Chapter 5 - CHAPTER 4


I am sitting with Tish on the couch and talking about our business weekend away, I have the meeting at Dock's with the staff at 5pm and at 7pm me and Tish has to go to another Alpha's territory for business about rogues. "Ooh boo can we go visit the underground aquarium please?" Tish doll I am not going to make any promises, but if there is time yes. "Oh yeah well I am going to start packing boo, later!." I got up and make myself a cup of coffee when the front door opens and Luke strolls in. "Alpha how are you?" Good thanks Luke and self? "Good thank you Alpha, sir there is a something Blake send me with". Yes? What is it? "There is someone pestering a human female employee at Dock's, we don't know who or why". Fuck this is all I need, fucking humans! Well track him and find out why he is pestering her please.

"Will do Alpha, Blake is waiting on me for your response so I will go" wait I think I will go there myself for this. "Yes sir I will drive you", thank you Luke. On our way Shadow stirred in my head and he was restless, what's wrong buddy? "Xavier I don't feel comfortable with the information Luke has shared and it has nothing to do with the girl being human" Shadow told me. Alright but let's go check it out and then decide, "fine". We stop at Dock's and I get a very faint smell of vanilla and chocolate Shadow perks up and is alert, I enter the diner and immediately recognised the ladies voice who booked my booth for last night. She looks up at me looking so scared and what gets me is her face, no one who has a right mind will do this to another person. She is polite and looks very nice, I can smell her pregnancy but also the vanilla and chocolate smell is faintly on her but not hers. I look at her through narrowed eyes and ponder what to say when Blake introduced us. She shakes my hand and quickly goes to the bathroom, me and Blake smells her fear a mile away but does not act on it. "Alpha there is someone pestering Marie's daughter, he was here awhile ago and he is a wizard sir". What?! Where is the girl now? I've send her home to rest she got spooked really bad by the boy". And the father? "Shit I forgot about him, well I will..." Blake was cut of when Marie came out of the bathroom pale as a ghost. "Sir may I please leave? I don't feel very well" she asked Blake. She reeked of fear and worry. "Yes, everything alright Marie"? Blake asks her. "Uhm yes sir thank you". She left and we looked at each other with a lot of worry we didn't miss the lie. Go Blake, go after your mate I say to him. "W-what how do you know Alpha?" I only smile at him, your my best friend I always know. He got into his car and sped away, well I probably should help the customers waiting. An female employee cames out of the kitchen and gawkes at me when she sees me at the till, I send her a smile and a wink she blushed and kept on working I know she is a young wolf hardly shifted and in my pack.


I was in such a state after that boy left and was in tears, Blake came to my rescue and told me I should come home and rest. I was so grateful but forgot about my dad who was at home, so quickly I made it up to my room and took my pills I forgot to take the last few days and immediately I felt a bit weaker. Dad came up the stairs cursing and slamming against the walls "you fucking bitch you should drink your damn medication, it will suppress your personality disorder." I didn't even know I had a disorder but to please dad I drank it, and I really felt like a zombie. My phone rang and saw it was mom, before I could even answer it dad picked up and told mom she is rude for interrupting him. When he put the phone down, he picked me up by the hair and slapped me "where the fuck is my lunch, or must I buy lunch? Get moving"!. I hated him so damn much that it felt if I were about to burst, I made his favourite fish and chips with coleslaw on the side. It wasn't long before I hear mom's key unlocks the door and boy was I glad, so seeing that it's Saturday I got ready for a walk and read in the park, my relaxation time. When I got to my room I saw Blake's car in the street and I assume he dropped mom home. I put on my jacket and boots, then I grabbed my purse and phone. On my way down I greeted mom and saw she is busy on the phone " bye bye sweety be safe". Always momma I answered her, I left the house and see Blake was still in his car but I ignored it and walked to the park. I took out my book and started to read, my book is about a girl who longs to meet the love of her life. Oh how I wish I can meet mine someone who would love and cherish me, but alas I will always just be Mila Lynn Miller the poor girl who would be able to love me? It was around 5pm when I left for home when I rounded the corner I heard the screams from dad and a loud crash....what was that? Mom I hope you are oky I thought as I start to run....

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