Last night in Levi's room...
"Lucifer has something that Mammon wants, something he'd kill to get. I'm referring to Mammon's credit card, which Lucifer took away from him." 'Really, a credit card? I mean I get it, Mammon loves money, but a stupid credit card?' I gave Levi a doubtful look.
"...Hey, I see that look on your face, and I know what you're thinking, "A credit card? Pff, why would he care so much about something like that?" Well, you've got no idea just how much he depends on that thing." Levi started rubbing his chin as if trying to remember something.
"Let's see, what did he used to call it again? "My one true love"? It was something like that. It was like he thought it was a woman. He probably named it. I bet he even slept with it. Gross. That idiot used it constantly. Never stopped. Eventually, Lucifer had had enough of his behavior, so he confiscated it. There's nothing Mammon wouldn't do if it meant getting his credit card back, I'm sure of it." I just nodded my head in understanding as Levi had a serious look on his face. 'You didn't have to tell how he would've treated his precious credit card. It's bad enough that I have a mental image of Mammon being NAKED when he knocked you unconscious.'
"So, listen up. I want you to talk to Lucifer and find out where he's hidden it. Of course, he can't suspect anything. You've got to be subtle, like it happened to come up naturally. Make sure you do a good job, or else!" Done talking, Levi got up from his bean bag chair, grabbed me by the arm, and tossed me out of his room. I got up off the floor, turned around, and caught the door before Levi could close and lock it. "Could you at least tell me where my room is please?" Sighing, Levi gave me directions to my room.
Back to the present...
"What is it, Daisy? Is there something you want to ask me?" I was fidgeting under Lucifer's gaze, nervous about asking Lucifer where he hid Mammon's credit card, even in a subtle way. "I'd like to know more about Mammon, since he is going to be watching over me and all." Playing it safe, I thought of how learning more about Mammon would be helpful, even after finding his credit card. 'Plus, I really am interested in knowing more about Mammon.'
"Mammon? Why do you want to know about him all of a sudden? Still, I guess it's only natural, considering he's the one assigned to look after you. Mammon is my brother. I don't want to say anything unkind about him. So, I'll try to be sparing in my criticism." I braced myself for what I was about to hear as Lucifer cleared his throat.
"He's pure scum. The scummiest sort of scum. Pure, unfiltered, disgusting scum to the point that I'm embarrassed to call him a fellow demon, much less my brother. ...So, any particular reason you asked, or were you just curious?" Shocked at the few, yet immeasurably hurtful insults about Mammon, I almost didn't respond to Lucifer's question. "Um...what sort of weaknesses does Mammon have? You see, yesterday he ditched me after having an argument with Levi about money, and I want to give him payback."
"Are you implying that you think I know his weaknesses, and can exploit them when I like? Because I suppose that is true in a way. However, that's not the only reason he can't say no to me. As long as we're on the subject, it just so happens that I've taken one particular weakness of his and frozen it." Just as Lucifer announced this, the bell rang and many students were on their way to the next class.
"That's the first bell. Class is about to start. Time to get going. You'd better hurry too. You don't want to be late on your first day here." Lucifer smiled politely at me before leaving. Not wanting to be late, I rushed through the hallways to get to my next class on time. As I made my way to the classroom, I kept thinking of what he said. 'Lucifer has taken one of Mammon's weaknesses and froze it. Is he talking about the credit card, and if he is, does he know what I am planning to do?'