ ពីព្រោះពេលដែលបង្វិលម្តងៗផ្នែកខាងឆ្វេងគឺរអិលទាញសិស្សដែលធ្លាក់ចូលក្នុងរណ្តៅទឹកកកនិងកកជាប់ក្នុងនោះ។ នៅសល់តែមួយជាន់ទៀតពួកគេចេញផុតសំលេងបាញ់កាំភ្លើងម៉ាសុីនមានគ្រាប់បែកគ្រប់ប្រភេទតំរង់មកពួកគេជាន់ដែលពួកកំពុងតែ។ ក្រុមរបស់Daikiជួបជាមួយនិងសមាជិតថ្មីដែលឆ្លាតដូចជាមួយគេមាន Daiki , Reku, Akira , Noah , Ezra , John , Sam , Bob , Henry, Ji ho និងTaro