"Hardly my last card to play, but definitely my strongest, so can we end this already?" The bolts that were previously floating above Chavez flew to the ground and connected. An immediate bright flash of light revealed... a child.
"Ahhhh," the little kid stretched and yawned, "what took you so long to bring me out hmm Chavez?!"
"I thought I could handle it myself, sorry, really!" Chavez rubbed the back of his head and smiled.
"Save your apology for after we're done here, this girl has quite a few tricks up her sleeve, it sounds fun!" Thie kid giggled and jumped up and down.
"Now that your in your demi-human form though, don't let her cut you, I'm sure you've been analyzing everything about her so you know why." Selena whinced at Chavez warning to the child.
'Why is there a child in the middle of this? Are they serious?' Selena was visibly confused.
"You must be confused miss, my name is Sharur, one of 3 Destroyers!" The little boy smiled and waved his hands.
"A destroyer?" Selena only became more confused.
"For a Forge master you really aren't knowledgeable in the creation of weapons at all huh?" The kid kept laughing, it looked like he'd roll over the way he laughed at Selena.
Chavez chimed in. "Destroyers are weapons made by the emperors will, capable of leveling entire nations. As far as anyone knows, there are 3 confirmed Destroyers, Sharur is the 3rd."
"Why is it a child?" Selena lowered her guard for a second.
Just as Selena lowered her guard she was thrown off of the bridge by an extremely powerful force.
She managed to catch herself in the air and place soul beneath her feet so that she had a solid place to stand, but that force scared her the way it came out of nowhere and pushed her so far.
Selena got lucky she could catch her bearings so fast, her falling into the ocean would have been the end of the fight, as she didn't know how to swim.
The kid began to float towards Selena with clenched fists and opened his mouth to yell something.
"I am NOT a child!!" Sharur charged at Selena through the air.
With nowhere to go in the open area, Selena remanifested her soul projection to get in the way of Sharur.
Sharur opened his eyes wider like he saw Selenas soul being projected, he blasted right through it with a headbutt and then straight into Selenas stomach.
Selena was sent backwards hurtling towards the open water. She screamed and reached out to grab the air, just barely grasping a soul platform as the tips of her feet dipped into the water.
The boy above her laughed and rolled in the air.
"Are you for real?!" He was gasping for air laughing so hard. "Your scared of the water!?"
"Shut up you damn twerp!" Selena lifted herself up onto her soul platform. She was trying to think of a way for her to get around the this 'Sharur' without being thrown into the ocean.
The skill and power gap between them were insanely obvious, on top of that she'd still have to find a way to deal with the spear hero once she got back to the bridge.
She wrapped herself in her own soul to start. It would minimize damage done to her if she was hit so that she didn't have to spend more soul healing, she couldn't afford to take many more fatal blows.
Selena attempted to force her way around the child with her improvised shield and makeshift platform. Ideally all she had to do was reach her sword and she could hopefully stand her ground, until then however, she'd have to focus entirely on defense.
The boy stood there and watched her go past him, but just as she was about to reach the bridge she was hit back to where Sharur was.
She had been looking at Sharur the entire time not paying attention to what was in front of her and more worried about what the kid would do or if he would do anything at all.
She looked back at the bridge to see Chavez standing on the edge, with several large rocks in his hands. With his spear fighting in front of him itself, he needed to improvise a weapon, the rocks are likely all he could find to fight from a distance.
Selena then looked down to where she stung to see another hole in her armor and soul shield, and a rock in her stomach.
Selena was already well aware of the spear heros throwing strength at this point, she needed to get her sword soon or she would die a pathetic death by the hand of a child and rocks.
Selena suddenly felt several shakes coming from the side of her hip. Looking down to see what it was she was surprised to see the Scabbard of 'Spectre' shaking violently.
The scabbard seemed to whisper to her every couple of breathes...
'Use me.' The scabbard would whisper.
Selena didn't see what a scabbard would do, she wasn't the one who made it after all, the emperor made it as a way to hold her sword because it had cut every other scabbard or sheathe it lay in.
She pulled the Scabbard from her hip and held it with both hands, she wouldn't have done all of this in the open of course. After getting hit with a couple more rocks and punches from the kid as a result of her lackluster reflexes and dodges she had concealed herself with her soul armor and hid under the bridge for a moment, just one moment to catch her breath.
The scabbard felt oddly excited exactly how 'Spectre' had been earlier in the fight. It made Selena feel creeped out and weird, but at the same time the happier she felt the scabbard grow, the stronger she felt.
Her overwhelming sense of difference in powers started to change, and she actually thought she stood a chance against Chavez and his destroyer.
She got into her stance with the scabbard that she normally would get in with 'Spectre'. She moved the scabbard up and down, the sheathe after all had a different weight and feel in her hands then her sword did.
As she was warming up and preparing to attack with her newly acquired weapon she felt a shiver go down her spine.
She immediately jumped forward and reacted by turning around and swinging with her scabbard, she didn't feel it connect with anything, but just a second or two later, a portion of the bridge in front of her crumbled away into dust and fell into the ocean below it.
"I found you!" Selena turned around again to see the child standing in the air right next to her, smiling.
"That's an interesting weapon you have there, instead of stealing souls like your sword does, the sheathe seems to provide such an abundance of soul to something that it ages hundreds of years and crumbles away....I'm sure glad you didn't hit me with that!" The child laughed for several seconds before going quiet.
Selena was shocked about the reveal of her scabbards powers, even she didn't know what it had done until now. The emperor probably made the Scabbard with the swords abilities in mind however, and the sword couldn't cut the scabbard because it couldn't steal soul faster than the Scabbard could produce it.
Selena wildly swung at Sharur, hopfully It would only take a couple of hits with the Scabbard to take the child out of the fight for good.
Sharur of course however, dodged everything Selena threw at him effortlessly, as if he could see her attacks before she even knew how she was gonna attack.
He couldn't actually see into the future as helpful as that would be. What he could do however, was see Selenas soul fluctuate when she decided on a course of actions.
There were a finite amount of possible outcomes for everything Selena did. All Sharur could do was see how Selenas soul responded to the outcomes it experienced and move accordingly. This was also the same ability he used to go straight through Selenas soul projection.
Sharur grew tired of dodging after a little while and decided to counter, after dodging Selena one more time he ducked beneath the scabbard so that he was looking at the underside of the bridge and palmed Selenas chin.
Selena shot through the bottom of the bridge and back out to the top flying in the air for a moment before smacking on the concrete.
"Your really no match for it huh?" Chavez walked up to Selena as she lay on the ground. She was gasping for air because it had been knocked out of her when she hit the concrete again.
She looked up at Chavez with a disdainful look in her eyes. Her jaw was hanging and she had no teeth in her mouth, blood covered her entire face. Sharur had broken her jaw, and was just a couple inches off from also breaking her neck.
Sharur came up through the hole that he'd threw Selena out of.
"Of course she's no match for a destroyer! But watch out, she still has tricks with that Sheathe." Sharur giggled.
"But she couldn't do anything to you?" Chavez had never seen the power of the destroyer spear, this was his first tike releasing it.
"No silly! I'm not that weak!" Sharur seemed genuinely offended.
'They are just toying with me.' Selena thought. 'If I could just reach my sword...'
Suddenly a thought struck Selena, why hadn't she made a new sword? She always carried metals on her and she still had her sheathe. She could sacrifice 'Spectre' to create an entirely new sword. She wouldn't even have to be touching her original blade to sacrifice it sense she is the one that made it.
While she was at it, it was time to give her armor an upgrade. She could mix the metals she had left after making a new sword, her original wooden-bamboo armor, and the metals from the bridge.
As she began to form her plan the scabbard at her hip began to glow a violent dark blue. She had awakened the scabbard and gave it a name, with that name came the weapons first named ability, an ability that would give her the time she needed to reforge a new sword and new armor.
She healed her jaw and teeth so that she could speak, but not healed all the way. Just the bare minimum she needed to function normally.
"Hades: Helheims Furnace!"
Hades, her scabbard, enveloped Selena in the dark blue light, It was almost like Tar was covering her as Sharur and Chavez watched it happen.
"Chavez! Stop her now!" As Sharur bounded towards the Selena he barked at Chavez to move.
Chavez reacted as soon as Sharur said something and threw the rock in his hand as fast as he could.
Just before either them could hit Selena, the light around her disappeared, and with it, so did she.