Chereads / progress of little / Chapter 67 - letter

Chapter 67 - letter

To my sweet, cute, adorable, perfect Itsukie~

I'm writing this right now in the kitchen as you stood in the living room with your tie blindfolding you.

You may be wondering

"Daichi why are your writing this? and why are you so handsome?" And I can offer and answer to both.

To the second question it's because I am THEE Min Daichi.

And as for the first there are many reasons.

And I'm hoping this makes them all clear.

Itsuki ,

I know you probably don't know this or won't believe this but you changed my life.

You became a person I could rely on and feel comfortable around in a city I was all alone in.

I used to just sleep my days away which wasn't healthy but then you came and gave me a purpose and a reason to do something else.

Your beautiful voice, charming personality, adorable giggles and perfect everything saved me from a depression I've been in since I was young.

You didn't let me be your friend because of family business or because of money.

You let me become your friend because...

well I don't know really.

But you did and I'm grateful.

You became someone I can rely on and I want to be someone who can be the same for you.

I want to be someone you rely on at your most vulnerable and come to at your weakest.

I want to be the person too you that you are for me even though you don't realise it.

You saved me.

Saved me from just carrying on with my pointless existence and you gave me a reason to exist.

I didn't even realise I needed saving until I met you and somewhere in that process you stole my heart which I was always very shy to express just how much you stole up until we became official because I'm not good with expressing my feelings in person.

You've changed me though, or at least I hope so because you deserve all the love in the world and more.

The whole time I've been here I haven't made plans to go back home and always cancelled when I did but you reminded me how nice it is to actually have people around, which you'll always be my favourite, and well.

Because of you I made plans for the first time since I moved out here to go to Daegu and visit everyone i haven't seen in person in such a long time.

So the first purpose of this letter was to invite you too come with me when they come to visit because I'd love you too meet the other important people too me and then if your comfortable come with me back so the other people I love get to meet the person I love most (aka you, you sweet smol ball of fluff.)

And the second is because of a brief conversation from this morning.

With what I've said I wanted I've managed to achieve in big space by becoming your boyfriend and hopefully winning your heart.

In little space though I haven't managed to win that role yet so Park Itsukie ,

(I'd only ever write this for you)

Can I pleaseeeee~

Be your Care giver?

And yes I did write all of this in such a small time gap, whilst holding a conversation, whilst being extremely nervous about this because I wanted it to be perfect for you which is why this was preplanned and memorised.

So how about it ?

Yes Or Yes

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