I knew something was off with the Millers but can't say what. They don't know I am a wolf and can smell or hear when someone is lying, fearing or is anxious. Like Marie this morning she told me that she walked into the kitchen cupboard while making dinner for Sigma her husband last night that's why her face is so bruised. Bull fucking shit! And Mila Lynn that limped to the kitchen and gasped when she catched her apron. That asshole is abusing his wife may I add pregnant wife and daughter that is a genius, it makes me so so mad to think men can do this to women who doesn't fight back and all for power. I was busy telling Alpha Xavier this when I got home after I dropped the girls at home. Xavier I saw how he looked at Mila Lynn and he had the look of lust I may be wrong now, but he is for sure a rogue, but Alpha although his family doesn't know what he is he for sure can be dangerous. "Well then Blake you know we don't like rogues but the fucker isn't a threat to us so let him be, just keep the abusing under a close eye please." Yes Alpha I will for sure, well I need to go I have a good book waiting on me. Goodnight Alpha. "Goodnight Blake and thank you for your help at Dock's".
I went to my house not far from the Alpha's, I ate dinner at Xavier's so I can only take a shower here now. I went to bed with my book by Charles Dickens The trail for murder and read up to almost 2am, I slept in a bit knowing Marie will open Dock's so I was calm. I really felt an attraction to Mila Lynn but not Mate like, almost like a protective attraction like a protecter. And now before someone thinks I am gay or something no, Marie is my mate but married and fucking pregnant due to that filthy rogue oh and human. I would love to tear out his jagular and let him bleed, but Alpha is right he didn't do anything to us and I can't prove he is abusing the girls. I haven't told Alpha Marie is my mate yet, because he hates humans so it won't go down well if he knows that just yet. It's a Saturday morning and I am speeding through the traffic to get to Dock's I can't wait to see Marie, only to be greeted with a full house and Marie who is the cleaner is also helping to serve the tables. I inhale her sweet burnt sugar scent and see she is struggling with a tray, she let it fall and I use my speed to catch her when she trips and fall along with the tray. Mila Lynn gasps but quickly keep her pose. "I am so so sorry Mr Smith I will pay for the damages please deduct it from my salary." Shh it's oky Marie are you hurt? "No Mr Smith I am good thank you and once again I am sorry", please call me Blake and don't worry it's nothing. "Yes Mr... sorry uhhm Blake", I smiled at her and she blushed looking away. "Oh buzz of loser don't touch her or I will call the manager" we heard Clara's voice booming, Marie quickly sprints out with me tailing after her. There's a boy that has Mila Lynn's arm in a tight grip and she struggles against him looking very frightened, he is whispering something to her that makes my blood boil. LET GO OF HER AND GET OUT OF MY RESTAURANT! The boy grinned at her and left, he oddly looked back at me before he round the corner. "Now what the hell was that all about?" The voice of Luke my friend echoes through my head. I don't know man, did you see something off? " No not now, but last night there was a phone call and Mila Lynn answered, I could practically hear the other person breathing and put the phone down, she looked bewildered Blake. Something is up bro, we must inform Alpha".
Fuck! Yeah Yeah we must Luke, will you please? "Sure I will go now"
I can't believe this, I am pregnant freaking 2 months and Mila Lynn is not happy with me which I understand. She thinks I don't know that Sigma hurts her, but I know and tried to stop it but got beaten. I hate Sigma that asshole, but to prevent Mila Lynn from getting severely hurt I please him at what ever he asks of me so we can live in some peace. I am in love with Blake and yes I know he is my boss but damn he is freaking hot and so caring, the women who has him in her life is so lucky. I can't believe how quickly Blake got to me from the door it was like a flash of light and boom there he was. It's noon and I am so so tired, Mila Lynn is send home because of the spook she got from that boy and it's not busy. The doorbell goes of and in walks a man you can literally see and feel the power and dominance he radiates, Blake comes out and smiles at me I see the other man with the powerful aura narrowing his eyes at me. He sniffs at me subtlely and looks rather distasteful at my face, how weird to sniff at someone I thought. "Marie please meet Mr Xavier Valen owner of Dock's" Blake introduced us. I shake his hand and politely excuse myself to go to the bathroom I rather feel a bit ill. I phone Mila Lynn to make sure she is fine and resting but my heart stops when Sigma answers her phone with a sick voice "You know it's rude to interrupt when someone is busy!" And the line went dead.....