Chereads / Welcome Home! / Chapter 8 - First Words

Chapter 8 - First Words

Named Abilities. These were special powers that certain sentient objects granted to their users using some of their own power.

These sentient items or weapons, even armor, can all gain Named Abilities through experience and being used. The user that holds them however, must have a particularly strong will to manifest these abilities within an item. They were not created often, new ones were quite rare and obviously had more potential to grow the more the user grew.

'Gungnir' was one of these Named Powers.

Rather than an attack, Gungnir manifests into a form, a form of the gods.

From the light portal from the sky, 2 lights shot down to the earth.

These lights floated around Chavez, in a few seconds his body was surging with electricity, his hair stuck up and his body stung all over.

He wasn't immune to the lightning that covered his body, he wore special clothes for abilities like this, clothes that resisted the elements. The clothes of course weren't enough for lightning of the gods, this was another reason for the aluminum splint, it would attract the electricity to a specific part of his body so that it didn't physically harm him as much, he still gained the benefits of the form of course.

The lights that circled him revealed themselves to be thunder bolts, they were previously the spear that Chavez threw to the sky, it had split into 2. If the point of this form was to become faster, then 2 spears were certainly better then one.

Not only did Chavez receive a massive speed increase, the speed of lightning, he gained the ability to switch places with both of his new spears, there was no known limit to the amount of times he could do so.

'This feels amazing!' Chavez thought.

He laughed out loud.

Chavez grabbed one of the lightning bolts above his head, and tried dropping it to weigh it, not only did it not respond to the normal laws of gravity, it seemed as if they responded to his hand movements, if he moved his hand up then the bolt would go up, the same with any other direction.

"Get ready girl, I'm coming!"

Chavez grabbed the bolt and threw it at the girl, who immediately moved to cut it with her invisible blade, having the reach advantage, she must have thought this was nothing for her.

She was wrong.

The lightning bolt passed right through the soul blade and into the real sword. The metal the sword was made of was extremely conductive and didn't have any trouble passing completely through to the girls hands, shocking her with 300 million volts.

She immediately dropped the sword and her eyes suddenly opened for the first time since the fight had began.

"Finally! Thank you for freeing me and all, but damn that hurt!" The girl spoke for the first time.

Chavez ignored the girl speaking and switched places with the lightning bolt he'd thrown, he'd thrown it into the sword on purpose, so that he could disarm the woman, but he kept the bolt inside the sword so that he could move the blade away from her.

As soon as Chavez was in front of the girl he withdrew the bolt from the sword and kicked her in the stomach, throwing the bolt again as she flew backwards from the kick.

He switched places again behind her, as the bolt was faster then her being kicked through the air was. He raised both of his hands up, calling both bolts back to his hands and slamming them into the girls back.

She slammed into the ground cracking the bridge beneath her. The bolts received zero resistance as they went into her and shoked her with approximately 600 Million volts.

She coughed up blood and attempted to catch her breath, she was visibly on the verge of losing consciousness.

Chavez didn't give her a chance to catch her breath however, he didn't want to risk her using another of her special powers as dangerous as they were.

He kicked her in the stomach and again recalled the lightning bolts as she flew against the concrete to the other side of the bridge, hitting the bridge post. Chavez could hear a loud crack come from where he kicked her.

'If I'm right that just broke her back, and if I'm lucky then it also broke several ribs.'

"Whats your name girl?" Chavez asked her as he walked up to where he'd kicked her.

She was starting to foam at the mouth, the lighting had done a number on her.

'She probably hasn't had any time to heal yet, lucky me.'

The girl sat up and leaned against the side of the bridge.

"My name...," she coughed up more blood, "is Selena..."

"Your strong Selena, why are you fighting for him?" Chavez reached where he kicked Selena and stood over her, his presence was very overwhelming in this form.

"Who are you referring to exactly?" She smiled a bit.

"Don't play dumb girl, the emperor, what did he offer you to defend this bridge? He's more than capable of defending it himself I'm sure." Chavez frowned.

"I want to bring my city's people back, he's offering me that chance...when I was about to give up, his majesty offered me a chance to bring them back, and all I had to do was stop anyone from crossing this bridge."

Chavez was quiet for a moment. He hadn't ever thought that he would fight someone that had gone through the same things he had. The emperor had gotten to her first however, he was manipulating her, Chavez was sure of that much.

"What If he's lying to you?" Chavez asked, he was genuinely curious about her response.

"Why would such a powerful man lie about having more power?" Selena truly believed that if she stopped people from going into the palace, that the emperor would uphold his part of the deal.

"Tch, expected. The emperor has you wrapped around his finger, he's an evil man, not a righteous one. He doesn't help people or give to them, he only takes." Chavez was growing angry, he was mad at the emperor, and everyone that followed him, how could they follow such an evil man? Especially so if they knew of his evils?

"He gave me opportunity, you don't know what it means to be able to save my city's people...what it means to me!" She coughed up more blood.

"I believe I do, the emperor is responsible for wiping my entire village off of the map, I'm sure I'm not the only one to lose their home to that monster either, but I'll be the one to kill him!"

"Your upset because some backwater village got destroyed? I lived In an insanely populated southern imperial city, a city full of the best blacksmiths and forge masters to ever have lived! I made a mistake and now I have to correct it, it doesn't matter how i do it, you could never understand that!" She strained herself to yell, but her voice grew quiet again.

"Backwater village? It doesn't matter what outsiders thought of it, RiverEdge was my home, I lost everyone because of the emperor!" Chavez was screaming at the girl, he didn't want this conversation going any further, all he wanted was information on the emperor.

"RiverEdge?" Selena felt her soul in her sword laugh, laugh maniacally. Her heart dropped as she remembered the village.

"The emperor didn't do that...I did."