"He could barely keep himself together and I was only gone for a couple minutes, what an embarrassment." Sharur looked down on Selena.
"Your being awfully bold for something that got cut just as he did." Selena put her hands on her scabbard.
"I figured your trick out, it won't happen again. I've evolved past a mere weapon, and as I've seen from Chavez fight with your armor, you seem to be able to reflect weapon attacks like mine. You stored up the damage I gave to the armor and released it."
"Your no longer a weapon? That's ridiculous, you can't just stop being what you were created as." Selena took several steps up to become eye level with Sharur.
"It's not ridiculous, allow me to show you."
Sharur vanished before selenas eyes as he finished speaking.
Sharur appeared again in front of Selena and threw an uppercut at her jaw. Selena wasn't expecting a frontal assault from a 'weapon', especially if they knew her armors ability.
Selena clenched her jaw before Sharurs blow hit her throwing Selena off of her platform and onto the bridge.
Selena blacked out as she fell only regaining consciousness when she hit the bridge again in front of Chavez, who quickly acted and did not give her a chance to get up.
Chavez slammed his foot into Selenas back and broke through several layers of the concrete below her and breaking her back.
She healed right away of course and tried to get up and dive out of the way of Chavez's blows but was stopped by sharur again.
Sharur grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up before throwing her back into the concrete.
This time she was only a couple layers off from falling through the bridge and had dozens of broken bones beneath her now dented armor.
She quickly healed and jumped out of the new hole in the bridge trying to gain a tactical advantage in the air against Chavez so that she only had to fight Sharur.
She hadn't taken as much damage as she normally would have because of her armor. If her armor recognized something as a weapon it absorbed most of that impact as opposed to blocking or negating it. When both sharur and Chavez hit Selena into the bridge, the armor recognized the bridge itself as a weapon. It couldn't recognize living things as a weapon though, which is why it could never absorb Chavez's hand to hand combat and why it can no longer absorb Sharurs blows, he must have 'evolved' as he said he did.
Sharur quickly grabbed her ankle as she flew out and threw her back at Chavez who raised his fist and brought it down against the side of selenas head.
She shot head first back into the bridge, where she had the least amount of armor. Her neck broke on impact with Chavez hand, when she broke through the bridge she broke every bone in her face that she could think of.
She healed her injuries as she found them going from head to toe. She'd used a lot of soul healing and was running low. Selena would have to find a way to get more soul as the fight progressed.
Sharur appeared to her right at the bottom of the bridge and kicked her back up through it before Chavez caught her at the top by the neck, instantly crushing it.
Selenas eyes rolled back into her head and her body went limp before Chavez finally dropped her onto the ground.
"Make sure you finish the job this time."
Selena spoke from her limp position on the ground as her eyes slowly rolled forwards again.
Chavez fell to his knees as Selena raised herself up. She seemed to rise as he fell.
"Your so easy Chavez." Selena scoffed and looked away seemingly looking for Sharur.
He looked down to see why his knees had buckled to see selenas blade in his stomach, it had gone completely through him. It hadn't cut him in half luckily as Selena did not use her guaranteed strike, she had simply drawn her blade and stabbed him.
His loss of his sensation of touch had stopped him from feeling the blade as Selena stabbed him. Even if he couldn't feel the pain however, his body was still affected by it. His body was already shaking previous because of the heavy blows he'd gave Selena repeatedly.
"Chavez don't you dare die there!!" Sharur yelled as he appeared in front of Selena. Sharur wasn't teleporting or using any type of trick to appear in front of Selena, he was just that fast in his current state.
Chavez grit and grinded his teeth. He couldn't quite feel it happening but he was conscious of it. He couldn't feel the pain of the stab but he could see all of the blood rushing from his stomach onto the concrete beneath his feet.
Sharur kicked Selena in the stomach sending her dozens of meters back as she ripped the sword from chavez. As he kicked her he could have sworn he saw her smile.
He touched Chavez wound in his stomach. As soon as he touched it steam came from Chavez stomach. Sharur heated up his hand more and more as he touched Chavez wound until the stab was completely sealed. He had taken advantage of Chavez not being able to feel anything at the moment.
Chavez regained his composure and lost a little of the wooziness he'd felt just a couple moments ago. He'd still lost a lot of blood, but it wouldn't get worse for the time being.
Chavez and Sharur both dashed to were Selena was pushed away and immediately went on the offensive throwing blow after blow against her and pressuring her slowly off balance.
Normally, Selena stood no chance against a blitz from both Chavez and Sharur. Just one of them was tough to handle for her. She had an ace up her sleeve here however, just before being pushed she had attached soul strings to both Chavez and Sharur without being noticed, and these strings had been slowly taking small bits of soul at a time from both of them.
Every punch or kick that damaged her from Chavez or sharur she could heal using their souls, she could refill her own reserves and slowly kill both of them at the same time.
Neither of them would notice what was even happening until it was to late and their soul was almost completely gone.
But...something was wrong. After a couple minutes both Chavez and Sharur had only sped up and strengthened their assault.
Sharur smiled.
While Selenas soul reserve had been filling up, sharur was taking the strings from Chavez and himself so that Selena got his soul. He constantly feeds off of the life around him, he couldn't direct it very well, but the life force in him would always fill until there simply was no life around him.
In other words, this battle of attrition could go on potentially forever with Selena stealing soul from Sharur and sharur constantly gaining life force from things around him.
'It looks like she's noticed Sharurs ability, nows the time then.' Chavez jumped in the air and brought his leg down on Selenas head.
Selena manged to get her hands up in time to block, but wasn't quick enough to react to the attack coming from sharur as well.
Sharur spun around and kicked Selena in the ribs, tearing apart most of her stomach.
As Selena was kicked in the ribs her guard from above released and Chavez was able to land a clean strike on the neck, breaking her neck again and knocking her unconscious.
Selenas body was shoved into the concrete bridge and slumped to the side, Chavez and Sharur stood above her both breathing heavily.
"So what's next?"