Chereads / Lawyer Leaving / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Lawyer Leaving

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

If I run anymore my legs are gonna fall off. Why do I run? I hate running! I run to escape my demons, but it doesn't seem to be working today. That is why I am still running even though I stopped being able to feel my legs over a half hour ago. I am just going to have to live with my demons today though, work is calling and being late is not an option. Get home and get myself into the shower before I collapse and off to work I go, to spend the day with the last person on earth I want to spend my day with.

I have a great job don't get me wrong. I am one of the top prosecuting attorneys in Brazos County, Texas. I absolutely love my job or I did up until about two weeks ago. My boss quit because of health issues and we were all very excited to have our new boss arrive. That is until he walked through those damn elevator doors, his name is Bronson Redford. I hadn't seen him in over fifteen years which is kinda the way I liked it. When someone leaves you high and dry at the altar they really aren't someone you ever want to see again.

Bronson and I were high school sweethearts, we did everything together. We planned our wedding for the summer after our graduation. I thought my life was perfect until that fateful July evening when in front of all of our family and friends I waited for a man that never showed up. I was completely devastated and it took me over a year to pull myself together and get out of our hometown of Colorado City, Texas. Where there were maybe a total of 5,000 people all looking at me with such pity in their eyes, I finally couldn't take it anymore and just left and drove to a city big enough I could easily get lost in. I did get lost for a while, and then pulled myself back together and went to college and graduated with top honors. I have been making something of my life and here he comes to ruin it!

Well, he doesn't actually know we work in the same office yet. He stills seems to be getting used to his new position and he has not seen me. Of course I have been doing everything in my power to make sure that it stays that way. He also won't recognize my name because I did get married, it only lasted six months, but my name is no longer Maddie Rogers it is Madison Doughtry a name that he has never heard. I know at some point we are going to have to see each other or I am going to have to find a new job, but I have worked so hard for this job I can't just give it up now.

"Hey Madison are you alright?" Alice my best friend and coworker snapped me out of my revelry.

"What's that Alice, oh I am fine was just lost in thought."

"You have been lost in thought ever since our new boss arrived. He is pretty huncky but you are always so straight laced, has someone finally gotten under your skin."

"Ha not hardly," I haven't told Alice that our new boss is the same guy who left me at the altar. "I haven't even been introduced to the man, Alice and he isn't someone to get all worked up about."

"Well why don't you go meet him. He is super nice and seems genuinely concerned with making sure we have a great working environment to do the best work we can."

"No thank you, I have enough on my plate right now than to add worrying about our new boss."

"Come on Madison, you are one of our best attorneys, he is going to meet you eventually."

"I know, but not today. I have cases to prepare now get your butt back to work yourself."

"Oh fine, but you really are gonna have to meet him. And I still think you have a thing for him!"

"Go away." Alice left with a wink. Yeah I got a thing for him alright, it's call a colt 45!

Surprisingly the day went by rather quickly, of course I am swamped with work so that could be why, and the rest of the week followed the same. With relief I closed down my computer and shut everything down for the weekend. It really had been a long week and I seemed to have made it another week without having to come face to face with the big boss man. Sent Alice a quick texts asking about drinks tonight and headed out the door.

Drinks sound great. Let me finish up and meet you downstairs.

Sounds good to me. Huh another text what's up now?

Mr. Redford is looking for you. Seems you are the only lawyer here he hasn't met yet.

Oh Shit oh shit oh shit, come on elevator hurry up. Wait what if he is on the elevator? Should I take the stairs or will that really make it seem like I am avoiding him? What am I supposed to do now. I could hide behind that desk over there, No I am not a child. I will take the elevator and if he happens to be on it so be it.

And of course as luck would have it when the doors open I am staring into the most gorgeous grey/blue eyes I have ever seen. I have always thought they were amazing though, and his eyes hide the complete dog that he is. But the look of shock on his face is absolutely priceless. "Hello Mr. Reford, it is so nice to meet you."

He steps out of the elevator and I step in. "I do have a prior engagement though and can't stay. I hope you have a wonderful evening." And the elevator doors are closing with Bronson still looking completely shocked. I truly thought I was going to make a clean get away until at the last possible moment his hand reached through the elevator door to get it to open back up.


Shit! "I am sorry, I am Madison Doughtry!" He seems surprised at my anger, but it also seems to snap him out of his shock.

He smiles as he steps back into the elevator. "Hello Madison."

Why does his voice have to be so deep and sensual? "Hello Mr. Redford."

"Really Mr. Redford?" I have placed myself on the opposite side of the elevator but that space seems to be shrinking by the minute, because he just took a step towards me.

"Don't Mr. Redford. You stay right where you are. You do not know me and I do not know you, not anymore anyway."

A pained look just flittered across his face before he composed himself. "I apologize you are right. Maddie was a naive high schooler where you are a very grown up women."

"Excuse me? Naive high schooler are you serious? I swear to God Bronson if you take one more step closer to me you will not like the consequences."

"Yet that fire that Maddie had in high school still seems to be in the women before me, and look she magically knows my first name again." And Bronson took another step. There is scant inches between us now and I am having to look up to see him.

Crap! I am not a short women, but Bronson is well over six foot and even with my 5'9" frame I have to look up to see him. "I am not kidding Mr. Redford you are invading my personal space."

"Oh Bronson sounds way better coming from your lips dear." He reached up and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear.

Why is my heart beating so fast? This man almost destroyed my life! Get ahold of yourself Madison. "That is harassment, you cannot touch me without my permission." Almost to the ground floor, why is this elevator going so slow.

Bronson's hand is now in my hair caressing my scalp, we are a hair's breath apart. Ding, oh thank God the elevator doors came open just as my knee connected with the object between Bronson's legs and I just ran. Like a little kid running away from the boogy man I ran. I got to my car in record time and never looked back. I almost forgot to meet Alice at the bar, but that would have required a lot more explaining that I was willing to do so to the bar I go.

"Madison are you sure everything is ok? I haven't seen you drink this much since college."

"It was just a really long week is all."

"Aha, did you meet Mr. Redford?"

"We ran into each other on the elevator."

"Isn't he to die for, were there sparks between you is that why you are so worked up?"

"I am not worked up, and you could say there were sparks. I will probably be looking for a new job come Monday."

"What? What in the world happened."

"There were sparks they were just not the good kind and I may have somehow hurt his manhood."

"His manhood, you mean you kneed him in the balls? Oh my God Madison what in the heck did you do that for."

Maybe I shouldn't have had so much to drink tonight. I am spilling way more than I ever wanted to, oh well might as well get this over with. "Yeah um Mr. Redford and I have a bit of a history together."

"I knew there was something there! Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I have told you before just never called him Mr. Redford." I just watch Alice as comprehension slowly came.

"Him! Mr. Redford is that dirt bag that left you at the altar! How can he, what is he, how dare he work with us!"

"From the look on his face when he saw me I am pretty positive he had no idea I worked at the DA's office. He was genuinely surprised to see me."

"Then he what, made a pass at you! Oh don't give me that look there is only one reason you would knee him in the balls and he had to be pretty dang close to you to do that anyway. Wasn't hard to figure out. He is lucky as hell that is all you did! I have a mind to head back over there and give that man a piece of my mind."

"He has left for the day Alice, besides what good would it do. I knead my boss in the nuts can't really get any worse than that."

"He deserved it! If he even tries to fire you for that we are going to sue him for harassment. As a matter of fact we should file charges anyway and get him canned."

"Alice calm down, I love what I do I don't want to taint it with my past. We are going to let this alone and if I am looking for a new job then I am looking for a new job."

"How can you even stand to be working in the same building as him? And with him as your boss?"

"You know I pretty much work independently unless I have a problem with a case, and then there are a number of other lawyers that I can go to if I need help. He may be my boss but I don't have to see him hardly ever."

Alice just gave me a look like I am delusional and maybe she is right, but I don't want to give up my job. "Oh whatever Alice, I don't want to quit so we are going to figure out how to make it work!"

"Sure thing, I am sure you will have no problem being professional around someone that completely ripped out your heart." Alice's eyes just got as big as saucers and she is looking towards the front door of the bar. "Um Madison?"

"No, no way, he hasn't seen us yet has he?"

"He is looking right at you, he zeroed in on you the moment he walked in the door."

"SHIT!" I threw some money on the bar, grabbed Alice's arm and headed out the back door."

"What are we doing?"

"Leaving what does it look like."

"Madison you can't drive! You have had way too much to drink."

"But you haven't, we will pick my car up tomorrow." But just as I reached for the handle on the back door of the bar someone else reached for my arm and their grip is a lot stronger than mine. Alice's eyes just about popped out of her head when she looked up at him.

"Mrs. Wright, how is your evening?"

"A lot better than yours is gonna be Mr. Redford."

He just smiled and said, "can you possibly give myself and Mrs. Doughtry a minute alone?"

"Absolutely not!"

Bronson still hasn't let go of my arm.

"Maddie can you help me here?"

Maddie? Maddie? Again with the Maddie, I reared back and swung at him, but of course he just caught that arm too, "MY NAME IS NOT MADDIE! AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME THAT!"

"Fine Mrs. Doughtry can I please have a moment of your time alone?" He said.

"She will not be spending any time with you alone, and I suggest you give her back both of her arms." Alice said. Man I do love that girl, but this is her boss too. Crap, I don't want this to escalate more than it already has.

"It's ok Alice I will be fine." I can't jeopardize her job too. Bronson did release one of my arms though, progress.

She immediately looked questioningly at me, "are you sure Madison I can stay, I have no problem staying?"

"It's fine, go home and I will talk to you tomorrow, please."

The please is what got her, I hardly ever say please. "Ok, talk to you tomorrow." Then she backed out of the bar, eyes on Bronson the entire time!


"My name is Mrs. Doughtry, you have no right to use my given name!" I haven't even turned to look at him, and why do I feel like my arm is on fire where he is holding it?

"Maddie turn around."

Oh that did it, I turned around ready to deliver a nice blow to the cheek which he completely expected again and grabbed my arm again, so much for progress. "You son of a bitch. How dare you touch me."

"At this point you aren't really giving me a choice. If I let you go do you promise not to try to hurt me in anyway?"

Damn right I do, and as soon as you release me I will make a beeline for the door and leave your ass just standing here! "I will not retaliate against you at this time."

"Nicely done, but I wasn't born yesterday. I am not letting you go until you also promise not to run away from me again."

"I didn't run away."

"Lets not start lying now, you couldn't have moved any faster leaving me in that elevator."

"Fine I will not run."

"You will not leave until we have a chance to talk."

"You have no right to tell me what I can and cannot do. You are nothing but my boss and this is after work hours!"



"Alright Mrs. Doughtry will you please sit and have a drink with me?"

"I have already had enough to drink tonight."

"Then just sit with me."

"Fine five minutes!"



"I will settle for ten but no less than that."

He has to let me go, there is a heat slowly crawling up both my arms now and if it doesn't stop soon this will not be the conversation I prefer to have with him. "Fine ten minutes."

We walked over to one of the booths in the back corner of the bar and sat down and thank God he let me go. "What do you want Mr. Redford?"

"Come now Madison, that just sound ridiculous."

"Truly that is how you want to start this conversation? Calling me ridiculous?"

"Sorry, your right."

"I'm what?"

"You are right, I should not have said that."

There is a lot of things you shouldn't have done damn it! "ok."

"I am sorry I cannot call you Mrs. Doughtry it just isn't you."

"It is me, but for the time being you may call me Madison. But only for the next ten minutes, after that I will always and forever be Mrs. Doughtry to you."

"I can live with that I suppose."

Huh, why did that statement disappoint me? Oh well worry about that later. "What do you want Bronson?"

"I want to apologize."

"For what exactly?"

Again that look of sadness or maybe guilt just passed over his face, but Bronson put his mask back up perfectly. "I must apologize about my behaviour in the elevator this evening. When I was heading up to meet the Mrs. Doughtry I had heard about since my first day as DA I never expected you to be standing on the other side of that elevator when those doors opened."

"To be completely honest I was hoping you weren't on that elevator."

"You knew it was me this entire time haven't you?"

"Does it really matter? You are the last person on earth I ever wanted to see again and lo and behold you became my boss."

"I didn't know you worked there Madison."

"I know, and we will figure out a way to make us working together work. But you may not ever touch me again, do you understand me."

"I do am I am truly sorry, surprise just got the better of me and I lost control."

Should I be swelling with pride knowing I made him lose control? NO Madison you should not. That is a dangerous path and I do not want to head down that. "Fine, from now on we will have a completely professional relationship. You are my boss and nothing more. That girl you knew died a long time ago."

"I know, and I am so sorry for that."

"Don't the past is the past for a reason. I moved outta there so I would not have to revisit the past ever again and I have no intention of revisiting it with you."

"Madison I messed up." He said as he picked up my hand.

"Bronson no, you made your apology and I am going home. Good night Mr. Redford, I will see you at work on Monday." I got up and walked away, we didn't use up our allotted 10 minutes, but Bronson didn't try to stop me. I almost turned around but I knew that would be a horrible mistake. I grabbed a cab from out front and went home. As much as I may not like it Bronson Redford is back in my life and it would seem he is there to stay.