Chavez felt an Aura coming from Selena. Or maybe it wasn't her aura, but her new sword instead. Maybe it was her new armor?
The armor had quite the design, it shined brilliantly as it reflected the sunlight above all around her. The armor looked like it was designed for more than just blocking blows though, weird.
Whatever the aura was coming from, it smelled dangerous. Chavez stepped into a defense stance and looked at Sharur.
Sharur as mentioned before when awakened stole the life from things around it. Of course as it's only just been awakened, it isn't quite mature yet and it's life stealing drawback is severely weak right now.
One major downfall about awakening Sharur is that the more exited it gets, the more mature it gets, the "older" it grows and looks, the more dangerous it becomes.
Sharur was ecstatic right now, for someone that Chavez had originally thought of as weak.
It didn't matter how strong that armor made her though, she couldn't have gotten strong enough to cross the gap between me, sharur and her, not in just 36 seconds.
'She looks calm though...and tired. She has bags under her eyes and her body language isn't the same as before. Just what happened when she disappeared?'
"Sharur, be careful and think about what she did while she was gone before you jump in!" Chavez was analyzing selenas armor, but he couldn't tell much from the looks what it would do.
"SHUT UP!!" Sharur barked at Chavez.
The ground around Sharur cracked and broke. Pieces started floating around him before merging with his body. His long blonde hair floated and lit up, turning to flames. He grew several feet taller and became just a bit bulkier. The white garments he'd been wearing stretched with him but didn't rip, it seemed that they were meant to be stretched like this.
Sharur flew towards Selena, Chavez only saw a blur before the 2 clashed.
Selena immediately sheathed her new sword, and then drew it as Sharur flew at her. She split sharur in half the second he touched the tip of the needle.
Chavez's couldn't believe it, he stood there shocked and dumbfounded.
Selena looked Chavez in the eye as she sheathed her blade.
Chavez jumped back looking for a weapon, his eyes falling on a concrete slab that was broken off of the bridge. He picked it up and readied himself, the slab was weak against people as strong as Selena at this point, but he could possibly use it to distract her.
Selena looked as if she was ready to pounce at Chavez, but just as she jumped a hand reached out and grabbed her ankle from behind her.
Steam could be seen from where the hand had grabbed her.
"We ARENT done yet!" Sharurs voice screeched through the air.
Selena was raised into the air and thrown back through the bridge, breaking through the entire thing and hurtling straight towards the water before catching herself in the air.
Chavez was again confused, for one, how did Sharur survive being split in half? 2, how did Selena catch herself in the middle of the air like that?
Selena now stood and looked back up at the hole she was thrown through, she crouched down and jumped as high as she could before again standing in the air, she repeated the process until she was back onto the bridge.
'Not a scratch on that armor of hers...' Chavez thought this was weird after she'd literally gone straight through the bridge.
"Again!" Selena yelled at Sharur who stood there staring at her as she'd came back up through the bridge. His smile grew wider and more wicked as the fire on his head turned from a ferocious orange to a calmer blue, calmer yes, but still a wild flame.
Sharur lunged at Selena again like he was following her orders.
The expected outcome came, they clashed again, Selena flying backwards going through some posts and concrete. She would stand up, bark something at Sharur and repeat.
Something wasn't right to Chavez, he could feel it.
'If she could was able to half Sharur earlier why is she now just tanking his hits? Something doesn't feel right about this.' Chavez ran towards where Selena had stopped again waiting for Sharur.
"Sharur! Stop! She's hiding something!" Chavez yelled just before Sharur and Selena clashed again.
Sharur looked at Chavez just before he hit Selena again, he knew it too.
As soon as Sharur hit Selenas armor he was blown into dozens of pieces. What was thought to be blood covered selenas armor and Chavez.
"What the hell...." Chavez staggered back before regaining his composure again. Whatever just happened didn't matter, he needed to find a way around it.
"You scared yet?" Selena had a blank stare on her face looking at Chavez, no emotion showed at all.
"Of what? You? Don't be ridiculous!" Chavez laughed as sweat dripped from his forhead.
"Magic is powerful....I wish I knew more about it. If this is the extent of just leftover scraps then imagine what I could do with an endless supply!" Selenas wide smile appeared again, but she still had that blank color in her eyes.
"Magic?" Chavez took a slow and quiet step forward analyzing selenas armor more.
"The emperors magic. This armor and sword were made from just bits and pieces of the scabbard that he made and infused with magic." She looked at the scabbard that held her sword now.
"Sounds...disgusting." Chavez stopped walking forward. It felt like he was gonna throw up. Her mentioning the emperor so casually made it feel like he was watching him and moving his cold linky fingers around his entire body, he felt like he was suffocating.
Yes, Selena had been the cause of his villages disappearance, but this was still the indirect cause of the emperor. Surely he knew of selenas abilities and that there was a village nearby that would happily help her and she wouldn't be able to contain her powers.
Chavez thought that there was no need to fight anymore if he couldn't bring back his people. He'd thought this whole time they were in the emperors palace, locked away.
There was only one more hope Chavez could find. If the emperor was as powerful as Selena is making him out to be, then he could be able to bring back Chavez village anyway!
Selena had mentioned earlier that her town had also been massacred and that the emperor could reverse it somehow. If Chavez could beat him then maybe he would comply and bring them back. If Chavez could beat him.
First off, Chavez would have to beat his enemy here, Selena.
Chavez looked Selena in the eye, determination in his eyes, he couldn't be scared of something like this. He still had much bigger things to deal with, Selena was just a stepping stone in his journey.
'I have to believe Sharur can regenerate from that and deal with Selena on my own for a bit.' Chavez was about jump forward before he noticed something.
Selena grabbed the hilt to her sword with her right had, her scabbard with the other. She stepped back and crouched slightly looking at Chavez. She did not move from this position for several seconds as she locked eyes with Chavez.
Chavez remembered the stance that Selena was in, she first used it to cut Sharur clean in two. When she used it she had moved instantly as sharur flew at her. Chavez had barely managed to see Selena un-sheathe the blade and cut through Sharur.
She didn't seem to move at all in her stance. When Sharur earlier charged at her she immediately cut him, but maybe that's because he got inside her range?
Chavez took a couple steps forward before quickly kicking up a stone and throwing it at Selena, which of course, was cut clean in half. Even the ground had a perfectly symmetrical slash directly I'm front of her.
"You figured me out then?" Selena got out of her stance as she sheathed her sword again.
"It wasn't hard." Chavez dashed at Selena now. He'd thought about it, but why hadn't she just kept on cutting Sharur instead of waiting and taking hits? She could have just been trying to show off her armor but he didn't think that was the case. He thought that she might have to charge such a strong sword attack before using it, and that maybe the sheathe charges it. Sharur didn't just get destroyed by that her sword though, which means her armor does still have an ability that needs to be figured out.
'Once she was in the stance, she probably couldn't exit the stance until something or someone entered her range or "zone". Once they were I'm this range her body would automatically react and cut whatever was there. She likely made this ability so make up for her slow reflexes, and it worked before I figured it out.'
He aimed straight for selenas stomach, it was one of the only places on her body not covered by the mysterious armor.
Of course, Chavez was nowhere near as powerful as Sharur was, or as fast. Selena reacted and grabbed Chavez arm as it made contact with her. She pushed down on Chavez arm shoving him towards the ground and into the bridge.
Chavez had blacked out for a moment. He became to relaxed after figuring out selenas ability, that was his mistake.
Chavez slowly pushed himself back up, fighting through all the pain he felt, it looked like the medicine was already wearing off. He felt several sharp jolts on his right side, he couldn't tell what it was but it hurt like hell.
He finally stood up and staggered around for a couple seconds. Selenas push disoriented him quite a bit, and his vision was blurry along with having a migraine.
He looked to his right where he felt the pain and tried grabbing onto his side, but his arm didn't move.
To he exact, it's not that it wouldn't move, it's that it wasn't there anymore.
He looked back at Selena holding his right arm in her hand. She'd pushed Chavez down while still holding onto his broken right arm, the force had separated the two.
"Your supposed to be the Spear Hero, Chavez. You'll have to do better than what you have been, show me more..."
"Make this exciting for me!"