Chapter 9 - CHAPTER 8


Marie baby wake up please I held her in my arms and saw Xavier on the phone. "Koda I need the trackers right now at Dock's", he looks at me and for the first time I see worry in his eyes. Alpha I can't loose one of them, "Blake calm down, no one causes trouble on our turf and gets away with it". Marie stirred and shot up, "Blake he has Mila Lynn he's going to.." I cutted her off with a kiss. We will get her okay, but you need to go with this men when we get her you will be the first to know I promise. She nodded and blushed abit, "thank you so much".I looked at her while Zale took her to my house on the pack grounds. "You will find her or your heads will roll!" I hear Xavier commanded the trackers. I truly hope we are in time and that everything will be fine. "BLAKE! I NEED SOMETHING WITH HER SCENT!" I gave him her work uniform and the trackers sprinted off. I also shifted into my wolf and followed the trackers. After a hour or so Xavier linked me "anything Blake?" No alpha nothing it's like they vanished with her, her home is however havoc and bloody. Xavier roared in my head "just find her, she may be human but she's my human and your Luna" even under the circumstances I smile and say of course Alpha. I picked up Sigma's scent and Mila Lynn's near the old club house, I hear chanted of words and a voice who calls out "tonight I will have power again and I shall forever more hold that power once I turn this human girl into one of us a vampire" I was shocked to my core just as I was about to attack Xavier was beside me looking murderous "Go get her I will get the leech". Sigma sensed us and tried to play victim, before I could get to him he bolted out of here. I looked at Mila Lynn and my heart clenched she is bitten by that fucker twice only one more and she would have been turned into a leech. I gently picked her up and she didn't even stirred, I was getting desperate as I see her face go blue. I ran to the diner with her and patched her up. Xavier came in full of blood but not his, "how is she?" he glanced at her trying to look like he doesn't care but I see his eyes going soft, rough Alpha she needs to get a blood transfusion I answered him back. "Arrange it please, and Blake she will be working at my house for the debt she caused tonight, not at Dock's anymore." Yes Alpha I understand, I will arrange everything just uhhm what about Tish? "I will sort her out, my head is spinning right now with everything just please keep the mate information to yourself" of course Alpha I won't talk, "thanks buddy, I am going to my office oh and Blake keep me updated" he said while looking at Mila Lynn. When Xavier left Marie came running in sobbing and cried out when she saw Mila Lynn. "Who did this to her? She is a in innocent girl with only one flaw she always care to much about other people" Marie please sit down your overworked, by the looks of it Sigma arranged every single thing because he had money troubles" Marie's sobbing became uncontrollable and I hugged her to me, the tingles making me feel good. Shhh baby she's fine your fine and your not going back to Sigma ever again. She looked up at me smiled but it fades, what's wrong? "You have a lady friend, I don't want to cause any problems with the two of you". She got up and kissed Mila Lynn on the cheek, I must be getting home and get some clean clothes for Lilly". NO I yelled and Marie jumped, sorry for that please stay it's not safe to be out there right now. She only nodded and I escorted her to her room in my house, ah here we are please let me know if you need anything Marie. "Thank you Mr Smith I will, but I think everything is here" she said while looking at the room I sighed at the formalities again. Well then Marie have a good night's rest, I will inform you if Mila Lynn is awake. "Thank you so much for everything I appreciate it". I walked to my room feeling sad, I can't tell her she's my mate and she thinks I have someone else this can't be happening I will win her heart slowly.


This man this beautiful hot man broke my heart how should I make money now? It was truly a accident I didn't want to make a mess and loose my job but here I am on my way home a sobbing mess. Mom must be really mad at me and disappointed, I turned the corner to our home when I got picked up harshly and felt my wrist being bitten. I screamed and felt a soaring pain through my face when they hit me, I screamed again when I hear my mom "don't touch her Sigma please help her please". I watched how they beat mom and then they cutted me and beated me then a man's voice boomed "let's move I want my girl". That voice made me sick only to feel a bit again, I couldn't talk and now I only hear a beep beep beep noise. I tried to open my eyes but couldn't, I hear that hot man's voice "I will sort her out, my head is spinning right now with everything just please keep the mate information to yourself" I fell into the dark abyss when I listened to his descending footsteps and thinking what is a mate?...

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