Anime Japan
Episode 16
( We're out )
Author Morn kunthea
Ren starts to get angry with Swear, wondering why the match to go to school or the actual death was so difficult when one of their team was shot. However they are Ghouls and self-inflicted wounds, there are also wounds and bullet wounds. Chris, who was hit by a bomb, had to cut his hair in a rage, then ran and fired a shotgun at the head of the grenade launcher. While Poker and Alex were angry when they had just recovered from their injuries, They were shot so badly that they fell to the ground again and again . So they both used their special powers turn bullet shoot back at the target, exploding the barricade, and the rest of the team used the energy to destroy the remaining guns, with Ren and Davicy pulling the missiles at their targets to direction of the entrance to the entrance, which caused all the pillars of the building to collapse, now only 25 members came out standing on the roof that collapsed to the ground and passed the exam that go to second rounds. Daiki finds the key with his special energy and heads to the line room with his team and new members, while the rest of the students are stuck with chained fire lights are on, and pull their heads down like bats.
69 N'2Goul鬼
Anime Japan
( We're out )
著者モン クンテイア
レンはスウェアに腹を立て始め,チームの1人が撃たれたとき,なぜ学校に行く試合や実際の死がそれほど難しいのか疑問に思いました. グールや自傷傷ですが,傷や弾丸の傷もあります. 爆弾に襲われたクリスは,怒り狂って髪を切った後,走ってグレネードランチャーの頭にショットガンを発射しました. ポーカーとアレックスは怪我から回復したばかりのときに怒っていましたが,彼らはひどく撃たれたので,何度も何度も地面に倒れました. それで,彼らは両方とも彼らの特別な力を使って標的に向かって弾丸を撃ち返し,バリケードを爆発させました,そしてチームの残りは残りの銃を破壊するためにエネルギーを使いました,そしてレンとデイビシーは彼らの標的でミサイルを入り口の方向に引っ張りました ,建物のすべての柱が倒壊した入り口は,地面に倒れた屋根の上に立っていたのは25人だけで,2回戦の試験に合格しました. ダイキは特別なエネルギーで鍵を見つけ,チームと新しいメンバーと一緒にラインルームに向かいます.残りの生徒は鎖でつながれた火の灯がついたままで,コウモリのように頭を下げます.
Renចាប់ផ្តើមខឹងSwearគិតថាការប្រកួតដើម្បីចូលរៀនរឺក៏ការដែលមកស្លាប់អោយពិតប្រាកដហេតុអ្វីក៏ពិបាកបែកនេះស្របពេលដែលក្រុមរបស់ពួកគេម្នាក់ត្រូវគ្រាប់បាញ់ពេញខ្លួន។ ដោយសារតែពួកគេជាGhouls និងជារបួសដោយខ្លួនឯងក៏មានឈឺចាប់និងរបួសដែលត្រូវគ្រាប់បាញ់នោះផងដែរ។ Chris ដែលត្រូវគ្រាប់បែកផ្លោងត្រូវចេះសក់របស់គាត់ធ្វើអោយគាត់ខឹងជាខ្លាំងក៏បានរត់ទាញកាច់បំបាញ់ក្បាលកាណុងគ្រាប់បែកដែលបាញ់គាត់ស្របពេលដែលpokerនិង Alexក៏ខឹងពេលដែលគាត់ទើបជាពីរបួសក៏ត្រូវគ្រាប់កាំភ្លើងបាញ់គាត់អោយរបួសដួលចុះក្រោមរហូត។ ដូច្នេះគាត់ទាំងពីរបានប្រើថាមពលពិសេសរបស់គាត់បកគ្រាប់ទាំងតំរង់ទៅកន្លែងបាញ់វិញធ្វើអោយផ្ទុះធ្លាយរនាំងចេញក្រៅហើយក្រុមដែលនៅសល់បានប្រើថាមពលបំផ្លាញកាំភ្លើងដែលៅសល់ដោយRenនិង Davicy ទាញក្បាលមីសុីលដែលតំរង់មកពួកគេប្តូរទិសទំលុះចូលច្រកតោងឡើងខាងលើដែលធ្វើអោយប្រេះសសរទាំងអស់របស់អាគារនិងអាគារបាក់ស្រុតចុះក្រោមដែលពេលនេះឃើញតែសមាជិត២៥នាក់ប៉ុននោះដែលចេញមកក្រៅឈរលើបំនែកដំបូលដែលបាក់ធ្លាក់មកដីហើយប្រលងជាប់បន្តទៅវគ្គពីរបាន។ Daikiស្វែងរកសោរបានដោយថាមពលពិសេសរបស់គាត់ហើយតំរង់ទៅបន្ទប់បន្ទាត់ជាមួយក្រុមរបស់គាត់និងសមាជិតថ្មីចំនែកសិស្សនៅសល់ភាគជាប់ច្រវាក់ភ្លើងរុំទាញសំយ៉ុងធ្លាក់បង្វិលក្បាលចុះក្រោមដូចសត្វប្រចៀវ។