Anime Japan
Episode 12
( Running for life)
Author Morn kunthea
Miwa saw the rope on the ceiling and jumped up as the monkeys tried to grab and pull her legs down, but she was still able to escape, rolling into a small alley where everyone was battling holding the keys. Then she saw that Toka is fighting with Oni, who is big and tall, having a hard time blow her up hitting the ground several times. So Miwa decided to run to help while she could not breathe normally. Ren Tell his team and the new members team to run immediately because this 88th lane turns so fast it can pull them down, there are still big razor blades spinning up and down towards them. Minho, who unlocked the code, hid in a small hole that opened. Since there were only 10 pits, Len was willing to roll over and destroy the diving razor, which was very dangerous. His leg strength was reduced due to the speed of the rotating floor. Finn and the other members come out of the pit to help Ren to destroy the last large razor blade. Their strength is not enough but Junfeng's team came out to help block the explosion on the 88th floor and saw a special staircase clinging to the 99th floor and hurried upstairs at the same time as the rotating speed increased as the storm dragged many students down.
69 N'2Goul鬼
Anime Japan
( Running for life )
著者モン クンテイア
三輪は天井のロープを見て,猿が足を掴んで引き下ろそうとすると跳ね上がったが,それでも逃げることができ,みんなが鍵を持って戦っている小さな路地に転がり込んだです. それから彼女は,トカが大きくて背の高い鬼と戦っていて,何度か地面にぶつかって爆破するのに苦労しているのを見ました. それで美和は普通に呼吸できないうちに助けに走ることにしました. レンは彼のチームと新しいメンバーチームにすぐに走るように言います.なぜなら,この88番目のレーンは非常に速く曲がり,彼らを引き下げることができるからです.まだ大きなかみそりの刃が彼らに向かって上下に回転しています. コードのロックを解除したミンホは,開いた小さな穴に隠れました. ピットが10個しかないので,レンは転がってダイビングカミソリを破壊することをいとわなかったです.これは非常に危険だったです. 床が回転する速度のため,彼の脚の強さは低下しました. フィンと他のメンバーは,レンが最後の大きなかみそりの刃を破壊するのを助けるためにピットから出てきます. 彼らの力は十分ではありませんが,Junfengのチームは,88階での爆発を阻止するために出てきて,99階に特別な階段がくっついているのを見て,嵐が多くの学生を引きずり下ろすにつれて回転速度が上がると同時に,2階に急いで行きました.
Miwaឃើញខ្សែរវល្វិនៅលើពិដានក៏ហក់តោងឡើងស្របពេលដែលស្វាជាច្រើនព្យាយាមចាប់ទាញនិងខ្វាចជើងរបស់នាងទំលាក់ចុះក្រោមប៉ុន្តែនាងនៅតែអាចគេចផុតរមៀលខ្លួនចូលច្រកតូចមួយដែលជាជាន់គ្រប់គ្នាកុំពុងដណ្តើមសោរហើយឃើញថាTokaកុំពុងប្រយុទ្ធជាមួយOniដែលមានមាឌធំនិងកំពស់ខ្ពស់យ៉ាងពិបាកដោយត្រូវបោកខ្ទប់និងដីជាច្រើនដង។ ដូច្នេះហើយMiwaក៏សំរេចចិត្តរត់ទៅជួយទាំងតែនាងដកដង្ហើមពុំទាន់ស្រួលបួលផង។ レン ប្រាប់អោយក្រុមរបស់គាត់និងក្រុមរត់ជាបន្ទាន់ពីព្រោះច្រកជានទី៨៨នេះបង្វិលល្បឿនលឿនខ្លាំងអាចទាញវាត់ពួកគេធ្លាក់បាននៅមានផ្លែឡាមធំៗបង្វិលចុះឡើងសំដៅមកពួកគេទៀត។ Minhoដែលដោះសោរលេខកូដបានក៏បានពួកគេលាក់ខ្លួនតាមរណ្តៅតូចៗដែលបើក។ ដោយសារតែរណ្តៅមានតែ១០ក៏Lenសុខចិត្តក្រឡាប់ខ្លួនទាត់បំផ្លាញផ្លែឡាមដែលមុជនោះប្រថុយគ្រោះថ្នាក់ជាខ្លាំង។ កំលាំងជើងរបស់គាត់ត្រូវកាត់បន្ថយដោយសារតែល្បឿននៃជាន់បង្វិល។ Finnនិងសមាជិតដទៃទៀតបានចេញពីរណ្តៅទៅជួយRenដើម្បីបំផ្លាញផ្លែឡាមចុងក្រោយដែលមានទំហំធំខ្លាំង។ កំលាំងរបស់ពួកគេមិនគ្រប់គ្រាន
នោះទេប៉ុន្តែក្រុមរបស់ Junfeng ចេញមកជួយធាត់ខ្ទប់សងខាងបំផ្ទុះបំបែកជាន់៨៨ហើយឃើញជណ្តើរពិសេសតោងឡើងដល់ជាន់ទី៩៩ក៏ប្រញាប់រត់ឡើងលើស្របពេលនិងល្បឿនបង្វិលកើនឡើងដូចខ្យល់ព្យុះទាញទំលាក់សិស្សជាច្រើនធ្លាក់ចុះក្រោម។