Chapter 23 - 69 N’2 Goul鬼

Anime Japan

Episode 21

( First season )

Author Morn kunthea

A group of female students who lost their temper with the uncontrolled shooting got up, set up Miwa's martial arts tactics, traps and brutally kills the robot's head, and reaches the perimeter of a deep pit surrounded by fire. Miwa and Ninna use grenades taken from the robots they killed, explode the pit, fire into the cone and let the other members fire the rest of the robots into the cone, and they will fire through the aisles, causing the robots to fall Died and burned to ashes. Their team passed all 11 members with the highest number of robots they could kill, and the rest of the students entered the classroom as guards. The N2 69 group of students was formed swear ceremony with a mix of Christian rites of the Oni and Ghoul traditions. Ren tried to find his father, not seeing his presence, only the agent, and when he saw Miwa standing smiling at the front of the group female because of her shortest , he was angry and dissatisfied with her face and he also wonders why she can survive and pass the exam. Miwa felt that someone was looking at her, so she turned her back and smiled bigger when she saw that Ren was looking at her, which made Ren turn away, while the poker behind him turned to think that Miwa was interested in him. The gygy teacher, whom they give him nicknamed, was their classroom teacher, and he was also the organizer of the competition. The first season they had to do was an advanced math quiz that they hated so much.

69 N'2Goul鬼

Anime Japan


(First season )

著者 モン クンテイア

手に負えない銃撃で気を失った女子学生のグループが立ち上がって,美和の武道戦術を設定し,ロボットの頭を罠にかけ,残酷に殺し,火に囲まれた深い穴の周囲に到達します. ミワとニンナは,殺したロボットから取った手榴弾を使用し,ピットを爆発させ,コーンに向かって発砲し,他のメンバーに残りのロボットをコーンに向けて発砲させます.彼らは通路から発砲し,ロボットを落下させます. 焼けて灰になりました. 彼らのチームは,殺すことができるロボットの数が最も多い11人のメンバー全員を追い越し,残りの生徒は警備員として教室に入りました. N2 69の学生グループは,鬼とグールの伝統のキリスト教の儀式を組み合わせた誓いの儀式を形成しました. レンは自分の存在を見ず,エージェントだけを探して父親を見つけようとしたが,美和が一番短いのでグループの女性の前で微笑んで立っているのを見たとき,彼は怒って彼女の顔に不満を持っていたです. 生き残り,試験に合格します. 美和は誰かが彼女を見ていると感じたので,レンが彼女を見ているのを見て,彼女は後ろを振り返り,大きく笑ったです. 彼らが彼にニックネームを付けたジジーな先生は彼らの教室の先生であり,彼は大会の主催者でもありました. 彼らがしなければならなかった最初の季節は,彼らがとても嫌っていた高度な数学のクイズでしたです.

ក្រុមសិស្សស្រីៗទប់កំហឹងមិនជាប់ជាមួយការបាញ់ដែលពុំត្រូវតាមលក្ខខណ្ឌ័ងើបក្រោកឡើងបង្កើតក្បួនប្រយុទ្ធតាមជំនាញក្បាច់ប្រមាញ់របស់Miwaដាក់អន្ទាក់និងសំលាប់ដកក្បាលrobot នោះយ៉ាងសហាវហើយមកដល់ចំនុចកោនដែលមានរណ្តៅជ្រៅព័ទ្ធភ្លើងនោះMiwaនិង Ninna ប្រើគ្រាប់ដែលយកបានពីRobotដែលពួកគេសំលាប់បំផ្ទុះមាត់រណ្តៅអោយហូរភ្លើងចូលតំបន់កោននិងអោយសមាជិតដទៃទៀតបញ្ចោតពួកRobotនៅសល់ចូលតំបន់កោនហើយពួកគេនិងបាញរះច្រកផ្លូវធ្វើអោយពួក Robotទាំងនោះធ្លាក់ស្លាប់និងឆេះក្លាយជាផេះ។ ក្រុមរបស់ពួកគេបានប្រលងជាប់ទាំង១១នាក់ដោយចំនួនដែលពួកគេអាចសំលាប់Robot បានច្រើនជាងគេហើយក្រុមសិស្សនៅសល់និងចូលថ្នាក់រៀនជាសេនាការពារ។ ក្រុមសិស្សN2 69ត្រូវបានបង្កើតដោយមានពិធីស្បត់បែបសាសនាChrist តាមប្រពៃណីOniនិង Ghoul លាយគ្នា។ Renព្យាយាមស្វែងរកឱពុករបស់គាត់មិនឃើញវត្តមានគាត់មកចូលរួមនោះទេមានតែអ្នកដំនាងហើយពេលគាត់ឃើញមុនMiwaដែលឈរញញឹមនៅជួរមុខបំផុតរបស់ក្រុមស្រីៗដោយសារកំពស់នាងទាបធ្វើអោយខឹងនិងមានអារម្មណ៏មិនពេញចិត្តទឹកមុខរបស់នាងជាខ្លាំងហើយគាត់ឆ្ងល់ផងដែរហេតុអ្វីបានជាអ្នកអាចរស់និងប្រលងជាប់។ Miwaមានអារម្មណ៏អ្នកសំលឹងមកនាងក៏ងៀកក្រោយហើយញញឹមធំជាងមុនពេលឃើញថាRenកុំពុងតែមើលនាងដែលធ្វើអោយRenងៀកមុនចេញស្របពេលដែលPokerដែលឈរក្រោយងៀកមកចំគិតថាMiwaចាប់អារម្មណ៏ខ្លួន។ លោកគ្រូតា gygy ដែលពួកគេដាក់ឈ្មោះហៅក្រៅអោយជាគ្រូបន្ទប់ថ្នាក់របស់ពួកគេហើយគាត់ក៏ជាគ្រូដែលរៀបចំការប្រកួតផងដែរ។ First season ដែលពួកគេត្រូវធ្វើនោះជាការប្រលងគណិតកំរិតខ្ពស់ដែលពួកគេស្អប់ជាខ្លាំង។